Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 7 The Goddess Of The Night (Asking For Flowers, Asking For Comments, Asking For Monthly Tick

"My mother has long been in seclusion and basically never shows up.

But not long ago, she fell in love with a young goddess and brought her from the ocean to teach her.

It should not be in deep sleep yet. "

An aged boatman, son of Nyx, goddess of the night.

Charon, the ferryman of the Styx, said to Prometheus in a hoarse voice.

"Oh, it can shock the goddess Nyx who hasn't been born for a long time.

I can't help but wonder which excellent young goddess it is. "

Prometheus asked.

"Her name is Hecate, daughter of Perseus and Asteria," Charon told him.

"Perces' daughter?" Prometheus was a little surprised.

Perseus, the god of destruction, is the son of Clios, the god of weather among the twelve Titans.

When he was in Titan God Court, he was a well-known brave warrior.

Notoriously simple-minded, well-developed limbs.

It was his brother Pallas, the god of war strategy.

He is a very scheming figure, known as the brain of the Titan.

In the era of the Titan God Court, he had a friendship with the other party.

In the end, it was under the command of him and Metis.

Brother Zeus defeated the Titans commanded by Pallas.

His brother Perses and his father Clios were imprisoned in Tartarus.

Thinking of this past, Prometheus couldn't help feeling melancholy.

It took a while to come back to his senses, and nodded to Charon.

After saying goodbye, he took Poros across the river Styx in front of him, and went to the depths of Hades.

"The River of Styx just now was called Acheron, the River of Pain. There are five rivers of Styx in the Hades."

"The next four are 'River of Sighs' Kokutos, 'River of Scorpions' Piriferogoton, 'River of Forgotten' Lete, and 'River of Hatred' Styx."

"As long as you pass through these five Styx rivers, you will be able to resist the depths of Hades.

Nyx, goddess of the night, with her husband Erebus, god of darkness, and Tartarus, god of the abyss.

The three oldest and most powerful primordial gods are hidden there. "

On the way, Prometheus introduced some situation of Hades to Poros while walking.

Finally, he arrived at a space covered by a sky full of stars.

Thousands of bright stars dot the sky.

Intertwined into the most peaceful night.

Although it is also dark.

But it is completely different from the almost terrifying darkness of the outside world.

Once here.

Prometheus bowed to the stars with the most serious expression.

"Dear Goddess of the Night, Lord of Tranquility and Secrets.

You have a heart wider than the night sky, and a kindness brighter than the stars.

Please forgive Prometheus for the rude interruption.

I implore you to take a moment in your eternal life to listen to my words for a moment. "


The long sigh was like a gentle breeze blowing in the night sky.

Suddenly, from the faint night, soothing came out.

In the bright night sky intertwined with stars, the curtain-like darkness trembled.

A wide black dress, a graceful figure, and a mysterious and deep blurred figure.

The outline slowly emerged.

Under the beautiful face covered by the veil turned into night.

A pair of eyes as bright as the stars looked at him quietly.

"Son of Iapetus, you have brought me trouble again."

The light voice is like the smoothest lullaby, gentle and gentle.

With a strange strength reminiscent of a mother's arms.

Prometheus lowered his head slightly, and respectfully responded to the night above:

"Goddess Nyx.

If you really thought I was causing trouble, you wouldn't show up to see me. "

He took out the peeled stone skin.

"When Cronus was still the king of gods.

You gave it to me so that I could help Rhea replace Zeus. "

"Now it brings a new king, guide me to bring him before you.

This is the revelation of fate, and it is your will. "

In the hazy night, Miaoman's vague figure made a faint voice:

"Son of Iapetus, such words will not cause me to risk trouble and participate in your new series of dirty battles in Gaia."

"But the blow to Mother Earth is your will."

Prometheus smiled.

"Since the age of ignorance, the gods in charge of the world are almost all descendants of the Earth Mother."

"But Earth Mother Gaia is just one of several primordial beings.

You and Your Highness Erebus, Your Highness Tartarus.

Although I don't know why, they are rarely seen in this world.

But you obviously don't like a world completely controlled by the Earth Mother. "

"That's why you supported me and Goddess Rhea in dealing with Cronus.

Because he was too deeply influenced by the Earth Mother. "

"But you didn't expect that Mother Earth chose to abandon Cronus after discovering that you were behind us."

"This caused Brother Zeus to betray you and fall directly into the arms of Mother Earth."

Having said that, Prometheus looked up at the night sky above.

"Now is your chance to avenge this arrow."

In the heavy night, the hazy figure smiled lightly:

"The current Olympus Court is not the original Titan Court.

Only this one child can't shake Zeus. "

Prometheus also laughed.

"Just because there is no chance now, doesn't mean there will never be any chance in the future."

"It's just a little early investment, and it won't do you any harm."

In the thick night, the hazy figure in the black dress was slightly silent.

Suddenly, she looked at the blond-haired, silver-eyed baby with those star-like eyes.

Poros raised his eyes in a daze, and looked down at the 'Mysterious Eye'.

He saw a brilliant night sky.

Countless beautiful stars winked at him like naughty children.

This made him look away quickly.


In the dense night, the quiet sound like a lullaby emerges in surprise.

The star-like pupils looked curiously at Poros again.

"Funny boy, I like your eyes."

A faint voice came to Poros' ears from the depths of the night.

Then a radiance as deep as the night sky suddenly shrouded from above.

Overlay on Poros.

For a moment, Poros felt his body was covered by this force.

"Thank you."

Prometheus bowed again into the depths of the night.

He knew that the divine power of the goddess of the night had concealed the blood connection between Poros and Zeus.

From then on, even Poros appeared directly in front of Zeus.

The king of the gods couldn't see the relationship between the two.

This is one of the oldest and most powerful primordial gods in the world.

The sole authority of Nyx, the goddess of the night.

She is the symbol of all secrets.

Can hide any secret in the world.

"Don't thank me, I'm just interested in this kid.

Instead of being moved by your shallow words. "

"Son of Iapetus, do not think that the gods honor you as a prophet because you really know everything."

"The relationship between us and Gaia is far from being as simple as you think."

In the deep night, the hazy figure spoke admonishingly.

Prometheus frowned sharply, as if thinking of something.

Hastily bent over and said, "Thank you for your warning."

Star-like eyes looked at him again:

"I know there's another thing you're going to do.

All I can tell you is.

When the great flood recedes in the near future, it is your time to proceed. "

Prometheus trembled, and hurriedly thanked him again.

This time, the figure in the depths of the night ignored him.

A gentle force lifted Poros from his arms.

"This kid still needs an identity that won't be discovered, let him stay with me first.

Otherwise, a god without parents cannot explain the origin. "

"I will declare to the outside world that he is my newborn child and ask you to be his teacher."

"If that's the case, of course it's best, thank you for your kindness."

Prometheus came to Poros and asked a few words.

When he left, it was under heavy darkness.

Those star-like eyes looked at Poros again for a while.

Until Poros felt a little hairy.

Then she shouted to the outside:

"Thanatos, Hypnos, come and see your new brother."

"He will be taken care of by you in the future."

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