Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 4 The Great Prophet (Ask For Flowers, Ask For Comments, Ask For Monthly Tickets)

Elterra Mountains.

This is a very ordinary hill.

On the boundless land created by Earth Mother Gaia, there are countless such mountains.

There is nothing unusual about it at all.

But come to it.

Athena embraced Poros, her expression became extremely solemn and solemn.

It's not just because the person who lives here is the one who can help her siblings.

All the more because.

This god is the most virtuous and farsighted great sage and prophet in the world.

"His Royal Highness Prometheus, the daughter of Metis is here to visit and begs for your audience."

As soon as Athena's voice came out, the mountain in front of her split open ahead of time.

Along the cracked gap, a bright garden located in the mountain appeared in front of Athena.

Elegant fragrance, full of vitality.

Like spring, it soothes the tired heart of the tired and dusty.

"You are finally here, the new generation of Goddess of Wisdom..."

"Come in, with the troubles and opportunities you gave me."

An old voice came from inside.

There are endless vicissitudes, and the depth and weight of piercing through time.

Holding Poros, Athena walks through the crack.

In bright light, in a bright and vibrant garden.

A tall, gray-haired figure in a white robe made of rough cloth.

Sit quietly in front of her line of sight.

Dang's eyes were full of wrinkles, but still clear and peaceful.

When I saw Athena and the baby in her arms.

The old figure in the white robe finally showed a hint of expression on his weather-stained cheeks.

This expression is very strange.

Like a deer whose neck has been bitten by a jackal, seeing a hunter rushing in front of it.

"Your Highness Prometheus, my mother once told me."

"You are the wise man closest to the truth among the gods, and you are also the most benevolent and kind-hearted sage."

"It is her most admired and admired, the only teacher and best friend in her life."

Athena saluted the white robe prophet with the most sincere and polite gesture.

Look at the face in front of you that is very similar to the wise and intelligent goddess in the past.

Prometheus sighed after a while.

"She is also my best friend, a close companion on the road of seeking truth."

"But no matter how knowledgeable a wise man is, he cannot understand the fickleness of the human heart.

The ending of being devoured by true love is the greatest mockery of fate to us who claim to be visionaries. "

The peaceful eyes of the greatest prophet in the court paused, a little sad.

"No matter how great a god you are, how profound knowledge you know, how powerful and wise you are."

"Before the eyes of truth and destiny, we are all the humblest insects."

The vicissitudes of the prophet's voice came into my ears.

In the bright garden, Athena gently hugged Poros, her bright eyes flashed amazingly bright.

"My lord, Prometheus, perhaps you are right.

Before truth and destiny, we, as gods, are nothing but the tiniest dust. "

"But no matter how insignificant a life is, there is also a self that makes a cry and chooses to fight."

"Fate played with my mother, but she wasn't crushed.

The existence of me and my brother is the result of her struggle against fate. "

For a moment, the great prophet was silent.

His clear eyes are enough to see time and stare at the string of fate.

I was completely stung by the unprecedented dazzling brilliance in front of my eyes.

What kind of brilliance is that?

It belongs to the young and immature girl in front of her, but she is already the strongest, brave, wise and holy heroic girl.

The most colorful hymn.

She seems to be a natural fighter, confident and tenacious, flawless.

"This is the most dazzling goddess of wisdom and war in Greek mythology, with a unique style."

In Athena's arms, Poros was also infected by his sister, sighing in his heart.

In his previous life, talking about Greek mythology.

The impression it gives people is probably all kinds of orthopedic plots, and the gods are mostly lewd and cruel.

full of human flaws.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, is an outlier among them.

Born in the chaotic Olympus of private life, she is the purest virgin.

All around are gods with strong selfish desires and cruel styles.

But she has always been known for her wisdom and kindness, and is the intimate protector of all living beings on earth.

As the goddess of wisdom, she is in charge of war.

And it is different from Ares, the god of war who symbolizes the cruelty of war.

She symbolizes the beauty and glory of war.

She is a symbol of wisdom and courage, and a flash of civilization.

It is precisely because of this that she was widely praised and became the most famous goddess in Greek mythology and even many Western mythologies.

As a god, she can hardly find any shortcomings.

Perfectly reflects the glory of God.

Let the world know that the gods are not just Zeus, Poseidon, Ares and other brutal and barbaric people.

There are also true gods who deserve all praise.

Blinking clear eyes, Poros was proud of his sister.

"You are truly worthy of being a god who has completely inherited all the wisdom and power of Metis.

In addition to your own authority, although you have only just been born, you have already surpassed your mother. "

Rubbing his stinging eyes, Prometheus stood up and said softly.

At the same time looking at Poros:

"In comparison, you, the brother who is destined to be king in the prophecy, is not as brilliant as you."

Smiling, he added:

"This is also inevitable, trapped in Zeus' body, Metis' power is basically inherited to you.

Being malnourished, he was able to reach the height of a middle god at birth, which actually surprised me very much. "

"Most of the gods have to reach adulthood to reach the lower gods."

"Even those main gods are basically lower gods when they are just born."

"Only His Majesty Pluto, His Majesty the Sea Emperor, Goddess Hestia, Apollo, and Artemis can reach the middle god level at birth."

Speaking of which, he looked at Athena.

"If you didn't inherit the power of Metis, you were born normally, probably to this extent."

"This is already the best of the gods."

"Among the gods I've seen, they can exceed this level, reaching the height of a high god right after birth.

Only Cronus and Zeus. "

Prometheus walked slowly to Athena, and picked up the blond-haired and silver-eyed baby from her arms.

Poros felt him stroke his head with the palm of his hand a few times.

The voice is very smooth and authentic:

"His name is Poros, right?

The potential is indeed not inferior to that of Cronus and Zeus, and a little bit of malnutrition can be easily made up for. "

"But I really want to train a new God King..."

"Let this already stabilized court fall into turmoil again?"

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