Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 149 Father And Son, King Meets King (Please Subscribe, Ask For Flowers, Ask For A Monthly Ti

On the vast and clear sea.

The salty sea breeze caresses soft and shiny hair.

Athena slowly raised her white chin.

She is dressed in heroic armor, holding her shield and spear tightly, standing in the waves.

His eyes were determined.

"Athena, it's been a long time since my father sent any news. How do you know that he deliberately left a gap in the defense line outside the Ocean River for you to attack?"

The same long golden hair, soft and straight, with a pair of pure white wings.

The whole person is divine and splendid, like Niki, the goddess of victory who is bathed in glory.

Standing beside Athena with a curious face.

"This is the tacit agreement between me and His Highness Pallas."

Athena looked at her with a smile.

Suddenly asked: "It seems that something happened in the underworld not long ago, have you contacted His Royal Highness Prometheus?"

Niki nodded: "It seems that something happened near Tartarus. His Highness Poros has already gone to investigate."

"Tartaros?" Athena frowned slightly, "It's a very dangerous place."

Niki gave her a blank look: "Of course it is dangerous for other gods, but your younger brother is the original god, the great Lord of Hope.

I think no matter how terrifying the Lord of the Abyss is, it is impossible to do anything to him casually.

"But I don't think Tartarus is such a simple place." Athena said with some concern.

"Che, you look like you just want to show off to me, you're just showing off to me how much you siblings care about each other.

I think that my father has never asked me since he recovered, he only knows that he is busy with this and that, so he might as well be a good-for-nothing at home. "

Nicky pouted.

Athena smiled and asked:

"I remember that you also have two younger brothers. It seemed that Hephaestus was a god before."

"Those two guys have been captured into Hades together now, but they are not as sensible as Poros, and they haven't asked me a word yet."

Hearing Nicky muttering, Athena smiled slightly.

"At least you can protect them, and I can't help Poros much now."

"It was agreed to avenge my mother together, but now he is the only one fighting alone, I am useless.

Athena looked a little sad, but more proud.

"My little brother, he will be a great god king like never before!"

she said to Nikki.

After a while, her eyes suddenly flashed.

Looking at Yuankong, he said: "17 It seems that a god is rushing over, and the direction of coming is Olympus.

Nicky looked along.

Not long after, a young god with an ordinary appearance came quickly from the sky.

Seeing Athena, she cried out:

"Goddess of Wisdom, His Majesty the God-King ordered you to return to Olympus to see him as soon as possible, and to talk to him about something important."

Athena narrowed her eyes.

He came to the god with a smile and asked:

"Can you tell me, Father God, what is important to him?"

The god shook his head and said, "The god king didn't say anything, but just asked the goddess to go back as quickly as possible."

"But I just told Father God before that the decisive battle against Pallas will be held near the ocean and rivers, and the matter is very urgent.

Athena said solemnly.

The god quickly repeated: "His Majesty's order is that you must go back as fast as possible, no matter what happens."

"Alright then." Athena nodded.

Suddenly, she gave Nicky a look.

The goddess of victory, with a bright smile on her lips, helped the panting young god by her side.

"It's such a long distance from Olympus to the ocean, you've come all the way, aren't you tired?

Come, have a sip of water first, and then return to Olympus with the goddess Athena. "

Looking at the bright and white cheeks of the Goddess of Victory and the Goddess of Wisdom, the young god's heart was shaken.

With a blushing face, he took the water bag that Nikki handed over.

Athena asked casually at this moment:

"Did anything special happen at Olympus today, or did someone special come?"

The young god replied casually:

"I saw the great Earth Mother in the God King's Palace, which shocked me at the time."

Speaking of this, he paused: "By the way, Goddess Athena, you should pay attention when you go back.

The king of gods seems to be very angry today, the armrest on the throne is knocked out of shape, don't make him angry. "

hear the news.

Athena's eyes flashed suddenly.

Quietly said to Niki: "Things are not quite right, Mother Earth went to Olympus, Zeus asked me to go to see him immediately after getting angry, this is very unusual.

"Then what should we do, should we push it away first?" Nicky asked.

"I'm afraid I can't push it away," Athena said in a deep voice, "Nicky, I will try to delay as much as possible on the way, you go to Hades first and tell Poros about this."

"Well, then you have to be careful!

"Godfather, Godfather!"

In the shadowy darkness near Tartarus.

Hecate stared blankly at his father Perses and grandfather Clios who were standing quietly in the distance as if they were asleep.

There is a hint of moistness in the eyes.

Not far from her, Prometheus also looked at the father god Iapetus in a daze.

"I didn't expect that I would see you again one day..."

Prometheus recalled.

It was he who defeated the father god Iapetus in the Titan War.

At that time he thought that Zeus would be a great god-king completely different from Cronus.

For the opening of the new era of Shenting, he can pay any price.

Including personally sending his father into Tartarus.

Now a long time has passed.

The ideals and aspirations of the past have all become illusory bubbles.

But he didn't want to see his father's face again.

He and Hecate looked a little out of control.

Poros said sideways: "They can't leave the periphery of Tartarus yet.

According to the teachings of Nyx's goddess, it takes a long time for them to be contaminated with the breath of life outside.

"In the future, you will bring more dead souls over to see them, and gradually they will be able to come out."

"But more importantly, they are all under control. 17

Having said that, Poros's eyes narrowed.

The three of Perseus and the other Titan gods inside were all under the control of the fallen king who possessed Hades.

The true personality of the twilight king may still lie above the source vortex.

His method, even with the 'eternal formula' calculation, has not been able to crack it for the time being.

So he can only keep them in a dream.

"Poros, this is enough, thank you for finding my father for me."

Hecate smiled at him under his breath.

Wiping the corners of his lower eyes, he looked outside and said:

"I think my mother would be happier than anyone if she knew about it.

Although she often complains about why she married her father back then, she can't help but talk about him when there is no one around...

Poros smiled slightly.

Watching Hecate and Prometheus reunite with their relatives.

The figure of Athena flashed in his mind.

"Sister, hurry up.

As long as I defeat Gaia and get rid of Zeus, we won't have to separate in the future.

He murmured in his heart.

Suddenly frowned and looked into the distance.

"Nicky, why is she here?"

With a flash of thought, his figure appeared directly at the gate of Hades the next moment.

Meet Nikki who is in a hurry.

Seeing him from a distance, Nicky cried out.

"Poros, just now Zeus sent someone urgently to recall Athena back to Olympus."

"Athena, she feels that something is wrong, let me tell you that Mother Earth has also appeared in Olympus today.

"Zeus, Gaia..."

Poros's eyes suddenly narrowed, and the next moment his figure quickly disappeared into Hades.


Temple of God King.

Zeus sat coldly on the throne whose armrests were deformed by him.

A pair of eyes flickering with electric arcs stared at the courtiers indifferently.

Below him, Earth Mother Gaia stood coldly.

On the other side, the three goddesses of fate also stood dignifiedly.

Until now, the eyes of these three goddesses of fate still have disbelief.

"I don't believe in a child who was cut off by us before he was born.

Will be able to successfully hide in the eyes of fate, survive until now, and be promoted to Yuanyuan. "

"There must be some misunderstanding!"

The three sisters Atropos, Lachesis, and Crotor all murmured.

Earth Mother Gaia looked at them coldly.

"If you don't believe it, it doesn't mean things don't exist."

"Wait for Athena to come right away, and you will be proven wrong all these years.

The mother of the earth looked very firmly into the distance.

My heart is thinking.

Where is Hades, who told her about Poros' blood problem?

This king-level twilight life is one of the most terrifying existences in the world.

Working with him is like standing on a single-plank bridge.

And she stepped on two boats, making small moves and making profits in many ways.

The situation is extremely dangerous.

That is to say, now that dusk is coming, she still needs her help, otherwise she has no doubts.

She would be the number one target to be eliminated.

"But don't take advantage of it that way.

How can I protect myself when the twilight in the future is unstoppable?

Nyx, Erebus, Tartarus, you people are just too pedantic, and sooner or later you will be uprooted one by one. "

"Only if I am about to be promoted to the root vortex, it is not impossible to be the root root in the future.

As long as there is a person with the root crown, even those dusk kings can do nothing to me?"

whispering like this.

Gaia looked out more tightly.

Finally, she saw a dignified and heroic young girl in shining armor.

Step by step from the foot of Mount Olympus to the top of the mountain.

Feel the pure and holy breath of girls.

There was a trace of disgust in her heart for no reason.

What she hated most in her life was the genius and the holy gods.

Because she herself is ridiculous.

And the atmosphere of the entire Protoss created by her is the same.

Only in this way can she feel at ease.

But among the many primary schools in the past, she was originally the one with the worst talent and the weakest strength.

Everyone else has reached the root position, but she stays at the root position.

Later, relying on the help of Dusk, he was successfully promoted.

Then he was trampled underfoot by Moros, the more talented son of Nyx.

She betrayed the world, betrayed her companions, and never reached the root vortex.

But there is someone who is obviously her junior's junior, but easily surpasses everything she has worked so hard to obtain.

"So, Moros, you're damned!"

"Poros, you deserve to die too!"

"All of you who are better than me are damned!"

Her voice echoed viciously in her heart.

And Zeus sitting on the throne.

I don't know when his eyes became colder.

There are frightening electric arcs jumping around, dignified attention and walking slowly

The bright figure entering the Palace of the God King.

In a trance, the god king suddenly remembered.

When he sat on the throne below him for the first time.

Standing below was that intelligent figure who was very similar to the outline of the girl in front of him.

At that time, he told her that he would make her the queen of gods who would sit on this throne with him.

She looked ashamed.

And shortly after he made that promise, that prophecy appeared.


He swallowed her who was just pregnant with a child in one gulp.

"Metis, you said you love me the most and can do anything for me."

"Then for my immortal Wang Quan, let you sacrifice.

It's also understandable, right?"

He never thought he did anything wrong.

Wang Quan, standing on the top of the gods, was full of blood and cruelty.

There is absolutely no room for hesitation.

Only the coldest and most ruthless can forge the most solid and immortal throne.

"If I did something wrong, it's because I didn't do it ruthlessly enough!"

"Failed to neutralize all threats!"

"That was my biggest mistake, and all I have to do now is to fix it!"

He told himself firmly in his heart.

The arc in Zeus' eyes jumped even more violently.

Finally, a dignified girl with bright blonde hair.

came before him.

"Great Father God, you summoned your daughter, is there something important?"

Glancing at Gaia and the three goddesses of fate above, Athena asked respectfully.

Zeus looked at her coldly, and suddenly made a choice:

"My daughter, do you remember what you said to me on the first day you were born?"

Athena replied: "Nature never dares to forget."

"Is it!"

Zeus stood up abruptly from his throne.

"It was then in this temple, I say to you, that you were as strong as your mother.

But you told me that you don't have a mother, but a daughter conceived by me alone. "

"This is the truth, from birth to now, I have always said this to the gods.

493 Athena raised her bright eyes and said firmly and unwaveringly.


What beautiful words, no wonder I believed your words so much before, and didn't doubt you at all!"

Zeus laughed ferociously, his eyes were red like madness.

Like a beast whose scars have been uncovered, it casts a bloodthirsty gaze.

As if frightened, Athena bowed her head below and said:

"Father God, what happened.

It made you misunderstand your daughter. I believe that as long as you tell the matter without any slander, it can affect your trust in your daughter. "

She is a good daughter who is loyal and worried about her father.

Zeus, who was extremely angry, couldn't help but feel a little shaken in his heart.

Is there really a misunderstanding?

Are Gaia's words necessarily true?

But the anger, hatred, fear and cruelty that filled his heart smashed the ten traces of vacillation to pieces in an instant.

As long as possible.

For his own Wang Quan, he would not hesitate to sacrifice anyone.

Stand before the throne.

Zeus shouted coldly: "Daughter of Metis, if you still use this hypocritical face to fool me.

Then I have no choice but to lock you at the top of the sky, burn your soul with flames, and let the gods witness.

"Let your filthy, filthy, damned brother who shouldn't exist in this world witness your tragedy.

Let him know the fate of being my enemy!"

Blasts of violent thunder and lightning surged from his body violently.

Form a monstrous and powerful momentum.

Surging enveloped.

Athena was hunched over by the terrifying pressure, but she still said with difficulty:

"Father God! Who is it that has deceived you with lies and caused you to misunderstand your daughter!"

"That's enough, you are born with a deceitful face just like that scoundrel, you really deserve to be siblings!"

The appearance of Athena at this moment reminded Zeus of the experience of being deceived by Poros as a "fire stealer".

Furiously, he took out the lightning spear, and a thick bolt of lightning went down.

"Get captured, I will use you to let that evil Poros come to die in front of me by himself!"


The thick lightning carried a majestic and extremely destructive aura.

The blazing bombardment hit Athena's head.

At this moment, Athena below disappeared like a bubble.

Thick lightning violently poured on the ground of the Temple of the King of Gods, shining brightly in the void of the ground.

Zeus, Gaia, and the three goddesses of fate couldn't help being surprised.

Immediately, an indifferent voice suddenly reverberated from the void.

"It turns out that Zeus, you have been messing around for a long time, just want me to come to see you."

"Actually, there is no need for this. I also wanted to see you frankly and let you know..."

"The cause of your death!"

ps: I said the title of the chapter in advance, but it turns out that the words are too big. It takes almost two chapters to write about the father and son, and the king meets the king.

But the words that have been spoken have to be finished even when we cry.

Stayed up until two o'clock, typed a full 5,000 words, and it was barely time.

So this chapter is the first and second update today, and the next one is the third update at 12:30.

I'm going to go to bed. .

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