Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 187 30 Million Fame Value Gift Pack (Asking For Subscription, Asking For Flowers, Asking For

Looking at the familiar pitch-black space ahead.

Knowing has come to the outskirts of Tartarus.

Poros, Erebus, Moros, and Cronus, all four of them felt a little sad.

Of the four, Poros spent the shortest time in Tartarus.

But it's also rich in experience.

From entering - after, straight non-stop.

Busy with rescues and plotting battles with the Twilight Kings.

one line down.

Although it is full of goods, it is also quite tiring.

The three of Erebus have all stayed in Tartarus for a long time.

Moros fell into it in the age of ignorance and has been hanging on the door of the future.

Freedom has not been restored until now.

Erebus went in by himself, dealing with the twilight life for countless years.

How many times I escaped from death, I thought they were all destined to be buried inside.

I didn't expect to have a chance to come out alive now.

There is a kind of world away.

Kronos, the king of gods, once ruled the world.

Instead, he was thrown in as a prisoner.

After life and death, everything is wrong.

The heart is also full of confusion.

The four looked different.

A pitch-black night dotted with stars loomed ahead.

Nyx's hazy figure emerged.

"Erebus, Moros, Poros, you really brought them back for me..."

This always quiet and elegant goddess of the night.

He looked excitedly at three of the four figures walking out.

Erebus stood there in a daze.

Looking at her with dry eyes, all kinds of emotions are hard to express.

And Moros, who had returned to his eleven or twelve-year-old appearance.

Then he quickly rushed to Nix.

"Mother, I'm back. 11

In the deep darkness, the mother and son stared closely at each other.

The corners of the eyes are a little moist.

Erebus followed closely behind.

Only Poros was smiling, holding the black scythe tightly.

Cronus was completely ignored again.

"I think later, you will also meet someone waiting for you."

Kronos ignored him.

Walk out with the sickle in hand.

Suddenly saw many familiar figures.

"These are the Titan gods imprisoned with me!"

He was stunned to see Perseus and other Titan gods who were placed on the edge of Tartarus.

His expression couldn't help but froze.

At this time, among the Titan gods, a figure with gray hair and beard and a white robe stood up.

Walking up to him with a complicated expression:

"Cronus, how have you been all these years?"

"Prometheus, it's you!"

Kronos hugged the black scythe on his body tightly.

With a pair of pale gold eyes, various emotions are intertwined.

The eyes of Prometheus who walked out met.

The atmosphere fell into dead silence for a moment.

Until Poros made a little sound beside him.

This pair of former close friends, monarchs and ministers, and enemies finally came to their senses.

Still looking at each other complicatedly.

In fact, it was Poros who informed Prometheus to come here.

But he didn't tell Prometheus directly that it was Cronus who came out.

Only that he was an old friend, returning from Tartarus.

The great prophet of great wisdom.

Naturally guess who it is.

But when I actually saw Cronus.

He was still at a loss.

Without the usual calm and wisdom.

It is really that his relationship with Cronus is too complicated.

Although Cronus is his youngest Uncle.

But in terms of age, Prometheus is actually not much different from it.

They were all born at the end of the first generation of gods.

The two grew up together, and Prometheus once watched Cronus overthrow Uranus.

He followed the great king then.

Fight alongside it.

He is the most important think tank and the most trusted courtier around Cronus.

But then he also helped the goddess Rhea, secretly replaced Zeus, and helped Zeus overthrow Cronus.

Send him to Tartarus.

Many years have passed.

What was the mood of the two who met again?

Poros has no way of knowing.

He didn't intend to explore, quietly to where Kex and the others were.

Nyx, Erebus, and Moros are reunited as a family.

The faces are full of joy.

Seeing Poros coming, Nyx said softly:

"I already know everything about Tartarus.

Poros, thank you for everything!"

"Goddess, you have found your own son and you don't plan to have me as an adopted son.

Talk so well. "

Poros chuckled.

Nix also smiled, and then became serious:

"Twilight's origin and strength completely exceeded my original estimate.

Next, we must make every effort to find the fallen king and eradicate Gaia.

And find a way to increase the strength of our side, otherwise, once dusk falls, we will not be able to resist it at all.

Poros, Moros, and Erebus also all looked serious at the same time.

Erebus said: "Behind the gate of the future, the star of dawn is still resisting the main force of dusk.

Among their three leaders, apart from the "future man" of Hua'men, the other two are also root crowns.

There are not a few root vortices like the one Weiwei saw earlier. "

"And on our side, if we can open the gate of origin and lead out the sealed gods of the ultra-primitive era.

……… Ask for flowers………

Maybe one or two more root crowns, and digital root vortices can be added.

In this way, in fact, the Seven Kings of Twilight are completely irresistible. "

Moros stroked his head and said:

"But no matter the Star of Dawn or the Gate of Origin, there are too many uncertainties.

For now we have to deal with the interior first.

He looks at Poros:

"I know about your appointment with Gaia, and in another ten years or so, I will probably be able to leave Tartarus.

When the time comes, I will go to the Gate of Obscurity and surrender the four guys of Shudnos for you when you have a decisive battle with her. "

"And after taking back the door of ignorance, I will also return to the root vortex, and at the same time add the eternal characteristics of the 'door'.

The strength will far exceed the ordinary root vortex. "

Poros nodded.

Moros once restored whole.

It is indeed a powerful force.

Erebus regretted, "I've been in Tartarus for too long, and I'm afraid I won't be able to get out for a while, so I can't help you for the time being."

The "Gate of the Future" sealed off Tartarus to prevent the life of the dusk from coming out.

Such as Poros, Erebus, Cronus and the Titans.

The entry of these non-twilight lives.

Once the time is too long.

It will also be difficult to get out because of the twilight breath.

Only on the outskirts of Tartarus can there be enough breath of life from the outside world.

to leave slowly.

Poros, the "body of tomorrow", has not been in for a long time, and the ban he received is not serious.

And Moros is the same as the door" has been hanging on the "gate of the future".

So in about ten years, we will be able to break away from Tartarus.

But it will take at least several decades for Erebus and Cronus to get out.

I can't participate in the battle between Poros and Gaia.

Poros didn't care either.

"Don't worry, I can take down Gaia alone, even if she is promoted to the root vortex."

He is very confident.

Because at this moment.

Inside the Temple of Chance in Hades.

Poros' real body opened his eyes in the dark secret room.

During the period when the "body of tomorrow" went to Tartarus.

While he was successfully promoted to the root law position.

Also speeds up gaining Fame Points.

Humans, dead souls, and gods harvest from three aspects.

And just now, his reputation value finally reached ten million.

"Ding, the reputation value has reached 30 million, has the host received the corresponding gift package?"


"Ding, the gift pack of 30 million fame points has been opened."

"Ding, you have obtained 'Heart of the World'*1, how much is the divine art 'Root Amplification'.".

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