Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 192 Mother Earth And Sin (Ask For Subscription, Ask For Flowers, Ask For Monthly Pass)

Under Gaia's roar.

Countless branches and vines fluttered.

They are like tentacles, spreading deep from the phantom of the towering giant tree.

The extension is there with the earth as its core.

The sky, the ocean, and the mountains are connected, and the majestic and majestic world is in the shadow.

It is like a thread running through the world.

Subtle and densely filled every corner of the phantom of the world.

chi chi!

chi chi!!

There is a rustling sound, like a snake crawling, ~ shuttling through the soil and conglomerate layer.

A lingering eerie atmosphere.

But what frightened the gods watching the battle and all the trembling lives on the earth-yes.

Accompanied by the countless tentacle-like branches and vines, stretching in the phantom of the world.

They are based on the real land, the real ocean, and the real mountains.

And the real sky above.

At the same time, countless rough and dark branches, like a snake-eating snake, stretched out from them.

They broke through the deep layers of the thick earth, cruising and drilling out from the bottom of the dark and moist ocean, and flew out from the cracks in the rocks of the towering mountains.

It also shoots out from everywhere in the vastest, clear and vast sky like meteors.

The sky, the earth, the sea, the mountains, every corner of the world trembled.

The gods and all the life on the earth were in awe together.

In this densely covered world, endless branches and vines come from all directions and corners at the same time.

Carrying the power of countless corners of the world, the snake opened its fangs and aimed at Poros in the void!

"I am Mother Earth, God who made earth, sky, sea and mountains.

Mother of gods and spirits!"

"Poros, if you are against me, you are against the whole world!"

It is completely overlapping with the vigorous giant tree.

The indifferent voice of Gaia spreads grandly among the vast worlds.

Shock all gods and mortals.

A brand that seems to be born with it, imprinted in the deepest part of the body and soul of every life in this world.

As if inspired.

"Yes, Mother Earth is the grandmother of the gods, the common source of blood for almost all gods.

"The earth carries all things, and with its abundance and fertility, it creates the soil for the reproduction of life and is the source of all life."

"Mother Earth is the common mother of all living beings in the world..."

"How can we disobey our own mother, Lord of Hope, you are also a descendant of Earth Mother, you can't disobey her!"

Countless gods and mortals.

They all stared tremblingly at the boundless void.

He showed a morbid admiration and enthusiasm for Gaia, and fell into a whole-hearted obedience.

And with their demeanor changes.

Countless tentacle-like branches and vines surged out from all corners of the world.

It is even more closely integrated.

Woven into countless black giant nets, covering the shadow of Mount Poros in all directions.

They are constantly shrinking, constantly tightening.

Completely covers all corners of the Poros body.

The world has become chaotic.

And there was also a terrifying sound gushing out like the source of life.

Whispering in Poros' ear.

"Between the heavens and the earth you have taken your place, and your life was nourished by the fertile soil of the earth.

"Every inch of land you stand on, every breath of air you breathe, every mountain and river you overlook, even your blood flowing..."

...all from me!"

"Poros, why do you resist me, why do you disobey my will!"

This continuous whispering sound.

Filled with infinite coldness and infinite treachery.

Like a thin needle, piercing the deepest layer of flesh and soul.

It makes people tremble, and the blood is torn.


Poros seemed to hear it.

The whole world.

All life and all things cast cold and repulsive gazes at him.

to devour him, to chew him up.

"Gaia, your method is quite innovative..."

"But our origin has long been detached from the world.

The whispering sound continued to linger.

Poros's eyes that were as bright as the starry sky shot out suddenly like a blazing fire.

"All the fetters you have imposed cannot limit my body!"

"False illusions can't shake my will!"


Hope, light, dreams, reality, falsehood, life and other roots are contained in a dream scroll.

Suddenly twisted up.

It released a sharp light like a sword, cutting through the endless void.

That's when the whispering sound lingers.

Woven into a dense sphere that quickly constricts, it securely covers the Poros's myriad of tentacle-like branching vines.

Chi La was chopped off one by one.

At the same time gorgeous light of hope.

……… Ask for flowers…

It rises brightly from the heart of every god and mortal being manipulated by Gaia's will on the earth.

Dispel the shadow that hangs over their hearts.

Gazing at the wide world with clarity again.

"Every life, since its birth in the world, has its own free will.

Keep a good heart and look forward to the future! In the direction of self-hope, strive to move forward. "

"This is definitely not something that you can impose upon him by force.

A mother is worthy of respect, but she does not have the power to manipulate and dominate her children. "

"And Gaia, you can't be called the mother of all things at all.

The merit of creating the world, conceiving and nurturing all things, is the common achievement of the god of chaos and the primordial beings, and you only take a small part of it. "

"As for the crime of colluding with Twilight and betraying the world, you are the only one!"


Shrouded in the light of hope, countless gods and gods who have regained their clarity of consciousness, pay attention to all things.

The splendid and holy figure of Poros.

For a moment, it was filled with cold murderous intent, and the dreamlike bright picture scroll shook.

The power of the majestic root tore apart the countless vine tentacles drilled from all corners of the world at the same time.

His figure flickered suddenly.

Appeared in front of Gaia who completely overlapped with the phantom of the giant tree.

"Gaia, your sins are beyond description!

All I can give is to give you... Fu Zhu!


He punched the ground.

Carrying endless majestic might.

It hit heavily on the giant tree overlapping with Gaia.


There was a loud crisp sound.

I saw the incomparably huge, vigorous giant tree connecting the sky and the earth in the illusory but real land and sky.

Under the impact of Poros' majestic root power.

It snapped open.

"Pfft, Poros, you're damned!"

Gaia's rich and glamorous figure, with a ferocious pale face, left with disheveled hair.

But Poros didn't give her any respite at all.

The 'Root Amplification Technique' was launched brazenly.

That is the power of the majestic and grand root.

In an instant, it surged violently.

Berserk greets Gaia.

bang bang!

bang bang bang!!

In the blink of an eye, Poros unleashed thousands of violent attacks in succession.

The void collapsed and everything shattered.

Countless terrifying lights and shadows hit Gaia like a torrent.

In a moment, with the earth as the core, the phantom of the world surrounded by the sky, ocean, and mountains shattered. .

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