Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 170 Invite The King... To Die! (Ask For Subscription, Ask For Flowers, Ask For Monthly Pass)

"Decline, these two little thieves are already so arrogant that they want to shit on our heads!"

"Didn't they say they were waiting for us at the Scourge Ridge?

Then it's up to me to go and tear them all to pieces!"

The horns on the top of the King of Destruction flickered with dark light, roaring angrily.

And under the throne of the fallen king, there are many red titans.

It was equally difficult to contain the anger.

"Your Majesty, just let us go, and give these two ignorant ants who dare to desecrate your majesty, the cruelest punishment!"

The destruction of his subordinates and fellow kings was emotional.

The Declining King himself clenched his hands tightly.

But he still endured and said:

"Destruction, do you remember what I just said?

Now I am more sure that this blonde with silver eyes is a god from the outside world. "

"So what?" The King of Destruction was puzzled.

"He appeared at this time and made continuous provocations, I think the purpose is not pure.

The decaying king's face was sullen.

Sweeping the surrounding mist:

"If I'm right, he's most likely coming for Erebus.

All of what he did, whether it was plundering your 'cave of evil' or invading my 'mountain of natural disaster'.

In fact, they all want to attract our attention and reduce the pressure on Erebus, so as to achieve the purpose of rescuing Erebus.

We cannot be fooled by him. "

After expressing his attitude.

The King of Destruction pondered a little, while a thousand titans, demons and other ordinary twilight beings.

It is full of aggrieved face.

Although the Declining King has some truths to say.

But they are noble twilight beings, and the two kings have been insulted.

And they have to endure.

This humiliation, this bitterness.

How to make people happy?

Out of absolute obedience to their own king.

The red titans didn't dare to make a sound.

But beside the king of destruction, the goatee old devil Naal has no such scruples:

"Decadent King, what you mean is to ignore these two hateful thieves.

How can we offend the dignity of you and my lord, and we won't show it?"

"This is only temporary." The Declining King frowned.

"But you and my lord are both the greatest Twilight Kings!

Your dignity is supreme, and the slightest humiliation is a blasphemy against the Great Twilight!"

The high-pitched voice of the old devil.

It has attracted the inner resonance of many evening life.

In this encirclement and suppression team, there are not only the subordinates of these two great kings.

There are also servants of the fallen and scarlet kings.

They also raised their voices: "My lord of decay, this is no longer just an insult to you and my lord of destruction.

It is also a provocation to all the kings and lords of the Great Twilight. "

"We think that, no matter what, we have to react immediately."

Their passionate words gave the declining king a headache.

He looked nervously at the King of Destruction.

Unexpectedly, this old brother.

At this moment, the horns on the top of the head destroy the light, and there is no support from last time.

Instead, after hesitating, he said to him: "Decline, although I trust your judgment very much.

But this is indeed an insult to all our kings, and I cannot help but react. "

Patted him on the shoulder.

The Destroyer King said: "Let me take a small group of people back.

It's just a root law position and a root root position. In fact, I can take them down by myself. "

"With you here, and more than half of the troops, it is more than enough to deal with an Erebus. Don't be too cautious."

As he said that, he greeted the old devil and prepared to leave with a group of his subordinates.

Looking at his back.

The declining king looked helpless.

He is a very sensible, very intelligent person.

He once planned and led the end of the ultra-primitive era and the ignorant era in the outside world.

The record is sturdy.

Although he was repeatedly provoked at this moment.

He never lost his mind due to anger, but calmly analyzed the enemy's purpose.

But he didn't expect it, although he himself was very sensible.

But his companions have no brains.

"It's only a little bit close, take Erebus, and we'll go back.

"Is it true that you can't even wait this long?"

He gritted his teeth at the King of Destruction.

The latter said with a cold face, not very concerned:

"Decline, you are too cautious and like to think too much about things.

In fact, how can there be so many conspiracies and tricks, even if there are, I can smash them with one punch!"

He waved his hand casually, and quickly walked into the distance.

The Declining King sighed, "Be careful when you destroy it."

"Don't worry, you're just two little thieves!"

Under the reverent gaze of a group of dusk beings, the King of Destruction left with his people.

Fallen kings take notice.

The rest of the Twilight beings looked at him with less respect than they looked at the King of Destruction.

Can't help but get more headache and annoyed.

"Damn God, what is the origin of such despicable and insidious means!"

He was very angry.

In the past, Erebus, Tartarus, etc. had caused him a lot of trouble.

But they are also strong men.

In other words, Kronos is more cunning, and it is very hateful to use his name to cheat food and drink.

But not as sinister and vicious as this time.

"Forget it, let's get rid of Erebus first, and then I'll be able to get away from this despicable god!"

The king of decay greets a twilight life.

Continue searching.

"Your Majesty, we're just ahead of you to the 'Mountain of Calamity'."

The old demon Naal followed closely in front of the King of Destruction, pointing the way with a flattering smile.

At the same time, he carefully flattered and said: ". "Sure enough, you are still the king, you are brave and courageous, and the corrupted adults are always timid and fearful."

"Well, you want to slander the decadent brother again."

The King of Destruction gave him a cold look.

The old devil was so frightened that he lowered his head in panic.

The Destroyer King looked in the distance and said in a low voice:

"Brother Decay is being cautious. He is the brain of our Seven Kings. Which incident has not been planned by him in these years?"

"It's not a mistake for him to be rigorous and meticulous, it's a responsibility.

But sometimes, if you are too cautious, you will appear timid and cowardly, and he really needs to change this.

While speaking, he led the men and horses aggressively to the sky above the 'Mountain of Calamity'.

Looking down coldly, he said in a low voice:

"Arrogant thief, your grandfather who destroyed the king is here, come out and die!"

But what makes him weird is.

He even called several times, but no one paid attention.

"Your Majesty, could it be that they are just bluffing, but they dare not face the majesty of you and Lord Decline at all.

You said you were waiting here, but you actually ran away long ago?"

The old devil guessed.

The King of Destruction frowned and quickly descended from the sky.

Come to the inside of the (good) 'Scary Ridge'.

A pile of red decaying titan corpses appeared in front of his eyes.

Then he quickly came to the stone palace above.

It was also a mess inside.

Numerous stone statues were knocked to pieces and scattered all over the place.

But where is there any figure?

"Damn it, the thief really has no guts, he has already fled!"

The King of Destruction stomped his feet angrily.

"No, is it true that as the decline said, they want to divide our strength so that they can go to the misty realm to rescue Erebus?"

Thinking of this, he snorted coldly:

"It's too simple to think about it. Even without me, the strength of the declining brother is definitely not something that can be shaken by adding a root law position and a root root position.

He stood on the pile of stone statues scattered all over the floor, sneering again and again.

At this moment, under the broken stone statue fragments.

A hidden invisible cold light suddenly surged.

Brilliant shot, right in the heart of the slack king of destruction.

"This Twilight King, I have been waiting here for a long time!"

"I also invite you... to die!".

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