Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 179 You Are... Fake! (Ask For Subscription, Ask For Flowers, Ask For Monthly Pass)

"At the entrance to the east, there are twenty-seven guards from the Yuanyuan Dusk Life, and three from the Genyuan Lvdu.

"At the entrance to the south, there are thirty-two guards at the beginning of the root at dusk, and three at the root of the law."

"At the entrance to the north, there are twenty-two guards at the beginning of the root at dusk, and two at the root of the law."

In empty space.

The three groups that returned from their respective investigations stood together and summarized the results of the investigations.

Xing whispered: "It seems that the guards on the north side of the 'Valley of Eternal Sun' are the weakest."

"Then we will use the north as the breakthrough point, and at that time, we will eliminate the guards' twilight life as quickly as possible, and enter the deep layer of the 'Valley of Eternal Day'.

"When I was investigating, I found a problem." Poros said.

"Most of the twilight beings guarded by the 'Valley of Eternal Day' are small golden titans with three eyes.

Their strength, to me, is far stronger than the twilight life like decayed titans, fallen aliens, and hell demons of the same personality. "

Hear this question from Poros.

Luka in the space sneered:

"This is the group of twilight beings who claim to be immortal saints, and they are the most powerful of the seven types of twilight beings.

It is a consensus that it is stronger than other types of twilight life. "

Xing also nodded: "The seven kings of the evening correspond to the seven major races of the evening.

The Immortal Saint Race is the head of the Seven Kings of Twilight, the race led by the most mysterious king known as the Archmage.

This kind of twilight life is extremely talented in all aspects, so be careful when you encounter it. "

"That's right, it's true that my knowledge is shallow."

Poros smiled faintly.

His eyes fell on the sneering Luka, and he suddenly asked:

"Vice Captain Luka, why have you been looking listless since you came back from the 'Valley of Eternal Day' investigation?"

His words made everyone focus on Luka.

Surprised to find out.

It is indeed since returning from exploring the 'Valley of Eternal Day' together with Soroko.

Luka looked a little sleepy-eyed.

The spirit is very listless.

" am I out of spirit?"

Ruka rubbed his head.

I feel dizzy and seem to forget something.

But looking back carefully, I went out with Soroko, checked the northern entrance of the Valley of Eternal Day, and then came back.

There's nothing wrong with that period.

But why does it feel like an unreal trance?

He patted his head hard.

There was no reason to burn manic anger in my heart.

Staring straight at Poros with wide eyes:

"Boy, are you looking for trouble with me?"

His irritable voice.

Everyone present couldn't help frowning.

Soroko next to him secretly flashed a little panic.

"No, I took too much medicine, and now his strength has not passed.

Don't let him make trouble, otherwise it would be bad to arouse suspicion. "

He rushed up to grab Luka.

"Luka's emotions still haven't calmed down, I'll take him to rest."

Seeing Luka who was comforted by him, he quickly calmed down and followed out obediently.

Poros looked deeply at Soroko's back.

Wait for these two to leave.

He quickly came to Xing and whispered:

"Captain Star, don't you think your two vice-captains are a bit strange?"

"Strange? You mean Luka, his temper is getting more and more irritable.

But Soroko is fine, he has always been my right-hand man.

In fact, in terms of qualifications and abilities, he should have been the captain in the first place.

Star looked a little guilty.

"Soroke and Luka are veteran members with deep qualifications, and their strength is no worse than mine.

But the teacher said that Luka's mind was not good enough, and Soroko always felt that there was something wrong, so he let me take over.

"Oh, your teacher thinks there's something wrong with Soroko?" Poros cheered up.

Xing hurriedly said: "This was already before we were dispatched, and I paid special attention to Soroko at that time.

But after such a long period of observation, he has always been an excellent fighter with outstanding ability and firm will, and there will never be any real problems.

He said it very firmly.

Let Poros sigh deeply from the bottom of his heart.

When he knew that there might be traitors in Dawn Star, he first set his sights on Soroko and Luka.

Later, I also thought about whether Xing, the captain, is also a deeply hidden character.

Now I understand more and more.

Xing is a pure old man, although he does not lack ability and skills.

But there is too much trust in anyone.

Dawn Star, the most problematic.

Definitely Soroko.

But it's a pity that Xing undoubtedly trusts his vice-captain more than the outsider he just met.

This is also human nature.

"But you should trust your teacher's judgment even more..." Poros sighed inwardly.

Say no more.

He gave Erebus and Cronus a look.

At this time, Xing made a decision: "Tomorrow night, all of us will be dispatched.

Enter from the north entrance of the "Valley of Eternal Day". "

"it is good!"

The three Poros nodded.

Then get out of it.

Waited until a hidden corner.

He whispered a few words to the two Erebuses.

Second night.

The star called all the members of the Dawn Star team.

And the Poros trio.

Leave early.

Marching in the dark, swiftly reach the northern outskirts of the Valley of Eternal Day.

He sent two members to investigate again.

"Captain, there is no problem with Yao Bao."

"Today, there are still twenty-four people guarding the twilight life at the entrance and exit, with twenty-two root-primary positions and two root-law positions."

"Okay, now listen to my order and start acting."

Xing gave the order seriously.

Divide the entire team into left and right wings.

Prepare to attack the guard's twilight life like making dumplings.

Get one to annihilate them all.

Don't let the news of the "Valley of Eternal Day" change, spread out 230.

But just when he approached the 'Valley of Eternal Day' with the left and right paths.

"Dawnstar fools, you're hooked!"

An indifferent growl full of sarcasm.

Suddenly, nearly a hundred Twilight beings exuding a berserk aura.

Like a tide, it rushes out fiercely in the 'Valley of Eternal Day'.

A decaying king with red skin, a throne stands on the top of the valley.

With complacent eyes, the cold eyes looked down harshly.

Star and a group of Dawn Star members.

His face suddenly turned pale.

"There is an ambush, this shouldn't be......"

Star murmured.

The twilight beings that rushed out of it have already arrived.

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

The star hissed and roared!

With the two-winged men and horses, they fled in the direction they came and went.

At this time, there was also a huge shock from behind him.

A large number of twilight beings surrounded the King of Destruction with the first two horns.

Outflank them awe-inspiringly.

"None of you can escape today."

Standing in the void, destroying the king's aura is shocking.

A pair of pitch-black eyes coldly glanced at the dozens of figures who were trapped in the front and rear with nowhere to escape.

There was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

The dark eyes fell heavily on Poros in the middle.

"The revenge of the sneak attack last time, today I will tear you into pieces, so as to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

He locked Poros firmly and fiercely, but his face suddenly changed:

"No, no!"

"You are...fake!".

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