Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 83 The Last Blow

See the outer ocean and sky again.

Whether it is Pontus or Poseidon.

Eyes are full of shock.

Especially Pontos.

Watching Poros hard.

This is just a young god, who has been crushed by him all the time, so why does his strength suddenly jump.

stabbed himself.

And easily break through the 'darkness without light?

Poseidon was also puzzled.

Before, although he knew that Poros's strength was very good.

But it is estimated that it is a powerful high-level main god.

Until the battle with Pontos.

Fang knew that the strength of this young god was not inferior to him, the Emperor of the Sea.

And now, his body is showing a terrifying power beyond himself.

How lucky is Prometheus to have such a student?

Ten of them, can they beat this one student?

Poseidon thought viciously.

And on the other side.

Poros is still experiencing the state after being promoted to the ninth rank of the main god.

Back in Guigantes.

Because of the fall of his shadow body, he seized a chance to be promoted to the ninth rank of the main god.

The ninth level of the main god, the apex of the god.

Will, divine body, authority, and divine power are condensed into one point, unshakable.

This is the highest level of the gods.

Want to achieve, in fact, not only rely on talent and blood.

One's own will also needs to be strong and tenacious.

Strong pressure from Pontos.

It is making his self, which has already reached the opportunity, get a breakthrough.

Finally set foot on the pinnacle of God in one fell swoop.

This is completely different from the feeling of reaching the ninth level of the main god relying on the increase of the "Supreme Heart".

He can feel it clearly.

The divine body has undergone a transformation and sublimation from the inside to the outside, and even the spirit and spirituality.

The grasp of authority and insight into the rules are also unprecedentedly clear.

This is why 310 can easily break through Pontos' "Darkness Without Light"

Although he had the mysterious eye before.

Insight into the nature of all things in the world.

But limited to his own personality and level, some things are hard to understand even if he sees them.

Until he was promoted to the ninth rank of Lord God.

Standing at the height of the apex of the gods.

Only with his mysterious eyes can he see more thoroughly.

Found the weak point of "Darkness Without Light".

Easily break through the power of the six seas that Pontos is proud of.

"You just said that you want to understand my power of the seven seas and defeat the strongest me?"

Standing on the sea, Pontos looked a little pale.

His long and narrow eyes locked coldly on the blond young god.

His chest was still dripping blue divine blood.

The moment Poros broke through, his strength completely surpassed the normal state.

A 'spirit stick' pierced his chest.

Injured this primitive sea god.

Until now, there is no way to heal.

But the blood that keeps dripping.

It completely aroused the fierceness of this primitive sea god.

His long and narrow eyes carried an unprecedented sternness.

Firmly locked onto the young god with blond hair and silver eyes.

The trident was raised high.

Facing the vast sea, it is still arrogance.

"At the beginning of this battle, I thought Poseidon would be the main opponent.

But your performance completely exceeded my expectations. "

"The power of the seven seas is the seven most powerful divine arts that I created in my life.

No one has ever witnessed the power of this last move. "

"Today you will be lucky to be the first (bhdj) deity to receive it!"

The voice just fell.

The figure of Pontos once again turned into the deep and dark sea basin containing the boundless ocean.

But this time it wasn't the boundless darkness that descended.

Instead, the entire ocean began to vibrate along with his breathing.

Poseidon's face was horrified.

"He's moving the whole ocean, all the water, all the power!

How is this possible, is he already the original?"

No one answered the sea emperor's shock.

Accompanied by the rumble of the ocean.

The entire world connected to the ocean also began to oscillate crazily.

The gods all over the world are terrified.

"What is Pontos doing, destroying the world?"

"This... this seems to be a magical technique, he wants to kill the God of Opportunity!"

"Well, shouldn't it be killing the Sea Emperor?"

"I do not know either!"

When the gods around the world were horrified by the horror caused by Pontos.

More doubts.

Isn't the purpose of this battle to decide the only king of the ocean?

How did Pontos' arch-nemesis become the god of chance?

Poseidon was obviously standing beside him.

"Could it be that Pontus thinks Poros is stronger and more terrifying than Poseidon?"

The gods who don't know the situation in the "darkness without light".

I just thought it was Poseidon who wounded Pontos and broke through the 'darkness without light'

Now it finally feels wrong.

"Mo... Could it be that the God of Opportunity is the main force in the battle against Pontus, and his strength is still higher than that of the Sea Emperor?"

The gods couldn't believe the idea.

Primitive Poseidon, Poseidon.

Which one is not the strongest god who dominates the world.

Poros, god of chance.

Although he has gained a great reputation recently, he is only a young god.

To be able to fight side by side with Neptune is already unexpected.

How could it be possible to still be above the Sea Emperor.

Only Zeus, who had just returned to the God King Palace with a bruised face, was the only one.

At this moment, his eyes are fixed.

Looking desperately at the ocean battle situation, Ziguang especially focused on Poros.

Even Hera, the Queen of God, who was surprised to see him come back with injuries all over his body, asked a question.

He didn't answer.

just muttered:

"Poros, let me see what kind of strength you have!"

The gods are watching.

The figure of Pontos is integrated with the infinite ocean.

The monstrous vibration stretched across the sky.

Amidst the crashing sea water, his faint voice came from it.

"The power of the seven seas, the power of the sea!"

"If you and Poseidon can accept my move, today's battle will be your victory!"

"Hai Zhi Yu?"

Chanting this name, Poros's expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

With his own experience.

In terms of pure power, Pontus may be worse than Zeus.

Has not yet completely surpassed the main god, comparable to the original.

But it is equivalent to Zeus who can only use lightning to strike people when he fights, the rough and simple Zeus.

Pontos's fighting skills and various magical arts are many grades higher.

Of course, this is also because the first Sea Emperor lived a long time.

It has been born since the age of ignorance.

After three generations of Shenting, there have been countless battles, big and small.

Wisdom and experience accumulated over a long period of time.

It is far from being comparable to the three generations of gods in the lower body of Zeus, who is obsessed with power.

The first few seas of the power of the seven seas.

He has already witnessed that they are all very special and powerful divine arts.

And this is the final Seventh Sea.

It must be the most powerful blow that surpasses the former six seas.

If you face it alone.

In fact, Poros does not dare to say that it is sure to win.

He is now promoted to the ninth rank of Lord God.

Plus the boosting power of the 'Supreme Heart'.

The strength can be considered beyond the category of the ninth level of the main god.

But still inferior to Pontos.

Fortunately, he is not alone.


He saw Poseidon not far away.

Tightly dignified face.

The figure and the already vibrating endless sea water are closely blended.

Take out the strongest posture.

The Sea Emperor knows.

Just take the final blow from Pontos.

This ocean war ended with his victory.

He will be the only king who rules the entire ocean.

"Come, Pontos!"

Waving the trident, Poseidon circled endless waves in the vast sea.

At the same time through its own ocean authority.

Contest Pontus for control of the ocean.

This caused Pontos to mobilize the entire ocean and launch the power of 'Sea Universe', which was weakened.

But finally.

This move is still coming.

Pontos melted into a deep, dark ocean basin.

appear in the void.

A majestic suction.

Instantly enveloped the entire boundless ocean.

Under the pale eyes of the gods.

At this moment, it is wider than the land, the vast and boundless ocean.

Whether it is offshore or deep sea, or oceanic rivers.

The boundless sea water, including creatures, reefs, and islands in the sea water, are all absorbed into the deep basin.

The entire ocean, except for the many gods who exclaimed.

Everything is absorbed.

be accommodated.

A vast sea world.

floating in front of Poros.

Then, after the huge sea world appeared, it slowly formed the outline of a human figure.

It looks a bit like Pontos.

It swung its fist loudly and smashed down towards the bottom.

The world is dead silent!

The majestic blow of the vast ocean!

Just a little movement.

The whole world will tremble and shake.

The surrounding void is even more like a spider's web, with black cracks exposed in fragments.

An indescribably vast atmosphere.

Overwhelmingly overwhelming the heads of the two Poros.

Like a tiny ant being hit by stars!.

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