Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 77 Primordial Poseidon (Ask For Subscription, Ask For Flowers, Ask For Monthly Pass)

Under the vast sky.

The boundless sea is blue and turbulent.

Accompanied by the huge roar of the emperor of the sea.

Shocking waves suddenly rolled up on the vast sea.

Blue long hair flying.

Poseidon holds his trident tightly in his right hand.

The voluminous robe was blown in the hurricane, setting off the burly figure.

The invisible momentum and the rushing sea water blended together to set off.

Instantly became incomparably majestic.

Just like the incarnation of the infinite sea supreme.

The intimidating eyes made the gods of Toss tremble.

The vast power seemed to rippling the entire ocean in an instant.

And at this time.

"Poseidon, you are impatient!"

"Then when you fall, I will give you the same eagerness as now!"

Surrounded by many gods such as Nessanth, the friend of the sea, Keto, the danger of the sea, and Taomas, the wonder of the sea.

A shocking wave rose into the sky.

On the thick water column.

A bewitching and handsome figure loomed indistinctly.

He was surrounded by countless water splashes.

He has a handsome and well-proportioned body, long dark blue hair, and a feminine face.

But the eyes with the same color as the sea are narrow and cold, and the chill is pressing.

Proudly overlooking the vast sea.

The figure can be compared with the world.

Look at his slender palms again, the trident held tightly is very similar to the one held by Poseidon.

They are all symbols of the sea Wang Quan.

Primordial Poseidon Pontus!

It was the first time to see the legendary first sea emperor.

Poros was a little surprised.

The rumored primitive sea god was actually a handsome and feminine young man.

It's hard to say anything else.

In terms of appearance, he beat Poseidon.

at the moment of emergence.

Pontos' slender and weak body emanated an equally monstrous aura.

like a huge wall.

Standing in front of Poseidon's Dao Qi machine that blends with the ocean and integrates the world.

Poseidon stagnated, as if he suffered a bit of a loss in his first fight.

Clenching the trident in his hand, he snorted coldly and said:

"Pontos, you have finally shown yourself."

"I don't show up, how can I be worthy of you asking so many foreign aids."

The long and narrow eyes swept across the faces of Poros, Prometheus, and Athena.

Pontos's alluring and feminine face revealed a sneer.

Poros sneered and said: "After all, I am the orthodox Neptune in the hearts of the gods, and there are many gods willing to help me.

And you, at this moment, can only fight alone.!"

"If that's the case, then why doesn't your Queen's father's Oce Arnolds appear now?"

Pontus sneered.

The trident in his hand danced boldly.

Triggering the endless waves behind him, huge water jets soared into the sky.

In the sound of the tsunami.

The primitive Sea God's long and narrow eyes stared proudly between the sea and the sky.


"No matter how many helpers you have today, in front of my absolute strength.

In the end, you can only die with hatred, this is the only possibility!"

The voice fell.

The water jets rising behind Pontos.

In an instant, it turned into an infinite giant wave, sweeping towards the Bowanke army.

Poseidon looked angry.

They waved the trident in their hands at the same time.

It is also a monstrous water wave, rolling up turbulently.

Rush to the Pontus camp.

There was only a bang.

The endless water waves that cover the sky and the sun are like countless towering mountains colliding rapidly.

The impact was smashed to pieces.

Whether it is offshore, deep sea, or ocean rivers, all shake violently.

The whole world trembled faintly.

Just for a split second.

The figures of the emperors of the two seas intertwined.

Already fiercely rushing to the deepest part of the ocean.



"Knock down Poseidon and call Yingtianhai!"

"Smash Pontos and rule the ocean!"

Following the two sea emperors took the lead.

The gods on both sides also shouted slogans and led the army to rush towards each other bravely.

Soon, the two sides were fighting together.

The bright red blood stained the blue sea.

The decisive battle to determine the unification of the sea broke out!

The sonorous sound of battle.

Blink resounds through the whole sea, the whole world!

The gods of sky, earth, and Hades.

All were attracted.

"My Ancestral God Chaos, the Great Ocean War has finally broken out."

"Look, His Majesty Poseidon is attacking Pontus, they are fighting!"

"Wow, that's the goddess Athena, and the goddess of victory, they are also there!"

"Hey, is that young god with blond hair and silver eyes the recently famous God of Opportunity Poros?

He met Pontos' son, Forcus, the fury of the sea, which is not an easy character to deal with.

The gods from all over the world are watching the excitement and it is not too big of a deal.

One by one, they are paying attention to the battle situation in various places.

Only the sea is another place.

Located at the edge of the ocean, and also the edge of the world, in the vast ocean that wraps around the world like a belt.

Oce Arnolds, the burly lord of oceans and rivers, was full of anxiety in the palace.

With many sons, closely watching the beginning of the war between the two emperors.

"Pontos has a proud personality. If he wins, he will definitely humiliate me afterwards, but as long as I surrender well, he probably won't kill me..."

"Poseidon is cruel and selfish, if he wins, he will definitely teach me a lesson.

But my daughter is his Queen of the Sea, and the Oceanic Gods also need someone to lead, so he probably won't do anything to me..."

While watching the battle, the master of oceans and rivers murmured in his heart to comfort himself.

The mood is very complicated.

See his anxiety.

Among the ocean gods below, one could not help but say:

"Father God, you are also one of the three sea emperors, and my ocean gods are not weaker than Pontus and Poseidon.

Why do we have to sit here and wait for them to decide the outcome, we have the hope of winning if we kill now!"

"Acasta, what do you know?"

The God of Oceans and Rivers gave the son a cold look.

Looking at the other children who seemed to be about to move, he scolded in a low voice:

". "Pontos' strength is unfathomable, and his brother Uriah, the lord of the mountains, commands the land and mountains, and is also a great support.

Behind Poseidon there are Zeus and Hades.

If it really came to a critical moment, the two of them would not allow him to perish and cause Olympus to lose its ocean territory.

"Only I am alone and helpless. Even if I defeat the two of them on the battlefield, there will be no benefit in the end."

"So it's better to sit here and wait for them to decide the winner, and then cling to the winner.

The ending will not be any worse than now..."

"It's really not possible, anyway, you have so many sisters, choosing a few beautiful ones for them will ease the relationship.

Arnolds spoke louder and louder.

It seems that he is also suffering in his heart, and he can only tell this truth to his children.

In order to strengthen your beliefs.

Wait for him to finish.

Many gods of the Oceanic God System looked at each other in blank dismay.

Some of them fit right away.

Others remained silent.

Only the tall god named Acasta walked out of the palace with his fists clenched.

He came to a corner.

Take out a mirror-like artifact and pile it up.

A haggard figure appeared inside, it was Pallas, the god of war strategy.

But seeing (Qian Zhao) this very ugly figure, Acasta's face is full of admiration.

"Master Pallas, you are indeed right."

"My father is a selfish and shameless coward, he has no courage to be a warrior and a king.

"Oceanic gods need reform, if we continue to be led by him, only defeat awaits us.

"I am willing to obey your orders and give this vast ocean a new king."

After listening to him.

Pallas in the mirror nodded in relief.

"You can think clearly, I am very happy."

"Now is the best time to implement the plan.

Several other brothers of yours, Alpheus and Carlirohe, have also contacted me for discussion. "

"The few of you are the best among the gods of the ocean, and there are many gods who follow.

As long as we unite our forces, overthrowing Oce Arnolds is actually not difficult!"

"Come on, let me tell you about the specific plan."

"Well, Pachu Heavenly Man!"

Acasta nodded repeatedly to the mirror.

Eyes and ears are wide open.

It seems that he is unwilling to let go of any words or actions of the person in front of him. .

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