Greek Mythology: The Spiritual Dominator

Chapter 155 Twins (Monthly Ticket 9)

Chapter 155 Twins (Monthly Ticket +9)


Neighing softly, although he has seen a lot, this is actually the first time the snake has seen the golden apple tree.

It was born in the First Age. In an era when [life] had not yet been divided into two, in the artifact that symbolized the 'origin of all things', the seed of the first plant in the world was naturally bred.

It is the [seed of all things]. If it continues to be nurtured in its birthplace, then maybe when the [Life Aquarius] advances to become the [Creation Artifact], it will be able to transform into a god and become a true master. The innate spirit that controls [life] and [plants], the artifact is its body, just like the earth is the body of Gaia.

It will become half great, just after countless creatures walk on the earth.

However, as early as when it first realized this, Gaia decisively terminated this process. The [Life Aquarius] is her artifact, and artifacts do not require thought. So she planted the [seed of all things] and watered it with the source of life, from which the golden apple tree was born, and shared the authority of the [plant] with it.

"Has a decision been made?"

The golden leaves are swaying, and the sound of silver bells is heard in the wind, just like the simplest movement of nature.

The snake looked up at the 'ancestor of all trees' in Chaos and couldn't help but marvel at the similarities between the gods.

Even a god like Gaia would not tolerate his treasures being affected by other thoughts. So the god that was supposed to be born was strangled in the cradle.

Of course, from another perspective, this is also the ‘destiny’ in this world taking effect. After all, even the existing greatness is constantly being weakened, how could He sit back and watch the birth of new greatness.

".I've already brought you in."

The answer was not what was asked, Mo Anda said softly from the side.

Snake knew the other person's tangled mood at the moment. After all, until now, the other party is still worried that he just wants to use her authority to enter the Golden Apple Orchard, rather than really wanting to help her become a god.

So she wasn't telling the truth. Entering the orchard is different from touching the fruit trees. After all, the orchard exists for the golden apples, not the other way around.

So there is additional protection on the golden apple tree. Only by touching the great being can we see the power flowing in the fruit trees.

If someone other than Earth Mother allows to touch it, not only will they be cut off from this power, but they will also wake up the ancient god who fell into slumber. No one can take away the golden apple tree from the earth mother. Fortunately, the snake did not come to steal it.

"Yes, I'm in. The golden apple tree is indeed a rare treasure in the world."

The snake's head swayed, and the branches in its mouth also swayed, and the golden leaves made a rustling sound.

"So we can start the next step as well."

"Next step, you have to tell me what I can get."

Taking courage, the elf looked directly at the snake on the ground.

She can do things for the other party as long as the reward is equal to the effort.

After following the Earth Mother for so long, she not only witnessed the power of this ancient god, but also learned many lessons from it.

"Of course." The snake nodded lightly. Although it kept holding a branch in its mouth, it never seemed to affect its speech: "You know, as a nymph, you are actually very similar to the golden apple tree. Even in some places, it has Not as good as you."

"Like, are we all plants?"

Smiling to herself, Moanda felt that as long as she had half the fruits of the golden apple tree, the gods would treat her as a guest of honor.

"Isn't this enough? We are both plants. You have awakened your wisdom, but it has not."

"So what's the use? There are many intelligent beings in the world. Every human being once had intelligence, but they have also turned into dust."

Nymph's words came out of her mouth and she immediately regretted them. She felt that her words should be more tactful, but obviously, Snake didn't care about this.

She saw the snake put the branch in its mouth on the ground, tapped the tip of its tail, and then 'smiled' at her.

"This is the meaning of my existence."

"You are all flawed, you are all imperfect. You lack strength, it lacks wisdom, you are all incomplete."

"So what it doesn't have, you have to supply it; what you don't have, let it come to you."

"One body and one body, twins."


The branches of the golden apple tree originally originated from the mother body, and now, in Moanda's hands, it has been taken back to its original position.

The snake's body disintegrated, and right in front of the nymph elf, it turned into a black and white mist again, slowly wrapping around the branch.

Gradually, when the original fracture healed under the strong vitality, it began to give birth to new fruit again, but this time, this fruit was a bit special.

Compared to the 'golden apple', it should be called the 'fruit of reincarnation'. Anyone who takes it will seem to have experienced a small reincarnation and then be reincarnated into a part of the will of the golden apple tree.

This was actually a temporary idea. In the very beginning, when it was still uncertain whether a complete reincarnation could be opened, this branch was used to 'enlighten' the fruit tree. But compared to a newly born tree spirit who is naturally close to Mother Earth, a nymph fairy who betrayed Gaia is obviously more suitable.

So Moanda looked at the flowers growing on the branches and made a judgment based on experience.

"In one hundred years, or at most three hundred years, it will mature."

"The Lord God probably won't wake up before then."

She was a little nervous. She was originally an elf transformed from an oak tree with heather. She was watered by the life source liquid that had not yet been divided into two parts, so she transformed into an elf. But other than that, there is nothing special about her compared to her peers.

But in the future, as long as she eats this magical fruit, she will become the nymph of the 'Golden Apple Tree', coexisting with its original hazy consciousness, becoming the origin of all plants in the world, and symbolizing half of life.

As the only god transformed from plants in the world, Moanda will naturally become the monarch of all similar creatures in the world. Unlike the White Oak Goddess who was formerly the Blood of the Heavenly Father, the Golden Apple is the plant itself.

Mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, flowers, plants and trees. Since the Silver Age, the spiritual world has relaxed its restrictions on the birth of the souls of all things. The nymphs of Chaos can already be born from all things like in mythology. But among all the elves, those from plants account for the vast majority, and those from mountains and rivers only account for a small amount, because the former are easier to enrich spirituality and awaken consciousness.

Once they become the transformed golden apple tree, these nymphs born naturally from the plant will all become her subjects.

"Moanda, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the oracle today?"


With an exclamation, Mo Anda woke up from his thoughts and was startled by the sudden sound. But the next moment, she reacted immediately.

Covering his chest and maintaining a frightened look, Moanda turned around and glared at his friend who was walking behind him.

"Vida, why don't you make any sound?"

"You are too focused on things, what does it have to do with me."

Vida curled her lips. As a nymph fairy born from a flower, she grew up under the shade of Moanda's body before she became conscious, so the two of them were considered very good friends.

"Has the golden apple branched again? The last fruit has just grown, but unexpectedly new ones have started to grow."

Vader sighed casually, thinking that this might be related to Mother Earth's deep sleep. Perhaps because of the owner's deep sleep, the golden apple also became more energetic.

"Yes, if this is not the treasure of the Lord God, I would like to pick one and taste it."

His expression remained unchanged, and Mo Anda echoed his friend's words. She knew that no one would believe that a nymph would really dare to disobey the Lord God's order and take possession of treasures that did not belong to her.

In fact, until now, she was still a little hesitant.

Although just a little bit. She felt that if this magical fruit was ripe, she would definitely put it in her mouth.

"Indeed, I have tasted many fruits, but I still don't know what a golden apple tastes like."

There was also some desire, but Vader didn't think much about it.

"You haven't told me yet, why are you here today? Didn't you go see the oracle?"

Although the so-called 'care' is just a face-saving project, no one thinks that places like the Golden Apple Orchard and the Oracle of Delphi will be destroyed. If it does happen, it is not something they can solve, but they have to go anyway.

The nymphs are not all harmonious, and there are not many people who don't like Mo Anda's existence.

"It's the one the Lord God told me before he fell asleep. The new God King of Mount Olympus came to the oracle, and I was naturally kicked out."

Spreading his hands, Mo Anda gradually relaxed.

The deed has been done, and it's too late to regret it. The rest can only wait.

"You know that we have no status as far as the true gods are concerned. I think the god king is probably going to put his symbol in the temple. We can go and see it together after a while."

"God King?" Vader was a little surprised and couldn't help asking: "Then what does he look like?"

"Go out first. This is what I came here to tell you."

"I'm telling you, the new God King looks like"

Easily attracting the attention of his friend, the two walked out of Earth Mother's orchard side by side. Behind them, golden apple trees swayed.

On the canopy of the tree, new magical fruits are being nurtured. But this time, maybe the one eating it is no longer a god.

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