Greek Mythology: The Spiritual Dominator

Chapter 118 The arrival of the army

Another three months of confrontation.

One on one, no one is his opponent. But working together, he felt powerless. What's more, what really puts pressure on him is never just pure power.

When Cronus returned to Mount Odiles and looked at the empty hall, his body was still strong, but his spirit was full of exhaustion.

Brothers, wives, children, they all stood opposite him. From the day he seized the throne, no one really stood with him.

He had thought Rhea would, but the reality woke him up. However, the God King did not do anything to his God Queen. He just let her stay alone in the palace behind the God Mountain and never saw her again.

He was a little confused. He had lost so much for the position of God King, but in the end, it seemed that the royal power was still leaving him.

"Will I win?"

Whispering to himself, Cronus failed to get an answer. But in fact, he had already given himself the answer thousands of years ago.

If he really thought he could succeed, he would not be so eager to conquer the stars, let alone swallow his own children. The more he did, the more he proved his inner panic.

And in the end, everything he does tells him that you are just doing useless work.

Regardless of the power of the God King, or his own priesthood, how can he fight against Himself with the power given by this world? The previous struggle was just self-deception.

"Your Majesty, you called me?"

A powerful call awakened Cronus from his memories. He turned his head. It was the second-generation Titan god he valued most, Atlas, the god of strength.

His father lived in seclusion under the protection of Mother Earth, and his brother defected to the Olympus gods. Only he remained on his side.

"Atlas," Qiang cheered up, and the God King behaved as usual: "Thank you for your hard work. Those monsters with hundreds of arms must have given you a headache."

"Easy, Your Majesty, they are not my opponents yet."

The God of Strength lowered his head slightly. Although the fight was actually very difficult, he was never one to be afraid of difficulties.

"After all, they have strength in numbers. It's already good that you can hold them back."

After complimenting him, the confident look of the god in front of him reminded Cronus of himself a long time ago.

The less you experience, the more fearless you are, that’s probably it.

"Atlas," the God-King asked hesitantly after considering his words, "Have you ever thought about the outcome of this war?"

"Of course you will win, Your Majesty. The Titans are the masters of this world, not the so-called 'Olympus' established by those rebels."

Without hesitation, the God of Power's reply was as confident as ever.

"Really? Well, Atlas, but you have to remember."

"Maybe sometimes, temporary concessions are not an option."

The God of Power was a little confused. He didn't know why the God King said such things, but in the end, he still obeyed.

"I will, Your Majesty, you are always so far-sighted."

He laughed a little, and Cronus didn't know what Atlas in front of him was thinking. In fact, he always felt that his wisdom was no more than this.

But it doesn't matter anymore. Among the few gods on her side, Rhea released her child. Even if she still stays here, she will be respected by the Olympus gods after the war, and she does not need to worry about her fate.

Although the God of Weather and his family are on his side, they are not actually loyal to him. If it weren't for the difficulty of coexisting with Zeus, I might have left long ago and just sat back and watched my failure.

As for the sun god Helios in the sky who still obeyed him on the surface, but in fact kept making small moves, he thought he didn't know what he had done. But Cronus knew very well that he secretly traveled to Olympus and had a secret affair with Perseis, the daughter of Oceanus and the goddess of boiling water.

But before the war started, the God King had already prepared a 'gift' for him. If he is still the God King after the war, Cronus will use this as an excuse to deprive him of the right to drive the Sun Chariot. If the position of the God King is destined to change, then without the maintenance of power, the seal on the sun may not last long.

Let the young Sun God be secretly proud for a while, and eventually he will understand how insignificant he is in this world.

With a sneer, Cronus' thoughts changed. Apart from these gods who have more or less other ideas, Atlas is the only god on the mountain who deserves some attention. He is the most qualified Titan in his heart, loyal, honorable, powerful and confident. Unfortunately, as the God King, I would probably disappoint him.

"There's no need to be so pessimistic."

"After all, I haven't had time to hear what his reasons were for convincing me."

With a calm look on his face, Cronus thought of his father.

Even until the last moment, he never bowed to fate. Even when he hung in heaven, he still looked like a king.

"'If you have no choice, you don't mind taking a gamble.' Haha, so what is the bet you prepared for me?"

"If you want me to be your vassal, then don't take it out. I am the God-King who dominates all things. If you throw away everything and live in the world like a servant, it would be better to live in the abyss. Sleep forever, keeping company with my father who is so high in the sky. Maybe at that time, I can still say hello to him in my sleep, hahahaha."

Suddenly he laughed. Although the last battle had just ended, Cronus suddenly became interested in taking action again.

Stand tall, if you want to, then do it. Cronus's Qi machine was released, spanning half of the earth, crashing towards Mount Olympus in the distance, and bombarded with the thunder and lightning containing the power of destruction.

"Come again!"

Seeing that the gods on the opposite side were forced to accept the challenge, Cronus stood up and flew into the sky.

It is difficult for the earth to withstand the battles of so many powerful gods. The place close to the stars is their real battlefield.


Time passed like this year after year, until the tenth year, the decline of the God King was finally unstoppable.

As the eldest daughter Hestia gradually got rid of the influence of the divine power of time, she quickly became an indispensable member on the battlefield with the help of the golden apple.

Once the divine fruit accumulated by Mother Earth for tens of thousands of years was exhausted, she created four gods who quickly reached their peak. With Hestia's [Guardian], Cronus could no longer suppress his children and brothers.

So on this day, the gods of Olympus surrounded the mountain. They will achieve final victory on this day.

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