"Ding, the 100 million reputation gift pack has been opened.

"Ding, you have obtained the source of eternity * 1, the magic [Kingdom of the Gods]."

this day.

Top of Olympus.

In the majestic God King Hall, Poros's bright eyes suddenly opened.

"One hundred million fame has finally been reached. Thanks to this period of time, countless beings in the sky, the earth, the ocean, and the underworld are chanting my name."

"It is also thanks to the body of tomorrow in the dusk time and space, as the son of Canglan.

With the rise of the Blackest Kingdom, he successfully obtained the test quota of the apocalypse, defeated the powers of the seven kingdoms, and became the eighth Twilight King!"

"Ha, so the so-called dusk, the truth is like this..."

Brilliant eyes bloom brilliant colors.

Poros stood up slowly.

His deep gaze overlooks the entire world, and even the boundless river of time.

Overshadowing the past and the future.

In his body, a crystal light group exuding an eternal breath is spinning rapidly at this moment.

"The source of eternity"

A word spit out from the corner of his mouth.

Time warps around Poros.

The next moment, he appeared in front of a chaotic and dark giant door.

Concentrate calmly.

"The Gate of Origin!"

Stare at the Chaos Portal in front of you.

A magnificent light shot out from Poros' body.

In an instant, the majestic giant gate uttered a shocking roar, and countless chaotic breaths shook the long river of time and space.

"This power!"

A will suddenly awakened in the portal.

Shocked and staring at the stalwart figure with blond hair and silver eyes in front of him.

"Eternal breath........."

"Ancestor God Chaos, you have already been exposed to the power of the 'gate', so you shouldn't be surprised by my eternity.

Hearing the voice of the will, Poros smiled lightly.


The highest level above the root crown.

Detached from the long river of time, infinite in the past and future.

After he merged with the source of eternity and stepped into this level.

Only then did he truly understand what the so-called dusk and the so-called 'door' are.

They are the past, the future, the detached eternity, and the influence of power on all time and space in the past and future of this long river of time.

The source of the dusk, the source of the 'door'.

They are all Eternals, you can call them Lords of Twilight, Lords of Doors.

"The Lord of Twilight is also the most powerful in eternity.

This makes him even though he has already transcended the long river of time, the power projection still deeply affects the endless time and space. "

"This is the root of the twilight disaster!"

Poros looked ahead.

"There is only another eternity who can fight against eternity, so the future of Hope Star voluntarily became a 'gate'.

Receive the power of the master of the door and block the long river of time and space. "

"Whether it is the door of the future, the door of destiny, or your door of origin, they are already the anchor of the owner of the door."

Chaos condensed a phantom in the chaos.

Sighed slightly at Poros.

"The Lord of Twilight is the biggest threat to the endless space-time, but the Lord of the Door may not be any better.

"But we had no choice then!"

"Only eternity can fight eternity!"

boom boom!!

A huge movement suddenly came from the gate of origin behind.

Chaos' expression changed.

"He's coming out!"


Poros' eyes flashed at this moment.

Staring at the door of origin that was bombarded from the inside, he said slowly:

"It turns out that besides the Lord of the Twilight, the Lord of the Gate, and her.

There is another Eternal, who has long been revealed to this world. "

"Chronos, Lord of Time!

He is the God of Creation in our time and space, and finally surpassed the crown of origin and achieved eternity. "

The phantom of Chaos has a complex demeanor.

"We thought that as long as God the Father achieved eternity, the disaster of dusk would be eliminated.

But I didn't expect that after he achieved eternity, he would disappear into the long river of time forever. "

"It wasn't until after I transformed the gate that a projection of His suddenly appeared in the time and space that had been sealed by me. This is the truth of the transformation of the gate of origin.

God the Father will come, like the Lord of Twilight, to destroy everything!"

"Poros, the best god born in this world I created, you should leave first!"

"The final age is about to come, and all eternities will come!

At this moment, what you have to do is to improve yourself as much as possible before then, so that you can gain more vitality for the past and the future..."

"Ancestor God Chaos, do you think that even though I have set foot in eternity, there is still a huge gap compared to other eternals?"

Poros smiled slightly.

The figure suddenly appeared in the crack of the gate of origin.

"Poros, you..."

Chaos yelled anxiously.

However, the figure of Poros had already turned into a ray of light and entered the interior of the gate of origin.

It was a time and space half shrouded in dusk and half shrouded in nothingness.

The terrifying breath of death permeates the boundless.

All life breath has long been lost.

There is only a transparent stalwart figure standing in the highest sky.

Overlooking several dying figures.

". "My wife, Anan Ke!"

"Why do you lead these descendants of mine to resist against the lips?"

"Leading them into my arms is the only way to avoid the twilight."


A dignified woman exuding the aura of the root crown, stared at the phantom figure with bluffing arms in front of her.

"You are not yourself!"

He tried his best to protect some remaining gods in the rear.

The woman was very sad.

"I really want to know what you have experienced after achieving eternity.

Let you become what you are now..."

"It's wrong, it's because you don't understand the greatness of eternity, which is the highest level beyond the imagination of ordinary people like you!"

Looking down coldly, the phantom figure seemed impatient.

Unleashed a majestic mighty power.

Shock down.

Rao is the power of the dignified woman's root crown, and she was knocked down in an instant.

"Mother God!"

A pitch-black veil shrouded, and Nyx was surging with stars, rushing to catch Dian Zhuangzi.

Beside her (dead), Erebus and Moros screamed and mobilized the source to help.

But it is simply difficult to resist the terrifying mighty force pressing down from above.

They are desperate!

Ben came to investigate the internal situation of the Gate of Origin.

But I didn't want the Gate of Origin's change to be so big.

The god of creation in the last era.

Aboard Chronos, the Eternal Lord of Time.

After achieving eternity, it completely changed its appearance and appeared as a projection.

To destroy this sealed space-time.

It destroys the past and the future, cuts time and space day by day.

What exactly is this for?

"Eternal level, you don't understand... I have lost patience, the last blow, destroy you Shen!"

"Then step out of this time and space, before the dusk and the gate come, and dominate everything first!"

The phantom figure spoke indifferently.

An indescribable force enveloped death.

At this moment, an equally indescribable divine force broke through time and space. .

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