Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 185 The Root Is Above The Crown (Asking For Subscription, Asking For Flowers, Asking For Mon

"Vivi, Poros!"

"I will definitely ask you for this shameful humiliation!"

Run quickly through the void.

The pale and decayed king clenched his palms to the extreme.

It has been too many years.

He had not experienced such a failure before.

Think of the many elite fighters who were lost in the First World War.

Thinking of sacrificing his life for the ruined king who cut off his heir.

His heart was incomparably stinging.

He has always considered himself a wise man.

Manipulate the situation in various time and space, and destroy worlds one by one.

Playing with people's hearts and controlling life and death.

But he never thought that he himself would have a day of failure and escape.

He was extremely resentful.

He hates Weiwei, hates Poros, and hates himself even more.

All failures, in the final analysis, are his own incompetence.

"But I still have a chance!"

"It's absolutely impossible for Weiwei to stay in this world for a long time, and those people from Xing will leave with her."

"Soon there will be only three people left here, Poros, Erebus, and Cronus.

They have to wait to rescue Moros. "

"This time is enough for me to gather the remaining people of the evening here and there.

Siege them!"

"I haven't lost yet, I can still come back!"


The declining king clenched his palms tightly, and the eyes on his pale face were burning with fighting spirit.

He rushed towards the 'Sea of ​​Fury' which belonged to the fallen king's territory as fast as he could.

Both his and the Ruinous King's lands had been sacked.

Not enough Root Crystals.

And he was hurt by Vivi.

There is an urgent need for a large number of root crystals to recover.

The three kings of Crimson, God Tree, and Mist have a bad relationship with him, and going to places like [The House of the Tree in the Dark Land] may not be able to get help.

At this moment, it is most appropriate to go to the 'Sea of ​​Fury'.

But at this moment.

A majestic and chilling force suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

The surge hit him.


Having just narrowly escaped death and was in a hurry to hurry, the vigilant heart of the decaying king was slightly relaxed.

Plus the injury is on the body.

When this sudden force appeared.

He didn't have time to react at all.

was hit hard.

Staggered and fell down from mid-air.

And the attack did not give him a chance to breathe.

The roots of hope, dream, light, life, truth, and falsehood surge forth.

The power of the root law limit seems to have undergone countless precise calculations.

All poured out on the weak points of the fallen king.

Stormy raid.

In an instant, the blood of the decaying king was splashed violently.

A pair of eyes stared fixedly at the void.

Roared: "It's you... Poros〃々!"

How could he not recognize it.

This figure that was hiding in the dark and suddenly pounced on him was precisely during this period of time.

The culprit that caused his successive setbacks.

Although he hadn't actually met him, he had already remembered all the characteristics of the other party he knew in his heart.

Recognize it instantly.

Poros didn't want to talk nonsense with him.

As early as when Weiwei left from the 'Gate of the Future', he thought that if the decaying king escaped.

He will definitely go to the 'Sea of ​​Fury' and come here quickly to ambush.

Sure enough, he waited for the most cunning and difficult Twilight King.

The raid was successful.

Let the already injured opponent be injured again.

He did not hesitate to cut the weeds to get rid of the roots.

The 'Shadow of No Shadow' enveloped the figure, and the 'Form of Eternity' was calculated precisely.

He used every trace of his strength to the extreme.

Continuously bombard the weak points on the declining king.

After the decaying king lost the opportunity at the beginning.

is completely passive.

He can't use his strength at all.

The injury became extremely serious in an instant.

bang bang bang!

bang bang bang bang!!

Poros's series of attacks exploded all over him.


A generation of twilight kings fell to the ground unwillingly, twitching all over.

He stared in disbelief at the blond deity who finally took shape in front of him.

"This avatar of mine... would... fall like this..."

"Destruction...I'm sorry.....your sacrifice...."

He stared at the sky unwillingly.

Without saying a word, Poros gave him the final blow coldly.

"Boros...didn't...failed to get rid of you this time, a...big problem to the Great Twilight..."

"But you... don't be complacent, it won't be long before my real body will... come to your... world, you...


The body of the decaying king was shattered into pieces.

Poros looked indifferently at the debris all over the floor.

His expression was calm.

But in his heart he was thinking about the last words of the fallen king.

"If the real body of the Twilight King will come soon.

The biggest possibility is that it has something to do with the fallen king possessing Hades. "

"The matter of Tartarus is almost over, after Moros recovers, I will go back immediately to find the whereabouts of the fallen king.

In addition, the battle between the real body and Gaia is getting closer, and it is imperative to get rid of this twilight spy!"

Thinking of this, Poros put away the fragments of the fallen king on the ground.

Come to where the stars and others are.

"You... you really brought back the Decayed King?"

Seeing the fragments of the decayed king's corpse he was carrying from a distance, Xing yelled in shock.

It turned out that the shadow of Poros told him that his real body went to ambush the fallen king.

He was also worried that although the declining king was injured, he should not be underestimated.

Whether Poros is squatting on the road he will walk will not be said.

Even if we meet, I'm afraid we won't be able to take down the opponent.

You may also be injured yourself.

But unexpectedly, Poros actually came back with the life of the fallen king.

Even the woman in silver, Weiwei, whose face was as cold as the icicles from the beginning.

Can't help but look Poros up and down.

She fought against the Declining King, and was wounded by the Destroying King's final blow.

Knowing the strength of the dusk king avatar.

Even if the avatar of the Declining King has been injured, it shouldn't be able to win the root law position.

This blond-haired and silver-eyed deity is not simple.

Poros walked up to the shadow and put it away.

Then he smiled and said to Xing: "This time you have suffered a lot of casualties, I believe you must hate the one-handed mastermind of the decaying king to the bone.

I brought you back his remnant body, just for you to vent, come on, trample on it a few times.

"Bah, who do you take me for?"

Xing knew that Poros was joking with him, but thought of the team that suffered heavy casualties this time.

Can't help lowering his head.

"." Poros, it's all my fault.

If I had followed your advice and not believed in Soroko, there would not have been such a large number of casualties. "

"It was indeed your fault."

The power of the root of Poros was activated, completely crushing the fragments of the decaying king into powder, turning the calendar into nothingness.

A strong person at this level, if they are not guaranteed, there will be some special means to revive them.

Only to be completely reduced to nothingness.

It is considered to be completely beheaded.

"As captain, you failed to see your men clearly, causing serious casualties.

This result is your responsibility.

The indifferent Weiwei over there also said coldly:

"Xing, I will report your fault to Lord 'Boundary' when I go back.

I think the punishment will not be too light for you, you have to be mentally prepared. "

"I'm only worried that the punishment given to me is not severe enough. I'm sorry for the sacrificed companion..."

Xing raised his head resolutely.

"Senior Sister Weiwei, thank you for your assistance this time."

"And Poros, thank you for everything you do for us.

You and Erebus are my best friends here, I hope to see you again in the future!"

Xing took out two star-like gems from his body and handed them to Poros and Erebus respectively.

"This is a gift my teacher once gave me (good Zhao's). If you can be in the same world in the future, you can find me through this."

"Okay, it's time for you to go back with me." Weiwei urged indifferently.

Xing nodded, leading the surviving team members.

Come to the 'Valley of Eternal Day' together with Weiwei.

Poros and Erebus also sent a ride to the "gate of the future"

Looking at Moros embedded in the door, everyone was a little surprised.

Erebus was very excited and went up to pay attention to him.

Poros remembered:

"Moros, you haven't told me yet, what exactly is the so-called 'eternal characteristic'?"

Moros, hanging from the door, tilted his head.

"I don't know what it is, anyway, it is a term that naturally appears in my mind when it turns into a door of ignorance.

The expressions of Xing and Weiwei beside them changed.

After hesitating for a moment, the star said:

"My teacher once said to me that above the root crown, there are still some 'eternal' existences that transcend time and transcend everything.

'Twilight' ''people', these are actually..."

Star spoke extremely quickly.

But in the end, there was still a cold ice that froze his mouth and prevented him from continuing. .

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