Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 137: The Truth Behind The Gate Of Obscurity (Please Subscription, Flowers, And Monthly Pass)


Gaia let out a low cry.

The thick and deep night is embellished like countless bright stars and gems.

The charm of peaceful sleep and tranquility revolves around the phantom intertwined with the earth, mountains, ocean and sky.

The whole world is in an instant - into the night.

Deep in the thick night sky.

The thick black long skirt fell down, and a hazy and illusory figure of Ana slowly emerged.

Eyes as bright as stars, calmly focused on Gaia.

Invisibly, there are two stalwart auras.

Make a shocking collision.

The boundless land rumbled, and the sea and mountains rippled.

The thick night hangs over the vast sky, and the sky is full of stars.

Up and down, let all the life between the earth and the night.

Regardless of the gods or the mortals, they all feel the oppressive force of the sky collapsing.

It seems that the sky and the earth will be merged into one, and the world will fall into eternal darkness.

"Goddess of the Night... She also walked out of Hades, is she going to fight the Earth Mother with the Lord of Hope?

The gods were horrified.

Then suddenly understood.

It turns out that all of this is actually an ancient game between the Earth Mother and the Evernight Goddess.

The earth mother system occupies the mainstream of the world and dominates the entire universe.

But the night series gave birth to such a powerful existence as the Lord of Hope.

Naturally unwilling to be suppressed by the Earth Mother.

Therefore, the main hope is to subvert the gods, become the king of the gods, and let the dark night line replace the earth mother line.

The gods felt themselves fully aware of the truth.

In the vast void.

Poros came to the graceful figure walking out of the heavy night, and gave a slight salute.

Nyx showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

The quiet and deep eyes are still looking at Gaia's cheek.

"Gaia, at the end of the age of ignorance, you were lucky enough to make a profit and create a divine court to rule the world.

But when did the gods of my dark night family become the so-called outer gods?"

Earth Mother's glamorous cheeks were icy cold, and she said indifferently:

"The earth, sky, and sea are all derived from me, and the gods are all my descendants.

Based on emotion and reason, I should be the Lord of the World, and only my descendants can become the King of Gods!"

Nyx's eyes sparkled.

"The earth, the sky, and the sea are derived from you, yes, but the foundation of the world was formed at the beginning of creation.

It is me and Chaos, the father of Erebus, who are the main creator of the world with the root of chaos.

"You keep saying that my Heiye family is an Outer God.

But I have already forgotten that neither my child nor I should be called the family of the night.

It's... the Chaos series!"


Gaia's cheeks trembled suddenly, and then she sneered.

"If you said this in the age of ignorance, I would not dare to refute it.

But the gate of origin has been silent for a long time.

Moros has fallen, and if I'm not mistaken, Erebus is actually trapped in Tartarus, right?"

"Nyx, these days.

You are Chaos, but me!"

She glanced coldly at Nyx and Poros.

The heart is the same as the gods below, and it is also determined.

Everything Poros does.

It was Nyx who was unwilling to be reconciled to the collapse of the Chaos family that once dominated the world.

Trying to subvert her dominance over the world.

"Gaia, you are getting more and more arrogant!"

Nyx shook his head.

He looked at the colorful light on the three goddesses of fate and Zeus beside him.

"Moirai, and Shudnos, are you willing to recognize Gaia as the ruler of the world?"

The faces of the three goddesses of fate flickered.

And among the colorful rays of light on Zeus' body, several rays of light of various colors were mixed together.

They were all shocked suddenly.

After a while.

A faint voice suddenly came out: "Gaia, you claim to have created the earth, sea and sky, and you are the most important primordial."

"But I forgot that I, Shudnos, filled the basin of the sea with the original water, and the ocean appeared.

It is Valati who inlaid the sky with vast stars, so that there is an endless starry sky.

It was Prodognos who created the underworld and gave the world a dark place to return to.

It is Physis who created nature, gifted all things with vitality, life cycle, and endless reproduction. "

"Every primordial is an important part of the world, no one is greater than the other!"

This voice came out with the power of the root.

All the gods present could not detect it.

Only Poros and a few Yuanyuan could understand.

"The primordial water, the lord of the starry sky, the creator of Hades, the lord of nature...

In an instant, Poros finally knew the colorful light that enveloped Zeus.

The identity of the masters of the several source powers formed inside.

These are the four ancient primordials of the age of ignorance.

Perhaps they all participated in the original creation.

The world is made up of primordials.

At the beginning of the creation of the world, there were naturally not only Chaos, Gaia, Tartarus and others.

A whole world.

…… Ask for flowers…………

It seems that the sky, the earth, and the ocean can be composed.

But this is not enough to form a complete world.

Otherwise, Gaia has long been the root vortex, the root crown.

In fact, the roots of fate, water, light, darkness, night, starry sky, nature, and Hades symbolize death and destination.

are indispensable.

The joint efforts of many primitives can create a complete world.

The original number in the age of ignorance is far from being as rare as the few people now.

The reason why it disappeared later.

Probably related to the disaster caused by the so-called power of twilight.

These people right now are just like Pandora, sealed in the gate of ignorance!

"The door of ignorance... Behind the door is the sealed age of ignorance!"

Poros murmured in his heart.

Through various observations, as well as the information revealed by Nix and Pandora.

He had long guessed about the 'Gate of Obscurity'.

Now accompanied by the voice of the master of these root powers that make up the colorful light.

He finally confirmed it.

"Shudnos, you guys, it's not safe to be trapped inside."

"Don't forget, I'm protecting your body now."

Gaia's cheeks flickered coldly, and she glared dissatisfiedly at the colorful light shaking on Zeus.

A voice came out of the light again:

"Gaia, if you hadn't communicated with the power of the twilight back then, calculated Moros and split Moira into three.

How did the gate of ignorance become what it is today, and why do we need this to escape?"

"It's all your fault.

You're just making amends now!"

"Enough is enough, I don't want to hear you people attacking each other."

Hearing the name 'Moros', Nyx's quiet and deep eyes were filled with sadness and coldness.

She stared at Gaia's cheek.

Countless stars are intertwined in the deep night, and the mighty power of the boundless night sky is intertwined, covering the world with phantoms.

The vast coercion made the gods tremble.

"Gaia, if you prevent my child from becoming a god king, aren't you just bullying him as a young god who has just reached the beginning of root?"

"I'm also younger than you."

"But do you dare to compete with me?"

ps: Originally the third update at 12:30, it might be later.

We web writers hate holidays the most, because everyone is on vacation, and only we are still typing.

It happens that there are always relatives and friends visiting, everyone forgive me for the loss. .

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