Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 51 Listen To Me (Ask For Flowers, Ask For Comments, Ask For Monthly Tickets)

Helios, the sun god, and his sister, Semene, the moon goddess.

They are the sons and daughters of Hyperion, the god of the sky, and Theia, the goddess of light.

After the Titan Court collapsed.

Because it is responsible for the rising and falling of the important sun and moon, it brings light and warmth to the earth.

Helios and Semene.

Not only not like most Titans.

imprisoned in Tartarus, or forced into seclusion.

Instead, in the new Olympus Court.

obtain a low status.

The Temple of the Sun is located on the left side of Mount Olympus, on a smooth cliff.

Whenever the sun rises in the morning.

Helios will drive his iconic sun chariot.

Get the fire from the torch of Olympus and start the chariot.

Let the sun's brilliance burn.

And he drives the divine chariot, driving in the vast sky.

He will not return until evening or dusk.

Instead, my sister, the goddess of the moon, drives the moon chariot and drives in the sky.

These two gods are also the busiest gods in Olympus.

Other gods either seek pleasure or have a feast every day.

Just this pair of brothers and sisters, for tens of thousands of years.

Life is very regular, working hard every day, and never resting.

It took a lot of effort to get a general understanding of the distribution of the major temples on Mount Olympus.

Go through the levels.

When Poros came to the Temple of the Sun.

It was already night.

Semene, the goddess of the moon, drives a chariot of the moon with soft light.

Drive slowly in the dark night sky.

The Sun Chariot was parked on the cliff in front of the Sun Temple.

Helios, the sun god, rested early in the temple.

After all, tomorrow will repeat twelve hours of boring work.

"This sun god car seems a bit weird."

Quietly approach the Temple of the Sun.

Poros's eyes were suddenly attracted by the parked Sun Chariot.

I was about to approach the past and observe it with mystical eyes.

Suddenly, he had a spiritual sensation.

Suddenly found, in the dark night.

There was a slightly familiar figure.

Sneakingly came to the side of the sun chariot.

Although the other party covered up, he covered his body with a hood-style artifact.

But under the mysterious eye, Poros saw his true face in an instant.

"Apollo!" Poros called out the other person's name in his heart in surprise.

This is taking advantage of the night, quietly.

Concealing his identity, he sneaked closer to the figure of the sun god chariot.

It is one of the twelve main gods of Olympus.

Apollo, the god of light known for his elegance and beauty.

Poros hides himself well.

Under his dark watchful gaze.

Apollo, who wrapped himself up tightly, carefully observed the surrounding area for a long time.

After making sure there are no problems around.

Quickly slipped into the huge sun chariot.

Seeing his quick movements, Poros couldn't help but ponder.

"Looking at this, it shouldn't be the first time for him.

But why did Apollo want to play the idea of ​​​​the sun chariot? "

When he was wondering.

In the sun chariot in the distance, there was a sudden kicking sound.

Then in Poros' astonished eyes.

First Apollo was forced out of it.

Immediately afterwards, another figure jumped out quickly.

"That's... Teacher Prometheus!"

Poros was taken aback.

Immediately reacted.

Prometheus, who tried to steal the fire, also wanted to come to the Temple of the Sun to investigate first.

Sneak into the sun car early.

Unexpectedly, when diving in, Apollo also got in.

So the two guys with a guilty conscience.

Naturally, they fought directly inside.

"Not good!" Poros cursed inwardly.

The figure rushed towards Prometheus in the distance.

And at this time, the sound of the door of the Sun God car being kicked open.

Immediately alarmed the Sun Temple next to it.


Wearing a golden robe, curly hair all over his head, he is the burly sun god Helios.

Suddenly flew out of the temple.

Make a huge roar.

"Teacher, don't resist!"

Under "Shadow of No Shadow", Poros quickly came to the chariot of the sun.

Grab Prometheus quickly.

Apply the effect of 'Shadow of No Shadow' to him as well.

When being grabbed by the arm unconsciously.

Prometheus was horrified.

What's going on tonight?

Enter the sun car to investigate, and for no reason encounter another god who broke in.

Under tension, they fought.

The result alarmed Helios.

Now there is an invisible man hiding beside him?

Fortunately, he soon recognized Poros' voice.

Only then did I feel relieved.

Let 'Shadow Without Shadow'

The effect, acting on him.

The two concealed their breath and hid aside.

When Helios rushed out of the Temple of the Sun, he only saw Apollo on the other side.

Immediately chase the other side.

"You bastard, you can't run away!"

Apollo, who was running wildly in the night, was very depressed.

There are obviously two people, why are you chasing me alone?

He is fast.

In the blink of an eye, he was about to leave the range of the Sun Temple.

At this time in the dark, Poros rolled his eyes.

Secretly exerted its own "opportunity" power, aiming at the front of Apollo.

Give him the opportunity to have an intimate contact with a stone.

The next moment, Apollo was fleeing rapidly.

He looked at his feet in astonishment.

He tripped and fell to the ground with a crash.

Immediately caught by Helios behind him, he tore off the hidden divine clothes on his body.

"It really is you, Apollo!"

"You coveted my sun car again!"

Seeing the other person's appearance clearly, Helios roared angrily.

"Apollo, it's him!"

Prometheus next to Poros was a little surprised.

Poros motioned him to stabilize his emotions and not show any traces.

At this time, Apollo was captured by Helios.

After the initial shock.

He also quickly returned to his usual elegance and calmness.

He scanned the direction of the Sun God Chariot behind him.

After finding that there was no one there.

After thinking about it, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Patting the dust off his body, he said to Helios:

"I passed by here, wanting to see the internal structure of the sun car.

Accidentally broke a piece of your car door, are you still reluctant? "

He actually blamed everything on himself.

No mention was made of the fact that there was another person in the car.

Prometheus and Poros met eyes.

I don't quite understand why Apollo did what he did.

"There was a lot of movement just now, let's leave first." Poros said after pondering for a moment.

Prometheus nodded and pointed in a direction.

The two walked carefully towards the back mountain of Olympus.

At this moment, Helios' angry voice came from behind.

"Apollo, I don't believe your sophistry. How can you be so tightly wrapped up along the way?"

"For so long, you and your sister have coveted my and Semene's chariot."

"If the God King didn't give it to you, you wanted to steal it. Fortunately, I found it!"

"Let's go, let's go to the Palace of the God King and ask His Majesty the God King to comment!"

"Helios, let me go!"

"Whoever wants to steal your magic car, I'll just drop by and take a look, at most without telling you first.

It's tightly wrapped because I like to wear it when I go out at night, can you control it? "

The noisy voice of the two gods became louder and louder.

Soon the gods of the entire Olympus were attracted.

In the end, the two still went to Zeus.

At this time, Prometheus and Poros hid in a remote corner of Olympus early.

"This is the place where I was going to build a temple for me.

Later, I didn't choose to serve in Olympus, so I was abandoned, so let's stay here for a while. "

Pointing to the secluded hill in front of him, Prometheus took a breath and sat directly on the ground.

Poros sat down with him.

"Teacher, you are too reckless this time.

Even if you want to steal the fire, you have to wait until I go back to discuss it. "

Prometheus smiled wryly:

"You have been away for so long and haven't come back, our gods' view of time is not mortal.

Do anything you want and you can do it for decades.

I can afford to wait, but the human beings who have lost their fire on the earth can't afford to wait. "

Poros was taken aback.

"Then you completely disregarded your own safety just for them?"

"Even if you stole the fire, you will never escape the punishment of Zeus afterwards!

Maybe he just wants you to steal the fire, so that he can deal with you in a name.

Only then did all the fire seeds on the earth be collected. "

"Of course I understand, but human beings are my creation.

It is also the crystallization of the results of my search for truth.

I can't just sit and watch them lose their spark and turn into beasts! "

Lying on the ground, Prometheus quietly stared at the bright moonlight in the sky.

Poros fell silent.

He's generally more sensible.

Apart from his sister, few things make him act sensually.

Including the revenge against Zeus, it is also step by step.

Wait for the strength to accumulate enough before proceeding.

Like Prometheus.

He is obviously very intelligent and can see everything clearly, but he is still trapped in sensibility.

He doesn't quite understand.

He believes that people can have emotions, but they should not be swayed by emotions and lose their due wisdom.

"Teacher, without you."

"Even if those humans regain the fire, they will always become ants at the mercy of the gods."

Prometheus smiled:

"Isn't there still you?"

"I have long believed that you will definitely become the greatest king of the gods.

At that time, the world will usher in a new era.

Under your rule, gods and humans will live in harmony. "

"Oh, teacher.

I'm not as good as you think. "

Poros stood up, facing the moonlight.

Slowly said: "So this time, you have to listen to me!"

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