
A series of monstrous noises echoed in the endless void.

Countless crimson threads overlapped with the thousands of branches and leaves of the World Tree.

The huge nine kingdoms, accompanied by the vibration of the world tree, traveled through the vast nothingness like a chariot. ,

"Can you withstand the impact of the world?

Moros' vague figure was completely integrated into the depths of the World Tree.

The bewitching eyes without the slightest emotion stare coldly at the bright golden figure standing there.

The worlds of Asgard, the Kingdom of Giants, Warnerheim, Atrium, etc., collided in all directions.

He has calculated everything.

The World Tree controls the nine kingdoms, forming a mighty force that is equivalent to the complete and supreme, full-strength explosion.

This kind of power is enough to kill all existences below the highest.

As a projection of the main body left in this world, this is the strongest means he can use.

He believes that even the real Supreme, who comes here rashly, will be hit hard by this blow.

And even if Apollo can take the blow.

The collision of great power is also enough to shatter the nine worlds, destroy the tree of the world, and destroy all gods and all living beings.

In this way, even if this world is taken away, that woman can only gain that one side has no god system, and most of the world is broken.

It is impossible to restore the full Supreme Hierarchy at this point.

And his own body, in charge of the most terrifying source of destiny, still has half of the power of Phanes, even if he loses the world and the gods, his strength is infinitely close to the highest.

Enough to continue fighting with her.

As for Apollo, even if he took over the impact of the Nine Realms, he would be severely injured.

Not even a threat at all.

This is the arrangement Moros made in a hurry.

If it is other supreme, there must be no courage to give up one's own world and god system, and make a big gamble.

But what he likes most is this kind of excitement.

Incarnated by fate, he was born without the slightest emotion, and some are just a little hobby of self.

He doesn't care about any power and personality, or even his own life.

"Only the fun of the game itself is the only one~~.

"Kristina, I won't let anyone disturb our game."

Merging into the depths of the World Tree, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Moros' bewitching mouth.

At this moment, his complexion changed for the first time.


The nine worlds traveled through the void at high speed.

The terrifying vibration made every god and mortal living in the Nine Realms fall into the most terrifying fear.

"No, it's about to hit! 35

The gods and mortal beings were terrified as they looked at the bright light that was getting closer and closer, and they were all roaring in disbelief.

They seem to be able to grow, the divine presence that brings the last light and heat to this world plunged into darkness and cold.

It will be crushed to pieces under the impact of the Nine Realms.

And the nine realms that collided with each other will also completely collapse, and everything will fall into the final twilight.

This is the last day.

All life is desperate.

Numbly listening to the whistling sound of the world rushing through the void.

This voice is so violent and cold, it is the final burial song of all things.

Just when all life is closing its eyes to die, waiting for the final destruction to come.

Suddenly, in the depths of the brilliant light, an invisible giant eye flew out.

It flashes an eternal, immortal light that illuminates the void.

Time and space freeze in an instant.

The Nine Realms, which traveled at extreme speed, also stagnated in the void, as if an invisible giant hand was abruptly choking off all the power.

And the ever-swinging World Tree has also become quiet at this moment.

In the boundless void, there is only the bright golden figure standing, the eternal giant eye above his head, staring indifferently at the deepest part of the tree of the world.

Look at the bewitching eyes that do not contain the slightest emotion.


Under the brilliance of the Eternal Eye, Moros struggled to make a sound.

"It's all so boring, it's time to put an end to it.

In the bright light, Apollo quietly made an announcement.

Under the illumination of the Eye of Eternity, he instantly walked into the depths of the stagnant World Tree.

Looking at the red eyes that had changed for the first time, the stars flickered, the light surged, and the infinite power condensed on the white palm.


With the palm of his hand, Apollo yanked violently.

The figure that was integrated with the World Tree was slowly pulled out all of a sudden.

Moros' monstrous face made a hoarse voice, trying to struggle.

But the power of the Eternal Eye made it impossible for him to respond effectively.

It didn't take long for his blurry figure, along with countless thin lines, to be slowly pulled out of the World Tree.

At the same time, a dreamy and beautiful figure appeared on the other side of the World Tree.

She smiled and looked at the blond figure shrouded in brilliant light: "々, thank you for your help, Apollo.

Looking at her lightly, Apollo said:

"Don't forget to promise me the conditions, get the complete you, and you will become a member of my god system.

"I see."

The dreamy girl smiled, and her figure gradually merged into the tree of the world.

Glancing at her, Apollo stepped out and left this world.

The first figure that came into view was the dreamy and beautiful figure.

She stood proudly at the top of the sky, and her aura became more and more stalwart.

On the opposite side of her, Moros' monstrous figure gradually declined in strength.

"I'm going to merge with her (the four's) and be whole again. 35

Holding the black box in hand, Pandora spoke to Apollo.

After speaking, her figure suddenly flew up and came to the side of the dreamy figure.

In the blink of an eye, the two completely overlapped.

A vast breath of greatness instantly shook the entire Greek world, and at the same time shook the chaotic nothingness in the periphery.

"The restored you should be at the top level in high school.

Perceiving this vast aura, Apollo suddenly chuckled, and then his expression became solemn:

"It seems that I should be promoted too, otherwise it will be too outdated.

Phobos, isn't it for this moment that you have prepared for so long in the past time and space..."

PS: I misestimated the space, and there are almost two or three chapters left. I can't finish the code after staying up late. Let's update it at noon today, and the last chapter will be a big chapter.

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