Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 223: Halberd! (Ask For Subscription, Ask For Flowers, Ask For Monthly Pass)

Accompanied by the indifferent voice resounding.

Poros released countless blue lights and shadows all over his body.

Like a stormy sea, the turbulent waves break through the darkness.

"Lime Canglan, I don't know what happened in the border town of death that gave you the courage you have now!"

Beast-like lights and shadows interlaced and neighed.

The endless darkness under the crimson moon rumbled loudly.

The indifference of Moss' pitch-black eyes is unprecedented, like a piece of ice that will not melt!

"But I swear in the name of darkness to let you know that a fool is a fool after all.

No matter how much you change, you can't compare to me, the Son of Darkness!"

Killing intent, chill, ferocity, darkness!

It erupted to the extreme in an instant.

A dark and ferocious terrifying beast roared and opened its huge mouth that devoured everything.


The Canglan family has the Canglan secret technique.

The pitch-black family naturally also has pitch-black secrets!

The dark secret technique 'Bite of the Beast' turns into a devouring beast and devours everything in the temple.

A dark and ferocious shadow of a terrifying beast.

The blue fury that came towards Xi ferociously.

Sizzling! Sizzling!

Like jelly being sucked.

The raging blue tide was devoured by the dark and ferocious beast.

"Tsk tsk, it's really delicious!"

Moss pitch-black cast a provocative look.

The ferocious monster that devoured it with a big mouth, roared so loudly that it made people feel terrified.

In the distance, Old Bull and Nina Canglan were startled.

Looking worriedly at the shrouded in the blue light.

Poros approached step by step by ferocious beasts.

at this time.

The rich blue that permeated the dark void under the crimson moon suddenly surged up.


Two invisible blue giant hands.

Suddenly swallowed by ferocious and pitch-black ferocious beasts, they gathered and formed, vast and solid.

When it appears.

He grabbed the ferocious mouth of the beast one by one.

Pull the upper and lower jaws firmly apart.

"Lime Canglan, you are courting death!"

Moss Darkness was startled at first, and then his face turned ferocious.

The infinite black light echoed the devouring giant beast.

under his power.

The giant beast frantically tried to close its upper and lower jaws, trying to bite off the two ghosts

But when it tries.

In the distance, Poros put on a stiff face, showing arrogance.

"Moss, how long have you not eaten, so weak, like a pole." "


Two giant blue hands.

A fierce force erupted suddenly, like a raging wave, tearing open the upper and lower jaws of the ferocious giant beast.


The dark and ferocious animal figure seemed to be in great pain for a moment, becoming bleak and distorted.

Trying to make a horrible roar.

But because the two jaws were torn, only the muffled voice came out.


There was a scream of pain from Moss Darkness.

The ferocious monster that devours everything is actually transformed by the power of his root, and it is one with him.

At this moment, the two jaws were torn apart.

It is equivalent to his spirit being torn apart abruptly.

The pain is indescribable.

"Master Moss!"

Many servants of the dark family screamed in horror.

They all thought that if their young master made a move, Lime Canglan, a domineering idiot, would be taken down with a raise of his hand.

Everyone was waiting for the young master to win, because of flattery.


It's only a moment of fighting, and it will be like this.

Lime Canglan, when did he become so powerful?

The many servants of the Dark family hurriedly dropped what they were holding, and rushed towards Moss Dark.

The young master who defends the dark family.

"Humble bug, back down!"

Unexpectedly, there was a contemptuous growl.

Immediately, the two big blue hands condensed in the void, like a giant sea.

Sweeping from top to bottom.


The loud noise of space collapse rippling in all directions.

The giant blue hand, as vast as a tide, is extremely solid and massive.

Slapped and crushed.

Like the sky collapsing, boundless power poured down on the many servants of the dark family.

"Damn it, it's the Borrowers'!"

"But why is it so scary, isn't Lime Canglan a domineering waste?"

Everyone in the dark family looked shocked.

I only feel the surrounding space, under the vast power of this blue hand.

All in pieces.

The terrifying power swallowed them all up and down, wanting to crush all of them into powder.

Unspeakable terror filled their hearts.

"Lime..... Big Brother's 'Hand of Cang' is more powerful than Hart Big Brother, even Father!"

Nina Canglan bit her thin lips tightly, her olive-colored clear eyes were full of unbelievability.

"Master Lime has long since become different. He is the noble son of Canglan, and he is destined to lead the family towards revival!"

Old Bull whispered beside him with a fiery expression.

Nina Canglan remained silent.

A pair of clear and transparent olive eyes stared blankly at the tall and stern figure shrouded in rich blue in the distance.

She never thought about it.

It turns out that this nasty big brother has such a tall figure!


Suddenly there was a loud bang like the world exploded.

The ferocious rippling vast void.

I saw the dim and distorted Devouring Beast.

I don't know when it condensed out of Moss Black again.

It released a terrifying aura far beyond the previous one.

"Lime Canglan, you arrogant fool, pay the price for angering the great Son of Darkness!"

Nina and the others stared at the past.

I saw that it was shrouded in countless dark lights and shadows.

Moss Black's face twisted.

The stature and the devouring beast rising up again are intertwined and heavy.

The two seemed to merge into one.

The ferocious beast is full of hostility.

Stretched out the pitch-black sharp minions, tearing at the two giant blue hands that covered everyone in the pitch-black family.


The giant claws are fierce.

With indescribable terror power.

With a wave, the two blue giant hands were torn to pieces.

"."This is the 'unity' of family secrets!"

Breaking away from the enveloping blue giant hand, everyone in the dark family who escaped from death and breathed air for a long time.

He looked frantically at Moss Darkness at this moment.

"This is the most powerful killing form of the family's secret art. After being used, it can allow the user to break through the limit for a short time and reach a personality far beyond his own!"

"Master Moss has long been the pinnacle of root law, so isn't it at this moment..."


The huge sound of void shattering pierced through the endless darkness.

But I saw Moss' pitch-black slender figure distortedly blending with the ferocious giant beast.

A terrible breath of root vortex.

It suddenly appeared.

Icy locked Poros.

"Bend your knees before me, Lime Candle!"

The ferocious (Li Qianzhao) roar is more violent than the ferocious beast.

Moss Heihe's eyes at this moment were filled with endless scarlet in the darkness.

It is like a chaotic beast king who came out of the boundless years, wanting to destroy and destroy everything in the world.

An extremely violent dark undercurrent.

With an indescribably terrifying aura, it was released astonishingly, making the entire world of Crimson Moon.

All rumbling and trembling.

The huge moon city composed of many time and space is in constant turmoil.

But at this time, Poros was in the horror of the tide and the hideous beast shadow.

There was a dark blue light in his eyes.

"That's what it looks like!"

"It just so happens that I just learned a new trick, and it's a match for you to try it out!"

Poros looked indifferently into the depths of the Canglan family's mansion, as if sensing something.

"Pretend to be vain, suffer death!"

Moss Dark roared a little uneasy.

Controlling the ferocious beast shadow that devours everything, it is overwhelmingly overwhelming with terror.

At this time, the figure shrouded in the faint blue light let out a low shout.


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