Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 210 Hiding At The End Of Eternity! (Ask For Subscription, Ask For Flowers, Ask For Monthly P

Pandora fell silent.

"It's true that what you said is very likely. The Eternal Archmage is not an ignorant person, and will not wait for us."

After a while, she said in a low voice.

"If there is nothing else to hold him back, he will definitely attack decisively and use all his strength to break through to me."

"If that's the case, what should we do?"

The five of them, Mo Yilai and Xiu De Nuosi, looked worried.

With one's own world, the current strength.

If it is true, the seven kings of the evening will all attack.

Can't resist at all.

Will be defeated in an instant!

"Don't think too much!"

Pandora showed a smile.

"If that's the case, it's useless to think too much. Trying to strengthen yourself is the best way to fight."

"And the Eternal Master, if there is no special reason, how can he not move for countless years, he must be restrained by something."

Five people, Mo Yi Lai and Xiu De Nuo Si, feel at ease.

At this moment Poros said with a sullen face:

"I'm not so optimistic, and passive waiting is not a good choice."

"So you want to?"

Pandora looked at Poros.

The corner of the latter's mouth was raised, and the ripples of time rippled on his body.

630 exudes the "tomorrow's body" that almost exceeds the limit of the root law, infinitely approaching the root vortex, and slowly emerges.

"I want you to interfere with the passage on the opposite side and put my avatar into the space-time on the opposite side. You should be able to do this."

Pandora looked at him in surprise.

"A clone close to the root vortex is also very precious.

If you throw it on the opposite side, the biggest possibility is that it will be discovered by the Seven Kings of Twilight, are you so willing?"

Beside Mo Yilai, Shudnos, Walati, etc., have even more complicated expressions.

A few of them have not yet reached the limit of the root law.

Is Poros going to take a primordial that is close to the root vortex to die casually?

Understand the thoughts hidden in their eyes.

Poros calmly said to Pandora:

"I have my own way to avoid the Seven Kings of the Twilight, and I sent him to the opposite time and space. The first reason is to find out the specific situation of the Twilight. Sufficient information is the key element to be invincible.

"The second is to find a way to make some noise in the dusk lair, so that they can't care about others, and reduce the pressure here.

'Tomorrow's Body' took out the gift that Xing gave him.

"The other thing is that we need to get in touch with Dawn Star. They also have two chiefs (bhej) of the root crown. If they can cooperate, they will undoubtedly be a great help to each other11

There is actually another reason.

Poros' body of tomorrow can be fused with his real body.

Then the mutual forces will add up.

Relying on a large number of root crystals.

Now Poros' real body has quickly penetrated into this level after being promoted to the root vortex.

Wait until all the root crystals on hand are consumed.

It is expected to reach the point where it approaches the limit of the source vortex potential.

And the 'tomorrow's body' that has not yet reached the root vortex, if it is integrated into the real body.

There is no way to give the body much improvement.

Only let him go to the opposite twilight time and space, looking for treasures and opportunities similar to the root crystal.

The root vortex has been improved, and even stronger.

Only by integrating into the real body in the future can we exert strength all at once.

Poros had a vision.

If he waits for the limit of the root vortex, accommodates the 'heart of the world', and reaches the crown of the root in one fell swoop.

It can also make the "body of tomorrow" reach the crown of root.

Can such integration into the real body reach the so-called 'eternity' in one fell swoop?

Even if it doesn't work.

That would certainly not be weaker than Pandora and the Eternal King.

In addition, it has been studied to 1.8 times now, and it will not take long to reach the full state of 2 times the "root amplification technique"

He alone can stand against the Seven Kings of the Twilight.

It's a big idea.

Poros himself also felt that it was not so easy to achieve.

The real body has the heart of the world, and it is not difficult to promote to the root crown.

But the crown of the root is after all the long river of time, and it can be called the strongest supreme position.

How can it be so easy to achieve the "body of tomorrow".

But one has to think big, right?

What if in the twilight time and space, we really encounter such an opportunity?

In addition, if the "Body of Tomorrow" does something big in the future twilight time and space.

It can also add a lot of reputation to him here.

The 100 million Fame Points he needs for his next gift bag have now reached more than 80 million.

In fact, not far away.

The more powerful the life, the higher the reputation value it can bring.

Obviously, the twilight time and space will not lack the life of the original level, and it may be the case that the original root is everywhere.

Then make a profit!

Set a small goal and make up 100 million.

With these thoughts in mind.

Poros manipulated the "body of tomorrow" to come to Pandora.

"Since you have already made up your mind, then I won't advise you anything."

Pandora waved her hand at the mysterious black box.

A gap was revealed in the light curtain that sealed the well-like passage.

Poros controls the "body of tomorrow" to enter.

"Later, I will launch a slam attack on the opposite side, shaking this passage, and you take the opportunity to pass.

"Because of the turmoil in the passage, you will randomly fall into any corner of the opposite space-time, anywhere is possible, you have to be careful."

Pandora told him.

Poros nodded.

Pandora didn't say anything more, and a majestic source of power suddenly gathered in her slender palm.

Like a splendid world spinning.

Suddenly, she made this blow.


The huge roar reverberated in the long river of time.

A huge glowing world was thrown into the river like a stone, causing huge splashes.

A straight channel connecting the two ends of time.

In an instant, it shook violently.

The expressions of the three kings of decline, corruption, and destruction stationed on the opposite side changed.

"What does that woman over there want to do?"

"Could it be that we are expanding the Zhang Tong Road, she is afraid, so she wants to forcefully destroy it?"

The idea comes to mind.

The corners of the mouths of the three kings instantly sneered.

"She blocked the opposite side, and we couldn't get in.

But she thought it was her own strength.

Is it too arrogant to be able to shake the passage maintained by the three of us together?

"Not to mention this channel, the archmage also left a force to bless it not long ago!"


The three of them released the majestic source power at the same time.

Injected into the turbulent channel.

In an instant, the trembling passage gradually stabilized in the long river of time.

But at this moment.

As early as Pandora's shot, Poros' body of tomorrow jumped into the passage.

Withstood the other end of this time.

He used the 'shadowless shadow' to the extreme.

The whole person is like turning into nothingness.

Through the turbulent time channel, fall into the opposite time and space.

Just pass through the three kings.

fifty years.

The biggest gain of Poros is not the promotion of the root vortex.

Rather, he finally reached the highest level of 'Shadow of No Shadow'.

Hide at the end of eternity!.

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