Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 15 The Extinct Land (Asking For Flowers, Asking For Comments, Asking For Monthly Tickets)


Probably the most appropriate description of the land in front of me.

Before the great flood that swept the world broke out.

It used to be a fertile plain.

A large number of people gathered here to form tribes or city-states.

People either cultivated fields to grow crops, or farmed and hunted to support their families diligently.

Human beings in the Bronze Age always had endless energy.

Whatever job you do, you can do it smoothly with your strong arms.

Whenever the night of the harvest season.

Around the campfire.

That group of men and women whose bodies are as hard as steel like to be together.

Sing songs and pray to the great gods of Olympus.

Thank them for all the good things they give.

"But those are already ruined!"

"Destroyed under the great flood!"

Numbly looking at the surrounding flood, a piece of dirty land.

Karna wandered aimlessly in mid-air.

Let the wind blow you.

Yes, she was dead too.

Died under the great flood that submerged the world.

Now she is a wisp of dead soul who does not know where to go.

Along the road blown by the wind.

She saw many familiar figures.

"Uncle Tal, sister Usya, grandma Demoma..."

She called them one by one by name.

But the strange thing is that although they are all the same as her.

turned into an illusory soul.

But the eyes of these familiar people are empty and cloudy.

No matter how loud she shouted, no one answered her.

Karna gradually understood.

Only she remained conscious after death.

The others are already complete dead.

What made her even more sad was that.

Over time.

Many dead souls around are dissipating.

The traces of existence in this world must be completely erased.

She remembered a legend.

After death, the souls of the dead should be taken to the underworld by the gods to start a new life.

Abandoned by the gods, a ghost that dwells on the earth.

It will be completely nothing.

Scattered like the wind outside the embers of time.

"Gods, is this your punishment for us?"

"You are not only destroying our bodies.

Let our souls disappear completely! "

Facing the direction of the legendary Olympus Mountain, Kana screamed in despair.

She doesn't understand.

I and all the compatriots on the earth have done wrong.

The gods want to give such a punishment?

The Great Flood flooded the world and took all life.

The soul is not guided, and drifts away into nothingness.

Just when she kept screaming.

A gentle voice suddenly came from a distance:

"Stop scolding, it's not that I won't pick you up.

It's just that there are too many dead souls, and the underworld has few manpower, so it can't keep up. "

Karna froze.

After a while, I gradually came back to my senses.

Look along the source of the sound.

Under the clear sky after the rainstorm.

At some point, a handsome blond boy appeared.

He looked only thirteen or fourteen years old.

Although he is not tall, he has an extraordinary stalwart bearing, and he is born with dignity and holiness.

Like the legendary king of the gods who ruled the world.

He has straight facial features, and his crystal-white skin is transparent and shiny.

Those silver eyes, which are as bright as stars, are the most eye-catching.

Extremely clear and bright.

It also seems to be able to easily understand all the mysteries of everything.

This is a deity, and one of the most exalted deities.

At the first sight of the boy, Kana had such thoughts in her heart.

Except for the great gods of mythical Olympus.

There is no other image that can fit the youthful immortality in front of me.

Just when she was surprised by the boy in front of her.

Another voice came from afar at the same time:

"Poros, this ghost is a bit special.

Without our spirit summoning magic, she kept her own mind after death. "

In the elegant spring breeze, the long hair like a waterfall is flying.

Wrapped in a thick brown dress.

A graceful girl with various postures walked up to the side of the blond boy.

The brown eyes, as clean as the surface of a lake, looked at Karna with curiosity.

The blond boy responded to her:

"If I'm not mistaken, she should have the blood of a god, I don't know which god it is."

"It's hard to say," the girl in the brown skirt shook her head.

"Based on the virtues of the majority of the gods, basically anyone can have a relationship with her ancestors.

Among them, the two brothers of His Majesty Pluto are the most likely. "

"Ha, let's gather the souls here first, I think many of them are on the verge of disappearing."

"Oh, I am the vice-lord of the underworld.

Shouldn't it be Thanatos' responsibility to gather the dead souls? "The girl sighed.

"The whole land is full of dead souls.

Cutting our God of Death into tens of thousands of copies is too busy. "The blond boy laughed.

As they spoke, the two began to gather many dead souls around them.

Watching their movements, Kana finally came to her senses at this moment.

"You are the gods of Hades, aren't you?"

She chased after the blond boy and asked them loudly.

The silver-haired boy looked at her with silver eyes:

"My name is Poros, and she is Hecate, and we are indeed gods from Hades."

After getting the confirmation from the other party, Kana suddenly became excited.

"Since you are gods, tell me, why?"

"We are all devout people who believe in the gods, and no one on the earth disobeys the gods!"

"Why was there a great flood that wiped out all of us?"

"What did we do wrong, please tell me the answer?"

Leaning in front of the blond boy.

This young girl who was a vigorous hunter before her death could not contain the pain in her heart.

The sound of crying continued in the open space.

Both Poros and Hecate were silent.

After quietly watching her cry, Poros stared into her eyes and whispered:

"The underworld is responsible for collecting the dead souls, you shouldn't ask me about other things."

"The Father who created man is the king of the gods on Mount Olympus.

The will to destroy you also comes from him. "

"King of the gods, great father..."

Kana muttered the name in a daze, her eyes fixed on the handsome blond god in front of her.

After a long time, I asked:

"Since we were created, why should we be destroyed?

King of the gods, what is the source of his will to do all this? "

Poros shook his head:

"You are already a dead soul, follow us to Hades.

With the blood of the gods, your soul and body can exist for a long time. "

"Maybe one day, you will understand all this."

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