Greek Mythology: I, Who Integrated The Mythology Template, Was Exposed By The List

086 Ritual* HeartHeart Weighing! Jackal Head! The Magic Wolf Fenrir, The Olympus Mountain Collapsed!

The Olympus pantheon quietly got the news of Cronus' death!

And countless gods.

They are also guessing the identity of the big snake that is chasing after the end-time black dragon Nidhogg, guessing whether he is the earthly python that ranks /V.

Abyss Netherland.

The original god Erebus looked at his younger sister Nyx and asked:

"Hades came to see you?"

The eighth place in the [Monster Ranking] has been announced, have you ever heard of such a god name as the worldly python * Yemengard?"

Nyx said, "No..."

Erebus symbolizes the underworld/underworld/world of the underworld, the endless darkness, and he said calmly:

"Cronus is dead, and he was killed before the power of Tartarus could erupt from his body..."

"The "Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven" Pei Nai has been able to pose a threat to us... If he is not the son of Zeus, if he is not the son of the king of gods born by Zeus, I would even think that

Chaos is about to destroy the world, the alien ancient Evil God. "

Nix said:

"Look at the picture in the sky!"

The pupils of Erebus reflect the image of dragon/snake fighting in the middle of Tongtian Tower in the mortal world!

The two original gods have not talked face to face for hundreds of millions of years. Their bodies and strengths are too terrifying and powerful, but now because of the [Monster List] and the "Lord of Heaven" created in the mortal world, There are strange scenes one after another, but when we meet and talk about topics of common interest, it seems to be back to the beginning of the world!

Only see in the mortal world.

In the sky above the broken tower of Tongtian, there was a battle between the earthly python * Yermungandr and the doomsday black dragon * Nidhogg.

Makes huge days/columns.

A section of crack was broken!

The tower leans....

It seems that it may be destroyed from the sky at any time, but in the eyes of Erebus, a more terrifying life falls from the sky.

With the image of a jackal head and a human body, he is suspended above the sky.

tiny figure.

Erebus, one of the five original gods, asked:

"Who is he?"

Nyx, the goddess of the night, looked at the god with a jackal head and a human body in amazement. 26

"What a terrible life... His strength seems to be close to the limit... No, I can't see his limit clearly."


"I don't know... If he is really a monster? What did the "Lord of Heaven" Pei Nai do?"

"The sky above the stars seems to be implicated in a series of huge chains that surround the world... If the giant python really desires to surround the world with itself as it said in [Monster List], it must go to the stars! And if the world Surrounded by a big snake, then his master, "Lord of Heaven" Pei Nai, will control the outer circle of the world!"

"The outer circle of the world?"

"Our father Ka/os, the original order, time and space, and the carrier itself are sleeping...but the starry sky and the chaotic world seem to be infected/fingered by the "lord of heaven" Pei Nai, all the gods know now The mortal world and human beings are under his command, and the gods and satanic sects he created have become existences just like the basic necessities of human beings."

"The power of belief is fermenting in the mortal world. The mortal world and human beings are the basics of Pei Nai. What does hell and the expansion into the sky and stars mean?"

Nyx jumped and said:

"Hades is scared."

"He must be afraid, and he has to be afraid. Cronus is dead. The "Lord of Heaven" Pei Nai is about to challenge the dignity of our original gods. Once he succeeds, he will directly jump and defeat Zeus, ruling the Olympian gods and the gods." The stage of the world, the road to the ancient primordial! Walk side by side with us"

"Big brother...are you feeling emotional?"

Erebus said: "Yes..... There has never been a god who has touched the original since birth. The forerunners in the world are often the most powerful, the most original, and the oldest, but "the kingdom of heaven The emergence of the master "Pei Nai broke this law... He is even changing the concept of the entire universe and the world, rewriting the framework and rules of the world. I have such a hunch that the future world may become very interesting."

Nix said:

"I still don't think he can defeat Tartarus."

Erebus said, "I think so."

"He disperses his own power to the stars and the chaotic void, obviously not paying attention to Tartarus. [Monster List] No. 8 and No. 9/ monsters are all going to the stars, not falling into the sky. Go to hell! In any case, Tartarus is the original five gods, the body of the abyss hell. Once he is furious, the impact and consequences are likely to lead to the collapse and chaos of the world structure! At that time, we need to be/ Forced to make a move."

Erebus said:

"According to common sense, after creating so many terrifying monsters, the strength of the "Lord of the Heaven" Pei Nai should be weakened, but I didn't feel his divine power drop at all... It's like only getting, not The consumption is average, is it the power of the first artifact *God's Holy Grail, and the eternal gun Kungunir, or his own special divine power?"

"Maybe it's a reward from [Monster List]?"

Erebus asked in astonishment, "Maybe?"

"Before the birth of the world, there was chaos. He is so mysterious and charming..."

Nyx, the goddess of the night, laughed.

She is the night.

Ye's body and incarnation, of course, can't be said to be beautiful or not.

Skylight, day, dream, death, sleep, fate, pain, aging, and toil are gathering in her body.


The original god Erebus glanced at Babel/Tower in the mortal world!

I see.

In the sky, the terrifying god with the jackal head, ears bouncing, long black and white beard and hair fluttering, seemed a little impatient with the dragon/snake dispute.

His expression was indifferent and fluffy.

Overlook the common people.

"Stop fighting."



The sound of the snake letter and the roar of the dragon spread to the world in the clouds in the middle of Babel/Tower that broke into hundreds of cracks. The battle is still going on, and countless mortals are looking up in horror.

Countless seas have been contaminated by the venom of the doomsday black dragon Nidhogg.

A large number of fish and sea monsters are floating in the sea water with white/belly/skin facing upwards.

The city of Athens is guarded by Apollo!

But the mortal world is still inevitably affected by the falling/falling towers and boulders!

Countless deep pits appeared!


Artemis sat in the temple, looking up at the sky, and suddenly saw a jackal-headed god in the sky, with a scale emerging from his right hand.

Standing proudly above the clouds in the middle of Babel/tower, He calmly overlooks the dragon/snake, and speaks in an ancient/Egyptian divine language that everyone can understand but no one can imitate:

"Death Ritual* Heart Weighing!"



"What language is that? Why is it so cold and dark?"

Artemis only felt her throat stuck in one breath, and in an instant, the state of facing the "vice king of heaven" Migal hit her! Artemis looked at the sky in disbelief, and she murmured: "And even if we are separated Looking at a long distance, but it can give me a sense of oppression/pressure that is almost suffocating? It's very like Master Michael..."

Helen murmured: "The existence of that jackal-headed god seems to symbolize absolute death and destruction!"

Countless gods looked up into the sky with infinite shock. The jackal-headed god floating in the sky saw "two illusory Pang Yin hearts appearing on the illusory scales in his hand!

That heart is like a dead tree.

A fresh and tender!

But they are all extremely powerful!

The two hearts are beating, and the blood vessels are rapidly expanding and contracting!

The jackal-headed god lightly clenched his right hand!



The black dragon Nidhogg of the end of the world, and the giant python of the world, Yemengard, two monsters actually made painful sounds!

The dispute between the dragons/snakes came to an abrupt end above the void, and the vertical pupils of the two dragons/snakes looked directly at the jackal-headed god, with a hint of fear in their expressions!

Rhea, the second-generation queen, is not yet aware of Cronus' death.

She looked up to the sky in astonishment.

"So strong?"

"Ceremony* heart weighing? The weighing in the scale turned out to be the hearts of two monsters?"


Calliope, the Muse's older sister, said: "That Epic battle between monsters, huh?!"


The death-like jackal-headed god looked at the two monsters whose battle had stopped, dark waves/waves were born and died around him, and then hundreds of layers of broken Babel/Tower leading to heaven quietly began to be filled with black mist and recovery, and the flesh and scales of the earthly python * Yermungandr and the doomsday black dragon * Nidhogg below are frantically disappearing as the black mist repairs Babel/Tower!

"That is?!!"


Apollo's face was full of inconceivable emotions, and he exclaimed: "He actually plundered the flesh and blood of those two monsters? Fill and repair the breaks in the Tongtian Tower!"

"What a terrifying god! His personality is so high, I'm afraid he is about to approach my brother!"

Prometheus looked at the god in astonishment

Deucalion asked: "Father, who is he?"

With the sudden end of the dragon/snake battle, the repair and restoration of the Tower of Babel, the [Monster Ranking] on the Heavenly Official will continue to be announced!

[No. 7 on the Monster Ranking: [Earth/Devil Behemoth], "Lord of Heaven" Pei Nai. Earth Demon * Behemoth, it is Pei Nai who created the Earth Demon! He is a huge and strong Behemoth Behemoth, and also the largest monster in the land. It can devour a thousand mountain peaks every day! Reward: Earth/Theocratic power increase! The Power of Meng! Artifact* Nebula Fire!]

[No. 6 on the Monster Ranking: [Gap*Leviathan], "Lord of Heaven" Pei Nai. Sea Gap* Leviathan is a monster created by Pei Nai that symbolizes the ocean. He has a terrifying body like a continent. Anyone who has a fear of giants will be startled and frightened by his power. But that whale-like appearance is covered with sharp barbs and scales.

The indifferent erect pupils, like a terrifying ocean dragon, are at the top of the ocean life chain! When it swims in the sea, the waves are also against the current! Reward: ocean/divine power boost! Incomplete myth template *everything Yog-Sothoth the One!]

[No. 5 on the Monster Ranking: [Magic Wolf * Fenrir], "Lord of Heaven" Pei Nai. One of the supreme monsters created by Pei Nai among the chaos and the stars! The devil wolf Fenrir means "the swamp dweller". Big brother, the father of the sun wolf Skul and the moon wolf Hati! Legendary In the battle of Ragnarok, Fenrir finally broke free from the chain, devoured and killed Odin, the king of the gods! Reward: Gods Twilight/Theocratic Amplification! Blood of Luo/Ki, Myth Template *God of Lies* Luo/Ki!]

In the heavenly kingdom of the Olympus pantheon, Zeus is like a sculpture, staring blankly at the huge monster occupying the sky, the old demon Behemoth

"You do not belong to me?"

The entire Olympus Mountain suddenly fell into turmoil!


Zeus laughed crazily, he laughed crazily and said: "Hahahahaha [Monster List] The seventh monster is actually a life created by Pei Tai? It"

"He has already surpassed me?!"


Bechymos's huge body seemed to require looking up to see the top! He raised his huge fist and slammed it towards Mount Olympus!


"You want to destroy the entire Mount Olympus?"

Hera looked at the figure of the giant beast in horror! According to the description in the myth, Zeus was no match for Typhon. Typhon had his hands/legs/muscles removed, and Pei Nai, who possessed the divine power of Pei Nai, Shemos? Its power surpasses Typhon, the "father of monsters"?!

The Olympus Mountain broke apart suddenly.

Countless gods fall/fall from the 180 heavens on the mountain......

On the ocean, Poseidon looked terrified, looked at the [Monster List] in the sky several times in convulsion, and said in panic: "How is it possible, Leviathan... how dare you lie to me?!!"

under the sea.

Leviathan's huge black mouth opened quietly, and countless sea creatures and the sea monster army were stared straight at by the vertical pupils symbolizing jealousy in the seven sins, like falling into the abyss!


"You... are my monster!!"

"No...this is the conspiracy of "Lord of Heaven" Pei Nai!!!"


The shrine in the ocean collapsed and broke, and countless tsunamis erupted in the abyss of the seabed. What's even more frightening is that Leviathan seems to be able to travel through the ocean and time and space at will. He is like an abyss everywhere, devouring All sea creatures!

Poseidon's Neptune Trident hits Leviathan with one blow!

But it didn't move at all!

"How is it possible...his skin, flesh and blood can block my divine weapon halberd?!"

"Father God!"

In just an instant, the ocean fell into chaos and a huge crisis!

Amphitrite said: "Poseidon, hold on, I will go to the underworld for help!"

"Mother, why don't you go to Zeus?"


"Why is that figure in the sky still expanding!?"


"Mount Olympus, collapsed?!!"

Graier looked at the distant Olympus in horror...

And at this moment......

Hades, the king of Hades lying on his back in the underworld... seems to have no bones, he smiled and said: "Hypnos, don't think about revenge, you still remember the body of the demon wolf that was looming in the underworld back then Is it gone?"

Drops of cold sweat appeared on Hypnos' forehead, and he said:


"We're done... Olympus is done.

Hypnos said: "Pluto...Master Poseidon asks for reinforcements from the underworld, the ocean is disturbed by Leviathan."

"No. 7 Behemoth on the monster list, No. 6 Leviathan, No. 5 Demon Wolf Fenrir... It turns out that the "Lord of Heaven" Pei Nai didn't pay attention to us... We...we have been stared at for a long time Come on, the giant bird Xiz seems to have killed Cronus, don't resist, don't look back, don't try to do anything, that magic wolf is... staring at us..."

Above the Underworld, the terrifying Eye of the Demon Wolf overlooks the Acheron Styx River

At this moment, the entire ancient Greek mythology world!

All shrouded in the darkness of the night!

Zeus, the king of the gods, Poseidon, the king of the sea, and Hades, the king of the underworld, fell into despair and fear!

[PS: The three-watch beast is infested, thank you big guys for voting for the monthly pass, and remind you to update! ~ Write a chapter today and enter another chapter, big guys, please do it and cherish it!].

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