Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 147 The Fallen King (Ask For Subscription, Ask For Flowers, Ask For Monthly Pass)

It exploded!

In the gloom, Poros couldn't help but stare.

Staring closely at Hades' blasted body.

He knew it.

Although under the blessing of 'Momentary Blue', he possesses the power of the root~yuan law.

But it is impossible to beat a great existence who is also the root law to pieces at once.

Even though Hades has suffered repeated traumas before.

There must be something wrong with this!

In the unrelenting gaze of Poros.

The flesh and blood of Hades exploded.

Suddenly, it turned into streaks of jet-black streamers in the air, surging and spreading in all directions.

Like a turbulent wave, it surges and shakes the void.

Great power, carrying the root breath of death, darkness, filth, depravity and so on.

Sweeping in all directions like a roaring sea.


Poros's expression froze, and the black little finger of the hand of ecstasy shone brightly.

The 'blackness of annihilation' rippling in the void, the terrifying aura that annihilates all things, immediately surged into the sky.


Numerous streamers and monstrous drifts collided violently in the void.

The terrifying aftermath shook the surrounding space.

Everything is destroyed, the void is destroyed!

"Poros, I remember you!"

Suddenly, a low and gloomy voice echoed in all directions in the dark space.

As Poros stares.

The streaks of light that collided fiercely with the destructive drift created by the 'Black of Annihilation'.

After the splashes fell in all directions.

All of them turned into the figure of Hades.

Rush out from all directions.

"Damn it, I wanted to devour some outside creatures and leave with a complete posture, but since I met you unfortunately.

Then it’s okay to give up this personality at this moment and directly enter the outside world!”

"Wait, Poros, I will return you to the embrace of the evening!"

The many Hades drank awe-inspiringly.

A group of figures rushed outside quickly.

At this time, Poros felt the depths of Tartarus, and suddenly there was a huge and boundless force of banning.

Like a giant hand, shrouded in these Hades.

"Hmph, troublesome ban!"

Numerous Hades showed annoyance on their faces.

Then I saw a lot of death, darkness, depravity and filth on their bodies.

Burning wildly like a flame.

Ego burns to ashes.

Turned into a great driving force, let them shoot to the periphery.

This picture makes the identity of Poros who reacts and pursues suppressed.

Hades went so far as to burn the roots himself.

Burn the majestic root that has reached the root law.

One by one, the personalities directly fell to the ninth level of the main god.

But at this time.

Poros found that with Hades, all the power of the source was burned.

The banning power coming from the depths of Tartarus has also been reduced by half.

"Could it be that the stronger the existence of Tartarus, the harder it is to come out.

If you want to come out, you must either devour enough external life, or lower your own personality?"

Combining what Hades said just now.

Poros makes a quick guess.

At the same time, his figure shook to the limit, and he and the "Body of Tomorrow" respectively chased after Hades' numerous figures.

They quickly caught up with many Hades.

But after being caught up by them, these Hades were all quickly reduced to ashes.

"It's not real!"

Poros frowned tightly, and chased in other directions.

But there are already a large number of Hades, who have escaped from the range of Tartarus.

Poros is helpless.

After all, it is the speed obtained by burning the roots. Although these Hades have fallen to the ninth level of the main god, their speed is still extremely fast.

And at this moment.

Beyond Tartarus, a dark night surrounded by stars shrouded steeply.

A large number of Hades who jumped out of Tartarus were shrouded in this dark night.

"Nyx, it's you!"

"You have been waiting for me here?"

The Hades yelled, looking cold and stern.

In the heavy night, the hazy figure of Nyx, the goddess of the night, suddenly appeared.

Star-like eyes stared indifferently at these Hades.

I noticed that although his body was completely burned, there was still a lingering depraved aura.

She exclaimed in surprise:

"When Hades broke into Tartarus [I knew something was going to happen."

"But I didn't expect that, it turned out to be the majestic fallen king himself."

"Hmph, our determination to let dusk fall is beyond your imagination."

The corners of the mouths of many Hades curled up into cold smiles.

"Although you have already made preparations, how can you know my methods with your mere vision of root law!"

Suddenly, the many Hades.

Exploding again one by one, countless streamers filled the void and became invisible.

The bright night shrouded in stars, although it releases a tight power trap.

Poros, who came quickly behind, also released the source of hope and participated in the arrest.

……ask for flowers…

But there is still a lot of streamer spilling out.

I don't know where to go.

In the end only Hades' cold voice echoed:

"Nix, you should worry about your husband.

Although he escaped from my hands, Decline has already been searching for him, and he won't be able to escape for long!"

Concentrating on the dark void in tranquility, Nyx's brilliant eyes became a little sad.

Poros then arrived in front of her.

With a slight salute, he asked:

"Goddess, you call Hades the Fallen King, what is his origin?"

"Huh, Poros, Nyx!"

"You are all obstacles in the way of the great cause of the twilight, and one day I will kick you all to pieces.

Shuttle in the boundless void.

The figure of Hades is looming.

Holding back his breath, he came to the proof of the vast world.

He was very pale.

Burning the roots, and finally escaping from Nyx's hands, cost him a lot.

But he doesn't care.

After all, it's just a sojourner's shell.

And whether it is the ninth level of the main god or the root law, he doesn't pay attention to it.

He escaped from Hades and came to the earth.

He seemed to be looking for something.

During this period, he vaguely saw the human beings multiplying on the earth, and said with a cold face:

"It turns out that in addition to the 'door', they also activated the power of 'human' to fight against the great dusk."

"I said why is it so difficult."

He snorted coldly.

He continued to search.

Finally, he came to a barren land near Olympus.

If Poros is here.

He must be able to recognize this place as the place where he finally dealt with Typhon, the father of all monsters.

"That's right, it's the servant's breath that I asked Gaia to bring out.

Hades had a cold face.

Walked in step by step.

And at this moment, a glamorous figure appeared.

suddenly appeared in front of him.

"It's you, Gaia!"

Hades stared coldly at this suddenly appearing, rich and beautiful figure.

"I just said, you appeared in front of me, how long have you been waiting here?"

"Soon, only forty years."

"However, I thought that it would be the king of decline, but I didn't expect it to be you.

ps: I am not satisfied with the writing of this article. I deleted more than a thousand words when I revised it, so it is a bit short.

I will try to write as long as possible for the Gagen at night. .

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