Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 208 Praise To The King Of The Gods (Ask For Subscription, Ask For Flowers, Ask For Monthly P

"Aunt Hestia, I will do it.

Poros looked firmly at the Hearth Goddess.

The two stared and smiled.

Not long after, Rhea also came out with a complicated face.

Tell him that she is willing to belong to the new court.

And came forward to persuade some diehards like her to surrender.

Poros was satisfied with this answer.

It is really a good way to let Kronos, the former god-king of the previous generation, come forward.

He went to this station, all the gods who still have nostalgia for the era of Zeus.

All completely desperate.

Even the older Titan God-King has already thrown himself into the new God Court and obeyed the new King of Gods.

What are the rest of them doing?

The era that belonged to the three generations of gods has finally passed completely.

Now it's...the Four Generations of Gods!

A new court, a new atmosphere.

Under the supervision of Athena and the day and night labor of Hephaestus, the god of craftsmen.

Soon, many magnificent temples were re-established on Mount Olympus.

The grandeur of the former home of the gods has been restored.

Poros sat in his temple of the king of gods, which was more majestic than Zeus's time.

Feel the throne of Fang Bing under the cold.

And the empty palace below.

My heart is filled with loneliness.

"The king's seat is always so high and high, far away from the world, cold and lonely!"

"But this loneliness is exactly what I have to bear as the king of the gods. I am the master of the world!"

His expression was extremely determined.

Poros experience the freewheeling feeling of being in charge of the universe and dominating all things.

He is the god who dominates the gods, and he is the king who rules the world.

He is the Most High and the Great!

Everything in the universe is under his feet.

His will is the will of all things in this world, above his head!

No will can override him.

What he only hopes for is the reality that will surely come true!

Suddenly, he felt the root vortex.

Never been so close to him!

He was originally the limit of the root law, relying on the "heart of the world" to reach the "false root vortex".

The real root vortex is very close to him, but also very far away.

Between far and near, what depends on is when one can reach enlightenment.

Otherwise, we can only rely on the tempering of the years.

Only then can we achieve it bit by bit.

And now, after a decisive battle with Gaia, they have faced the three great twilight kings.

And truly became the king of the gods who ruled the universe.

Feel the vast world that belongs to him, and all the subjects who revolve around his will.

His heart entered an unprecedented state of emptiness.

everything in the world.

All fell into his eyes delicately and precisely.

It operates in an orderly manner according to his will, forming a meticulous and efficient system.

He got it!

On this day, the newly built God King Hall was closed.

The gods felt very strange.

But under the effective management of Goddess Athena, the vice-lord of the God Court, Prometheus, the prophet, and Pallas, the god of war strategy, the right-hand man of the two god-kings.

The gods up and down the court.

Still running efficiently and orderly.

Prepare closely for the fight against dusk.

Human beings on the earth, many souls of the dead in the underworld.

They all know that the God King has changed.

A new era is quietly coming.

This is the most golden age beyond all ages.

The glory of the gods walks on the earth, illuminating the darkness.

And the greatest and most holy king of the gods dominates the universe and the gods.

He binds all gods.

Let the gods and all things live in harmony.

The gods guide all things with great power, and all things believe in the gods and obey the gods.

God and man are in harmony.

In this way, time flies by quickly.

In the blink of an eye, fifty years have passed since the establishment of the new Shenting.

For the gods, this is actually a short time.

But in just fifty years.

The whole world has undergone tremendous changes.

In the court of gods in the age of Zeus, all the gods were licentious and pleasure-seeking, living their lives as they wished.

And in the era of the new gods.

All the gods are closely organized, perform their duties, and carry out various constructions.

In just a few years.

The atmosphere of Shenting has changed greatly, and so has the world.

What is directly affected is the life of human beings on the earth.

In the past, they either planted or raised livestock, or other livelihoods.


But now, with the blessings of the gods, there is a bumper harvest almost every year, and the days are getting better and better.

The population also exploded.

In just 50 years, from barely exceeding 10 million at the beginning, it skyrocketed to over 100 million in the blink of an eye.

And this is far from the limit.

The desolate Hades has also changed drastically.

Thanks to the long-term efforts of countless dead souls, the Hades is now full of prosperous city-states like the city of 'Saint Poros'.

There is no longer the barrenness of the past.

Hades and death used to be synonymous with horror.

Human beings on the earth now call death the glory of bathing the king of the gods.

"It is the great King of the gods who will take our souls into his heavenly kingdom!"

Humans spread it like this.

Saint Athens!

This former birthplace of mankind is now prefixed with the word "Holy".

Today is the annual festival of the gods.

It marks the start of a new year.

From the fifty years of the New God Court to the fifty-one year of the New God Court.

Human beings all over the world, and the millions of inhabitants of the city of St. Athens.

Formed a mighty team.

Standing in an empty square.

They looked at the majestic statues on the altar above.

In the middle is a majestic figure with blond hair and silver eyes.

With lowered eyes, overlooking the vast world.

The priests chant the names of the gods one by one.

Apollo, Artemis, Demeter, Hestia, Pallas, Prometheus, Athena...  

All the main gods of the new shrine were sacrificed.

Under everyone's solemn eyes.

The priests made a "hands-on salute" to the last tall statue.

Poros, the king of the gods, is the son of Zeus, the king of the three generations, and Metis, the goddess of wisdom, and the twin brother of the goddess Athena, the current deputy king of the gods. "

"It was prophesied from his birth that he would replace his father and become the proud king of the gods!"

"For this reason, his mother was persecuted by the cruel Zeus, and he and the goddess Athena went through countless difficulties before they came into the world successfully.

"He used to be the god of opportunity and the lord of hope. He participated in the birth of mankind and gave us St. Athens.

He ended the dark old age ruled by the cruel Zeus, and brought an unprecedented new age to the world!"

"He is the master of all things in the universe and the greatest king of the gods."

The priests looked wild.

"At the end of the ceremony, let us pray together in the name of Poros, the king of the gods!

with his voice.

The god statues above all shone brightly at the same time.

Known by many humans.

This is the attention of the gods, and blessings have come, and the coming year will surely be another good year.

This is what happens every year at festivals.

Only the statue in the middle has remained unchanged.

When people know.

The great king of the gods, always on top of the world, watching over the gods.

watch them!

"Praise you, the king of the gods, the supreme ruler of all things in the universe!"

Mortals chant toward the centermost deity.

Send out prayers.

Suddenly, the golden-haired, silver-eyed, majestic God-King statue.

It suddenly emitted an unprecedented brilliant light.

At the same time, a gorgeous scroll that seems to be full of endless dreams.

Slowly spread in the void.

ps: Hi writing, the next chapter may be later. .

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