Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 176 The Star Of Dawn (Asking For A Subscription, Asking For Flowers, Asking For A Monthly Pa

In the darkness of darkness.

I don't know when, suddenly there are rays of light like morning stars.

Like gems, they were chopped into crumbs, scattered in the air, intertwined with dreamy streamers.

Poros looked around intently.

Suddenly saw that the surrounding space was distorted.

Reflected in the brilliant light, a handsome young man with star-like hair walked out with a gentle smile.

He was wearing a silver long coat with a strange shape, and his whole body was dazzling.

But it doesn't give people glaring discomfort, but it feels comfortable to see a gentle morning star.

Erebus was the first to meet him.

"Captain Star, I'm glad to see you again."

"Erebus, I'm glad to see you again, too many things have happened to us during this time.

The silver-clothed youth bumped shoulders with Erebus very enthusiastically.

Poros estimated that this is the etiquette for expressing greetings there.

Like a handshake.

However, he was more concerned about the way the other party distorted the space and came out.

Since coming to this world.

Overwhelmed by the power that sealed the twilight, Poros never saw anyone able to leap into space again.

The dusk king's avatar also had to rely on flying.

But think of Erebus saying.

The power to ban Dusk 173 comes from their leader.

It can also be understood.

own family.

It is also conceivable to give some hidden doors.

When he stared.

The silver-clothed youth also looked at him and Cronus.

"Hi two friends.

First time meeting, my name is 'Xing'. Nice to meet you. "

Kronos coughed dryly.

As if I wanted to introduce myself.

Unexpectedly, the silver-clothed youth was the first to say: "Your Excellency Kronos, I know yours.

With the saber of the decaying king, you have deceived almost all the deeds of the place where the life of the dusk gathers, which is very admirable.

Kronos' face froze.

He originally wanted to talk about his glorious deeds as the king of the gods.

Unexpectedly, good things are difficult to get out.

The matter of cheating and abducting is well known by others.

He had no choice but to blush a little, and said dryly:

"It's good to know me, and get to know me better later.

You will find that there is still a big difference between me and the rumors from the outside world. "

"Well, I'd love to meet new people."

The silver-clothed youth named 'Xing' has a decent smile and is full of warmth.

Finally look to Poros.

"Captain Star, I don't think you can recognize me.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Poros, from outside.

According to the name of Erebus.

Poros was the first to greet this kind-looking young man.

"Your Excellency Poros, nice to meet you."

Xing bowed slightly to him politely.

"I have always been curious about the world outside of you, but I have never had the chance to see it.

Meeting you this time, I hope we can get to know each other better. "

Poros nodded at him.

It has to be said that the enthusiasm and politeness of this silver-clothed young man was somewhat beyond expectations.

He had thought.

For such a long time, Erebus has not been able to know much from the Dawn Star.

It must be that the other party has a cold attitude towards unfamiliar outsiders.

But the attitude of this 'star' was unexpectedly good.

Erebus seemed to get on well with him too.

After getting acquainted with Poros, he went to Erebus.

"Before I heard that you were hunted down by Decline and Destroyer, and your situation was critical. I couldn't rush to rescue you, so I'm really sorry.

He bowed his head apologetically.

Erebos hurriedly said: "I know that you have suffered heavy losses under the siege of Twilight.

And I'm all right, Poros came in from outside [saved me. "

"Well, I'm glad you're okay."

Star smiled, turned and saluted Poros again.

"Thank you Poros for showing up from outside in time, so I didn't lose another friend."

Erebus then asked him:

"Not yet (bhaj) know your current situation.

The star looks dim:

"Originally our team, with a total of more than 30 elite members, was besieged and suppressed.

Now there are only ten left, including me and the two vice-captains.

I brought them out of it, but I couldn't bring them back. "

"Xing, worry about it."

Erebus sighed.

Xing looked up at him: "Stop talking about this, Erebus, you have something important to do with me, don't waste time.

Look at his serious face.

Erebus immediately gets to the point:

"Star, you told me before that my wife's child may have fallen near the source of the twilight.

Now we're going to find and rescue him. I wonder if you can give us a little help. "

"Are you going to find someone at the source of the twilight?"

Star's expression suddenly became serious.

Poros took out the map beside him, pointed at it and said, "Captain Star, the so-called source of twilight is in the 'Valley of Eternal Day', right?"

Although Kronos says that the source of twilight is the 'Valley of Eternal Day', Poros doesn't want to be sure.

Looking at the map, Xing nodded: "To be precise, it is connected to the 'Valley of Eternal Day'.

Through the 'Valley of Eternal Days', one can enter the forbidden passage.

After passing through the passage, there is the source of us and dusk. "

"Then can I ask, what exactly is the place where you and Dusk are?"

Poros asked directly.

Rang Xing was startled, pondered for a moment before answering:

"It's not that I don't want to say it, but that there are more involved and cannot be revealed casually.

Although I believe in every friend, this is the discipline of our organization, and I need to abide by it absolutely. "

He gave Poros a sorry look.

He added: "If you can really enter the depths of the 'Valley of Eternal Day', then you will know the answer naturally.

You may be a little surprised then, because all that will give you a sense of familiarity.

The words of the star.

All three of the Poros were a little confused.

Entering the source of the twilight will give them a sense of familiarity, what's going on?

Star smiled and said nothing.

After a while, he said: "The Dusk side attaches great importance to the 'Valley of Eternal Day', and there are a large number of powerful Dusk beings guarding it.

"If you really want to enter, I would like to cooperate with you once."

Erebus was surprised: "In the past, you were only willing to provide me with some items and information, but this time you are willing to cooperate directly?"

"That's because I was also planning to request assistance from the 'Valley of Eternal Day'.

Star smiled.

"It just happened to be together.

Come on, you go back with me first. "

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