Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 242: The God Of The Gods (The Finale)

With such shock, the lord of twilight and the lord of the door flew out of the long river of time.

But when they rushed to the hand of origin.

Behind them, an infinitely magnificent sacred light suddenly surged.

A country of indescribable greatness.

Protruding out, covering the entire river of time almost in an instant, making them eternity.

Also - covered.

"It's you, the newborn eternity"

"When is it, do you still want to care about the grievances between us?"

The Lord of Twilight was furious and shocked.

In his view, because of the appearance of this mysterious and terrifying Lord of Origin.

It is already a big concession for him to choose to abandon the grievances of the seven kings being killed.

At this moment all eternities defeat the Lord of origin.

That's the thing to do!

How dare you, a little elementary and eternal generation, be so ignorant?

But what shocked him was.

The light of God coming from behind falls under the mighty power of the evening that dyes time.

In an instant, His twilight power was wiped out.

This power is simply unimaginable, and it is what a new eternal being can emit.

The other Eternals were also shocked.

The master of the middle door frowned and said:

"Lord of God, I didn't expect you, a newborn Eternal, to have such strength.

"But right now, 17 is still joining forces to fight against the Lord of Origin. This existence is hidden in the source of time for endless years, and the conspiracy is quite big.

More secretly manipulate digital eternity.

It is our common enemy, please suspend grievances!"

As soon as the voice of the master of the door fell, the infinitely magnificent kingdom of gods was at the deepest point.

There was a faint smile.

"Don't be so troublesome, under the radiance of my god, if you want to disappear today, the origin will disappear too!"

The cold voice resounded through the long river of time.

Immediately, the more blazing monstrous divine light was infinitely permeating and swaying boundlessly.

Many eternal wrath.

"Lord of God, you are courting death!"

The Lord of Twilight roared furiously, and the first one exploded with full force, endless Twilight power.

Like a wave, like a wild current, the turbulent impact time inside and outside.

Unleash the power of eternity.

However, regardless of his twilight power, there is an incredible power to eliminate timeless, filthy roots.

In front of the monstrous divine light that pervades the entire river of time.

And fuel like fire.

There is only the possibility of being ignited and then reduced to ashes!

This scene shocked the Twilight Lord, followed by panic and fear.

"How is it possible, I am eternal, who can dispel my power?"

Can't believe it, don't want to believe it.

The Lord of Twilight is like a maniac, incarnate in the endless dusk sky, stretching across many time and space.

Bring on the most terrifying doomsday twilight.

Vigorous impact Shenhui.

But under the divine light of Poros, all these are in vain and nothingness.

Just for a moment.

The vast dusk that stretches on endlessly is—disappeared, destroyed like ashes.

Under the magnificent divine light, the Lord of Twilight made a sound of panic.

And at the same time.

The Lord of the Door and other Eternals were also horrified.

They are also under the light of God, transcending the eternal power of time, pressing.


"We are the eternal ones, transcending time and surpassing the universe. How can we be wiped out by you, a newcomer to eternity?"

The Lord of the Door and the Eternals screamed and struggled.

Streams of vast eternal power permeate the time and space inside and outside the river, bombarding majesticly.

Fight against the Supreme God.

"I am the lord of gods, above all gods, in control of everything, and I will bow my head forever!"

Poros stands above the long river of time.

The sacred eyes overlook the past and present, and the leisurely declaration roars through all time and space.

Attracting all the divine life, can't help trembling.

Even in the source of the long river of time, giant hands flow down the river, covering the ministers of origin from ancient to modern.

He was also shocked and froze his movements.

"It is strange that a Lord of Humans will be born, but why is there a Lord of God?"

Pandora also stared in surprise.

The Eternals are beyond the bounds of time.

But the impact on the time and space of the long river of time is huge.

Like the lord of the dusk, it symbolizes dusk and destruction.

Therefore, time is long, and all time and space have dusk and destruction.

The master of the door symbolizes all portals and things with similar concepts to the portal.

The Lord of Origin is the first life and greatness born in the long river of time.

He symbolizes the origin of time and space.

This is why Pandora speculates that He can control the Four Eternals.

Other manipulated Eternals don't know.

But Kronos, the master of time, is the god of creation in the previous time and space, and he also has elements related to origin.

This should be one of the reasons why he was manipulated.

But the imprints of many eternal beings in the long river of time are often illusory concepts.

Only she is the master of people.

It symbolizes a kind of life, a kind of ethnic group.

This is what sets her apart from the other Eternals.

The king gave birth to Poros, the lord of gods.

Spirit is a life.

But at the same time, in all major time and space, the gods also often symbolize elements, concepts and so on.

And the Lord of Gods, doesn't it represent many abstract concepts and elements at the same time, and is also a kind of ethnic symbol?

Such an eternal being is too strange!

What's even more frightening is that he is clearly just proving eternity for the first time, so why does he have such power to overwhelm the eternity?

Pandora was surprised.

The Lord of Origin in the sky can no longer sit still.

"Weird existence, I will not tolerate you!"

The huge hand of origin carries the four eternal beings including the four masters of time.

Overwhelming, rolling down towards where Poros is.

Apparently Poros made the Lord of Origin fearful.

Put down the others, and immediately choose to take this opportunity to kill Poros.

"Perfect and eternal..."

"Is that what you're asking for?"

The Hand of Origin surged down, suppressing the Poros of many Eternals.

On the magnificent face, there is a shocking calm.

Looking at the Lord of Origin with his eyes, his tone was indifferent, as if sneering.

"There is no perfect eternity in this world, only infinite prospects."

"At most it is infinitely close to the power of perfection, just like this!"

Gently raised a brilliant scepter in his hand.

Poros patted forward without expression.

The hand of origin captured by the monstrous sky, the gathering of thousands of mighty forces, caused a sensation inside and outside of time.

But under this light stroke.

It was broken in the blink of an eye!

The Lord of Origin screamed in pain: "This power... I don't believe it!"

His cry of pain has just been heard.

Poros raised the scepter again.


Hit where he really is.

In an instant, time and space exploded, and the origin disappeared.

The real body of the Lord of Origin finally emerged, an illusory but real figure whose appearance is difficult to describe in words.

This is the first time he's been seen.

And for the last time.

Poros under one stick.

740 Almost in an instant, his real body began to shatter, the eternal power dimmed, and everything became nothingness.


Known as the first eternity in the long river of time, hiding the ages, just waiting for the final moment to achieve perfection.

The master of origin who secretly controls the four eternal beings.

It disappeared like this.

The Lord of the Twilight, the Lord of the Door and other eternities who are still struggling under the light of God.

Completely speechless!

This is the peak of the long river of time.

The place where all eyes meet.

Proudly stand at the core of infinite divine light, holding up the divine scepter in his hand.

Poros overlooking time in and out.

"The age of man and god will come to an end.

"Lord of men, from now on, what belongs to the world will return to the world."

"To the gods, to the gods!"

"Endless time and space, all gods, enter my kingdom!"

Under the calm words.

In countless time and space, all divine life is discovered.

I was enveloped by infinite divine light.

In a majestic country.

In the incomparably vast world, there is only one indescribably great existence.

Holding a scepter, dominate the gods.

"Mortals rule the world, and the gods belong to me!

"Time is infinite, I am the god of gods!"

Final declaration.

Accompanied by the eternal splendor that engulfs the Lord of the Twilight, the Lord of the Door, and others.

Covering the entire river of time.

Let all time and space be the joy of peace under the radiance of God.

Ordinary residence and the world.

The gods live in heaven.

And above the gods, there is another ruler who surpasses the gods, overlooking the inside and outside of time beyond eternity.

That is to say... the god of the gods!.

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