Greek Mythology: The Spiritual Dominator

Chapter 130 Bathing in the East China Sea

Hyperion didn't know what a period was, and the text at this time didn't need to use punctuation to break sentences.

But even so, the ancient sun god still understood the meaning of Cronus' words.

"Impossible, how could you still have this power?!"

"You obviously don't have the power to block me, so how can you still have the power to fight against the sun itself?!!"

One moment you were feeling satisfied, and the next moment you were in abyss. Hyperion did not expect that his expected return to glory would go bankrupt before it even started.

Capturing the sun with one hand, the last time something like this happened was ten thousand years ago, but this is completely illogical.

Maintaining the seal was only against him personally, but now Cronus was fighting against the entire sun. If he still has this power, why should he break his seal?

Struggled crazily, the Sun God tried to prove that the other party was just holding on, but although the sun continued to expand and contract with his master's resistance, it looked extremely ridiculous in the big hands transformed from the void.

It's not that it has no effect. Even the 'God King' at this moment must face up to this level of power. But whether it is effective or not is obviously not the same as whether it can break free.

"No need to waste your efforts. I warned you, Hyperion, but you obviously didn't listen."

With a chuckle, the power of time and space surrounded him, 'Kronos' looked at the sun, and also at the figure inside the sun.

Not surprisingly, this should be the last time the other party communicated with him.

"But it doesn't matter. Giving hope first, and then breaking it with your own hands is indeed the best way to teach you awe."

"Especially you, my child—"

As if he thought of something, the 'God King' lowered his head slightly.

The face as big as the sky looked down, and the thunderclouds lined up one after another, reflecting the desperate face of Zeus.

The thunder blessed by his artifact is like a decoration for the God King. The silver snake snakes and dances, just ripples on the giant god's body, but it has no effect at all.

"Zeus, my rebellious child, as a father, I will teach you another truth today."

The corner of his eye swept over the Ocean God Oceanus, and Cronus sneered. He no longer paid attention to the still shouting Sun God, but raised the hand holding the sun high, and then pressed it hard towards the east.

"Patience is necessary sometimes."

"Otherwise, your uncles' today will be your tomorrow."

Take the sun and moon, shrink thousands of mountains, and twist the universe. In front of this giant god connecting the sky and the earth, half of the continent is only separated by a hand.

An epoch passed, after the time of Ouranos, and the sun came into contact with his old friend again.

So on this day, the great sun, I bathed in the East Sea.


In the north of the continent, in a remote valley.

Away from the battlefields of the gods and the disputes of the world, Iapetus, the god of speech, lives here alone in seclusion.

Originally, after the creation of man, their family came here together.

Only later, his eldest son and second son, Prometheus and Epimetheus chose Olympus together.

The Illuminati claimed that they had offended the God-King by creating humans, and were inevitably hostile to Olympus because of his younger brother Atlas, so he took Epimetheus with him to serve the new king indicated by fate. .

As for his wife, Clymene, the goddess of fame, she has never been able to bear the desertedness here and rarely returns here during the year. She thought her husband didn't know, but Iapetus knew very well that she met the new sun god Helios at the goddess of boiling water.

However, the God of Speech chose to let things slide. In fact, relying on their strength, they were only half-matched. Since he couldn't stop her, he simply stayed in this valley alone, which was considered peaceful and comfortable.

To this day, in a short period of time, he has witnessed the collapse of the sacred mountain, the sky falling to the west, and the giant god who seems to have created the world, picking off the sun and pushing it towards the East China Sea.

Everything is so shocking, yet somewhat familiar.

After all, he had seen similar scenes more than once. Some are from the last era, and the most recent ones are that illusory scene.

Even if it was just a trance, Iapitus still remembered it fresh.

"Is this the future I saw before? I didn't expect it to happen so quickly."

"Compared to that scene, these things now seem to be a little worse."

Whispering to himself, even though many years have passed, the God of Speech still clearly remembers that scene.

Silver snakes dance wildly in the sky, darkness and illusion are intertwined. A tall figure surrounded by the power of time and space holds a blazing ball of light in his hand and presses it hard to the east. This is the first time Iapitus has ever stepped into the spiritual world. The scene that I saw vaguely when I was in the world.

Now, except for the dark and illusory images, everything has been fulfilled. The silver snake comes from the 'eldest son' of the God King, the ball of light is the supreme figure in the starry sky, and that figure is the God King who dominates all things.

At least, he looked like a god king.

"This world is still too dangerous. If you are not careful, you can become a pawn in the battle between great beings."

"My previous decision was really wise. Let them resolve this kind of struggle for power by themselves."

Shaking his head, Iapitus couldn't help but think of his wife. She went to the East China Sea again, but it may not be very 'safe' there now, and she doesn't know how she feels now because she is passionate about 'fame'.

Anyway, the young sun god probably wouldn't be very comfortable. After all, the collision between the symbols of the priesthood would inevitably lead to the god himself being implicated. Helios and Hyperion, and Oceanus Oceanus, must all have experienced the pain that reaches their souls.

He had experienced the last era. When Uranus threw the sun into the sea, the god of speech was beside him. At that time, Heavenly Father only had a taste of it, but the reaction of the two Titans was still fresh in his memory.

"And the original god, it's really scary."

"I don't know what will happen in the future. Will the gods really be tolerated when they release their power so unscrupulously in this world?"

A little scared, combined with his own experience and some rumors, Iapitus has also guessed what the darkness and illusion are.

The consequences of three beings with great divine power clashing with the world are beyond the imagination of the God of Speech.

He didn't know who was the director of everything before him, and who would be the final winner, but no matter what the outcome was, the next era would probably be very different from the present.

"But that has nothing to do with me."

Once he was just a messenger, now he is just a bystander. Iapitus had no other abilities, and he even thought he was not as smart as his children. He only knew one thing, never interfere in things beyond his own abilities.

And so the God of Speech watched, as a spectator, witnessing the end of the Second Age.

The battle scene of a second-rate writer, yes, it’s me, I recognize the reality.

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