Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 131 Moirai, Goddess Of Destiny (Asking For Subscription, Asking For Flowers, Asking For Mont

"Zeus, you can't escape."

In the vast sky, after throwing Typhon.

Poros approached step by step indifferently.

Still shrouded in colorful light, Zeus looked painful and horrified.

Looking coldly at Yuankong, he said: "Three goddesses of fate, is Typhon your last resort to defend Zeus?"

The 'King of Destruction' was raised high.

The deep realm of destruction suddenly opened, and Poros released a terrifying ray of destruction.


The terrifying black rays fell majesticly towards Zeus.

The surrounding void is annihilated!

Just as the king of the gods, who was suffering endlessly, tried to avoid it with a frightened face amidst the colorful light.

Three solemn figures in white robes.

Appeared in front of him with a sigh.

A mighty force of fate blocked the ray of destruction.

"'Fire Stealer', in a short period of time, you have already been promoted to the original level."

"We thought that Typhon's strength was enough to resist you for a while, but we didn't expect that he was easily knocked down by you.

"But in fact, we don't need to be enemies. Some things are not impossible to talk about..."

The three goddesses of fate, Atropos, Lachesis, and Crotor, said with a sigh.

Their words changed the expression of Zeus behind him.

There was a bit of interest in Polos' eyes.

"Oh, what are you goose about?"

The three goddesses of fate looked at each other.

Then Atropos quickly said: "Although we don't know your real identity, nor the reason why you targeted Zeus."

"But it is expected that it is only for the ruling power of the court.

I heard that you call yourself 'Fire Stealer', which means that you want to steal the eternal fire of God's Court and usher in a new era. "

"The reason why we want to save Zeus is because he has other uses.

As long as you can promise to let Zeus go, we will take him away, and the whole court will be yours!"

"Leave the whole court to me, and you only want Zeus himself?"

Poros looked at the three of them slowly, his tone seemed hesitant.

And behind the three goddesses of fate.

Zeus, shrouded in colorful light, looked extremely ugly.

Even the expression of intense pain disappeared, only livid.

The three goddesses of fate actually used him and his god court as bargaining chips to make a deal in front of his face.

What does this mean to him?

A strong sense of humiliation rippling in Zeus's heart inside and out.

His eyes almost burst into flames.

Of course, the three goddesses of fate can also feel the change (bhbi) of his emotions, but no one cares.

When Zeus completed the contract with the gate of ignorance.

His own will is no longer important.

All that matters is who he is.

Poros saw this too.

He sneered and said: "It seems that the rumors of Shenting are true. You three goddesses of fate are the real controllers of Shenting. The so-called God King is just your puppet."

"Hehe, these are not important."

"The important thing is your choice..."

The Three Fates stared closely at Poros's dark eyes covered by a mask.

"Your proposal is very touching..."

Poros let out a faint laugh.

"But.....I refuse!"

The calm and decisive words made the smiles of the three Goddesses of Fate freeze at once.

"Refused, why?"

The three of them were somewhat incomprehensible.

Because seizing the rule of the gods has always been my secondary goal.

Killing Zeus is the immediate goal!

Poros said quietly in his heart.

He has never forgotten his sister Athena.

It was Zeus who swallowed his mother, Metis, and let her perish in that dark place forever after giving birth to two children.

Zeus must die!

What's more, the three women, the Three Goddesses of Destiny, are mysterious and mysterious, and there is no credibility in what they say.

They want Zeus, the purpose is not pure.

Poros thought of the power of the several root rhythms mixed in the colorful light.

He said coldly: "There is no need for a reason, I want God Court, and Zeus wants him to die!"

"So we can't talk about it?"

The eyes of the three goddesses of destiny also turned cold, staring deeply at the dark and strange figure in front of them.

Angry in my heart.

They thought that the three of them would make such a concession.

The unknown who is not under fate in front of him should also be satisfied.

Zeus is the necessary container to lead the door of ignorance, and he must not die now.

Uranus could still be used as a backup before, but now it has been confirmed that he is firmly held by Gaia and is not reliable at all.

The other Cronus was in Tartarus, an abyss they dared not enter.

There is only one choice for Zeus.

Handing over the entire Divine Court to you is already the biggest concession.

Let you enjoy the addiction of being the king of gods.

As for how long it will take, after those ambitious guys from the Gate of Ignorance come out.

Will it find you a mere source of origin and take away the right to rule the world?

Then it has nothing to do with our three sisters.

But how dare you refuse!

Is it just based on your original and primary personality?

The eyes of the three Goddesses of Destiny were terribly cold.

"'Fire Stealer', you'd better think clearly, this opportunity is only once!"

"We can give you another chance!"

"Give me a chance?" Poros smiled.

Under the pitch-black cloak, he lightly spread out his palm and raised a finger:

"That's a coincidence, I'll give you a chance too!"

"Give Zeus to me, and I will spare you!"

The voice just fell.

The figure of Poros charged towards the three of them like lightning.

The 'King of Destruction' in his hand erupted violent and turbulent rays of light, pouring down like a waterfall.

The three goddesses of fate were caught off guard.

In an instant, he was swept by this terrifying ray.

The dignified white robe was stained with divine blood in the blink of an eye.

"'Fire Stealer', you seek death!"

Angry roars burst out from the mouths of the three.

Crotor, who looked the youngest, waved a big wooden stick in front of him.

But under the heavy blow of the "King of Destruction", the goddess of fate was knocked down in an instant.

Poros rushed to the other two.

At this moment, there was a loud roar suddenly from behind, as if something terrifying was approaching.

"Typhon, stop him!"

Atropos shouted his orders.

Typhon, the father of all demons, climbed up from the huge pit, his eyes were a bit dazed.

There seems to be resistance to this order.

But soon an invisible vine loomed over his body.

This made Typhon rush towards Poros without hesitation.

"Little bug, die!"

He struck boldly.

With Typhon, the huge meat shield.

The three goddesses of fate quickly retreated to the rear.

The three looked at each other, gritted their teeth and said:

"Use that trick, let this one think that he has been promoted to Yuanyuan.

The arrogant and ignorant god who thought that no one could be controlled, understood the true strength of the goddess of fate.

The three of them stared, and gradually stood back and forth in a row.

The three figures in white robes, the old, the middle and the young, faintly began to flash alternately, and the invisible power of fate lingered.

Slowly, the figures of the three overlapped.

A mature, dignified and cold face emerged vaguely.

If Gaia, Nyx and other gods who have experienced the age of ignorance were here, they would definitely call out the name of this face at this moment.

"Milae, Goddess of Destiny!".

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