Greek Mythology: The Spiritual Dominator

Chapter 242 A spontaneous choice

In mid-air outside Mount Olympus, the earth and thunder collided.

In the void, the originally invisible laws have gradually revealed their traces, trying to prevent the conflict between the two gods. However, the collision between the God King and the Earth Mother not only did not stop due to the constraints of the laws, but showed signs of intensifying.

For Zeus, there will be no second chance like this. Even if Gaia stops at this moment, he may not stop. For Earth Mother, the differential treatment of the chain of order only further eliminated her few sanity, making her feel that everything in the world was against her.

The extreme emotions made the power of the innate gods even more intense, like the sky and the earth colliding. This vast scene spread wider and wider, and was seen by the creatures on the mainland. They didn't know what happened, and could only make some judgments from the sounds coming from the horizon. This was the battle between the God King of Mount Olympus and the Earth Mother Gaia. For a time, mortal beings who did not understand the gods were shocked by the power of the gods, and left various records and conjectures about this battle.

Some are correct, and some are wrong. For example, Zeus is considered not only a symbol of thunder and lightning, but also has some kind of sky image. But whether it is correct or not, it has become part of the legend and has been spread throughout the world ever since.

Of course, those are all things in the human world. In comparison, the gods who understand everything are really unbelievable.

No one knows better than them the insurmountable gap between levels of gods. They are born powerful, but they are also limited to their innate clergy. After reaching the peak, it is difficult to move forward. Even if the faith discovered later can break this boundary to some extent, as long as it itself is not cut off, the gods can have stronger power, but it should not have such power, at least the great power displayed by Zeus now is not at all It's not like it's brought about by simple faith.

With the current scale of mankind, even if all faith is concentrated on one person, it may not allow him to reach the pinnacle of greatness. However, what Zeus showed to the gods was overwhelming aloofness.

He could draw with Gaia - and even gain the upper hand as time went on. Regardless of whether the gods saw the role of the worldly order in this, it did not detract from the shock that Zeus brought to them at this moment.

The third generation of God King... now has the same power as his previous two generations, surpassing the true God. At this moment, the position of the 'God King' suddenly became mysterious in their hearts.

If Ouranos is proof of his natural strength, his three divine powers should have been that strong. If Cronus's breakthrough is just an isolated case, and there is no further evidence to prove that it is related to the throne, then now Zeus undoubtedly told the world that perhaps the position of God King is so special.

Perhaps in this era where all great men are excluded from the world, only the God-King can be an exception to a certain extent. It is the only proven way to reach the great power of God.

"...Your Majesty, the battle is dangerous. Do you want to retreat further?"

Various speculations arose in the hearts of the gods, and beside Hera, the God of the West Wind asked respectfully.

Just now, the other gods had kept some distance from the God King. They did not want to face the angry Gaia with Zeus, but only Zeferos did not.

He still expressed his loyalty to the God King and followed the Queen step by step. But this is not because of how loyal he is, but because Fengshen actually has no choice.

Unlike other gods, the West Wind is not born with moderate power. The gods are naturally powerful, and the time when humans were born is still short. They have not yet been able to rely on the power of faith to complete level breakthroughs. Therefore, to the gods, the divine court and humans are not as important as imagined.

I have never experienced a stronger feeling, so naturally I will not be too eager or reluctant to give up. In their view, the worst outcome of this battle is that the God King is defeated, the Divine Court collapses, and the Earth Mother monopolizes human faith. But there will always be a day when the original god's shortcomings will be made up. When she recovers, human beings will still belong to the gods after all, but it is just a little late. However, they may not care, but this does not hold true for Zeferos.

Without the forgiveness of two generations of god kings, he would not be the leader of the four wind gods. Not only will he lose the right to spread faith promised by the God King, he will even be unable to maintain the realm of medium divine power and return to the weak state he once was. (See 2-38, 3-9)

By that time, no matter who the next God King is, he will probably not retain his position, but will be replaced by three other wind gods. Faced with this situation, Zeferos firmly stood on Zeus's side.

And now it seems that the God of West Wind once again made the right choice, and he successfully stood on the side of the winner.

However, in the eyes of many gods with some regret and envy, Zeferos was secretly happy, but he couldn't help but feel a little weird again. Sometimes he is a little strange. Although there are always some accidents when he is ordered to do things, his luck seems to be very good. Not only did he successfully complete his mission every time, but he also made the right decision both times when the God King changed and the Earth Mother came to invade.

"No need, as a queen, how can I hide behind others."

The God of the West Wind sighed secretly, but in front of him, Hera flatly refused the suggestion of Zeferos.

In some ways, the Queen of Heaven is indeed very similar to Zeus. Neither of them can be said to be good people in the standard sense, but they are by no means lacking in courage to face danger.

Before the God King showed his strength, she dared to stand here. Now that Zeus clearly has the upper hand, how could she think of retreating? But looking at the God of West Wind on the side, Hera's eyes softened.

"The God King will remember your loyalty, Zeferos. Compared with other gods, you have proved yourself with actions."

"Maybe you are not as naturally powerful as some gods, but in the age of faith, this is not a problem. The God King once told me that he wanted the status of the gods to rise and fall due to the God King's orders, not because of their natural strength. The strength and weakness...maybe you deserve a higher position."

"...This is just what I should do, Your Majesty."

Taking a deep breath, the God of the West Wind saluted again, feeling very excited in his heart. A correct choice in the second era allowed him to become a medium-level divine power and truly step into the upper echelons of the gods. And now another choice has opened the road to powerful divine power in front of him.

Even depending on what the Queen of Heaven wants, maybe he won't have a chance to sit in the position of the twelve main gods?

Immersed in his imagination, Zeferos stood by the Queen's side like a bodyguard. The battle in the sky became more and more intense, but the decline of the Earth Mother became more and more obvious. The God of the West Wind quietly waited for everything to end. However, at a certain moment, an inexplicable sense of horror emerged in Zeferos's heart.

He raised his head suddenly, looking for the source of danger, but looked around but saw nothing.

Everything was the same as before, as if it was just an illusion. But the growing fear in his heart told him that something was definitely happening.

"This is……"

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something. But Cheferos soon discovered that he didn't say anything.

His voice disappeared, as if swallowed by some force, followed by light, images, and even the perception of everything. Bit by bit, inch by inch, everything is hidden, and everything seems to be shrouded in darkness.

It seems like a moment has passed, and it seems like countless years have passed. Here, time itself seems to not exist, and there is no measure to measure it. Until a certain moment, with a loud noise that seemed to open up the world, the darkness in front of him was torn apart by some powerful force.


The light reappeared in front of Zeferos, but he could not muster any strength. Fengshen just gasped for air, just like a mortal walking around on the edge of death, trembling unconsciously.

"You're getting stronger again."

An indifferent voice came from Fengshen's side, and he couldn't help but turn around and look. There was an indistinct figure looking into the void in the distance. The God King and the Earth Mother were also attracted by this sudden scene. They focused their attention on it, but the mysterious man just nodded to Zeus not far away, and then disappeared into the void.

For a moment, there was silence outside Mount Olympus, but this was only a short moment. Not long after, with another question from Gaia, the battle broke out again.

"...I see, Zeus, no wonder I can't sense the breath of the golden apple on Mount Olympus. It turns out you are cooperating with him!"

Although it is not known why Erebus did this, his actions just now undoubtedly proved it. So looking at Zeus who was still pretending not to know, Gaia launched another offensive regardless of the restricted power.


In an instant, deep in the starry sky.


Different from the restricted battles on the earth, in the vast starry sky, several star fields were torn apart in an instant, and countless celestial bodies turned into dust. However, the force of the impact that just occurred here was only instantaneous, and then moved further away.

Maybe a few times, maybe thousands of times. At a certain moment, at the edge of the starry sky, close to the outside world, these two unpredictable forces finally had a weak victory.


As the last sound disappeared, Ryan's figure emerged. The color of black and white disappeared in his hands, and opposite him, Erebus also stood there, with only the broken corner of his clothes proving the result of the fight just now.

Obviously, in the previous brief collision, the power between the two ancient gods was reversed for the first time.

"After making up for the shortcomings of divine power, is this the power of [spirituality] at this moment... No, if it were not the power to separate from the power of [circulation] and end all things, you are actually not much stronger than me."

As the divine power flows, the corners of the clothes are picked up one after another. Erebus didn't seem to be dissatisfied with the fact that he had just lost a move.

"But this is just the beginning."

With a calm expression, Ryan stated the facts calmly.

"When we met in the first era, your power was like this. Now, you are still like this. It has almost never changed in thousands of years."

"Perhaps as the source power of the world increases, your 'quantity' increases, but the proportion of your 'symbol' in the world does not change at all. But in the realm of the second half of the greatness, this is far from the It’s much more important than mere stacking of ‘quantity’.”

As Ryan said, if in the first half of the great divine power, there may still be a situation like "the world rises, and the gods follow the rising tide," then the second half will no longer be so easy.

The higher the position, the more important the concept is. Perhaps compared to the beginning of creation, the power of [darkness] has indeed increased a lot, but its proportion in the world as a whole has actually declined.

So Erebus's power didn't fall, but it didn't rise either. But this is actually a normal phenomenon. In a world with strict order, the higher you are at the top, the harder it is to move forward.

"Maybe, but that will happen later..."

His expression remained unchanged, and the Lord of Darkness was not angered by Ryan's words. He simply dispersed and continued to incarnate into the most primitive darkness.

"At least now, Ryan, you can't get past me."

The sound echoed in the starry sky, and some kind of hidden and all-encompassing power spread. This is the real [darkness], the endless depth, the world before the birth of light. It blocked in front of Ryan, forming an extremely huge sky curtain, cutting off the path between him and the earth.

However, after listening to the words of the Lord of Darkness and looking at Erebus who seemed to be on Zeus's side for some reason and wanted to 'strive' to stop him, Ryan smiled instead.

If it were Gaia, it might be possible to forget that he could travel to all corners of the world with the help of the spirit world. How could the Lord of Darkness forget that. The fact that he followed Ryan to the starry sky so easily proved his suspicion once again.

So looking at each other, Ryan said slowly:

"It seems... you were really having a hard time when you were cut off from the gods."


After the words fell, the darkness on the other side suddenly fell silent, but Ryan smiled and nodded. Everything that happened in the previous moment seemed to be Erebus siding with Zeus and preventing Ryan from attacking the gods, but the real situation was far from that.

It was a coincidence and an attempt. In that short moment, the two ancient gods planned to attack the gods who were watching. Ryan has many purposes, such as to see if the gathered power can still exist if the main god who is the support of this ritual is cut off from the god king. Another example is whether the main body of fate in this world is still unbreakable after being influenced by him for two eras.

The purpose of the Lord of Darkness should not be that much. He probably just wanted to test the former, and wanted to see if there were any huge flaws in the power of the new God King. So he used his own power to wrap the gods in darkness, and the next moment, he got the answer he wanted.

But he got it, and Ryan didn't. Therefore, he did not stop after his attack was half a beat too slow. Instead, he shifted the target of his attack to Erebus, and then hit him all the way to the depths of the starry sky.

"You attribute the reason why you are at a disadvantage to the authority of [Death]. Do you want me to try it too? No need, you have already given me the answer."

His expression was calm, and the matter was already very clear... At the moment when the gods were covered, Erebus suffered some kind of damage. Although it was not as strong as expected, the fact that it could cause harm to the great divine power proved something in itself.

But in the face of Ryan's subsequent attack, the Lord of Darkness subconsciously chose to conceal it. He pretended to be fine and tried to make the other party misjudge, but the result was obvious.

If Ryan's power was similar to that at the turn of the era, he might not be aware of the strength of Erebus, but it's different now.

Soon, the reaction of the sky in front of him further proved his suspicion. When Ryan's words fell, the darkness in front of him visibly shook, and silently, as if he had never existed, the other party silently disappeared in front of him. Obviously, after realizing that he was doing useless work, Erebos did not pester him, but simply chose to leave.

The starry sky became quiet again, and only the broken stars silently told what happened here. After waving his hand, it was as if time went back and everything returned to its original state. Standing in the void, Ryan thought for a moment.

Although the moment just now was short, some results could already be seen. When the gods were enveloped by the power of darkness, they did briefly disconnect from the rituals, but this did not seem to bring immediate weakening to the God King. To be more precise, it is more like the true gods who have been imprisoned in the abyss. Although their connection with the world has been cut off, the laws related to the priesthood will not immediately riot, but there will be a long process in the middle.

In contrast, a more direct betrayal by a god can have a greater impact. Just like the three brothers of Zeus entering the abyss, the rules they represent are not disordered for a moment, but when they take the initiative to activate the priesthood, they can cause more severe natural disasters and turmoil.

But the direct betrayal of the gods... Thinking of this, the damage Erebus had just suffered became even more dazzling.

After all, if the subject of destiny still has such strong inertia, and he is still restraining the subject of the trajectory and cannot be shaken, then can the so-called betrayal really happen?

Maybe it can happen, and then it will be corrected back to its original appearance by some kind of 'coincidence'. Whatever is missing, then make up for it.

"Two eras have passed, and fate is still so stubborn..."

There was a moment of silence. Although this was actually expected, it did not mean that it was acceptable. The changes in the side details only really affect the side details. The replacement of the three generations of god kings has never changed.

"It won't go on like this forever... Since you are so stubborn when facing others, I wonder if you can still be 'unshakable' when facing yourself?"

The voice gradually became colder. Twenty thousand years of trying have been long enough. If this gentle approach is useless, it must be changed.

Perhaps, as he always thought, the world itself was his real obstacle. So Ryan looked towards the earth, towards the only god on Mount Olympus.

Wait for a result before making a decision. No matter what, the river of destiny of this world will be completely cut off in the third era, and everything that will follow will be completely unknown. If simple planning can't solve it...

"... Then use absolute power to tear apart the laws of this world."

Thinking of the world of Hermione not long ago, Ryan felt that maybe this was not impossible to accomplish.

"And the God King..."

The position of the God King is actually very special. It is closely related to destiny, and its replacement often represents the change of the era. So at this moment, the long-existing plan came to Ryan's mind again.

"Maybe the God King... only needs three generations!"

Above Hades, the underworld.

In the dim underground space, a faint fluorescence appeared at some point. Some kind of luminous moss spreads everywhere, bringing light to this vast world.

And in the middle of this huge cavity, a tree that shouldn't be there swayed. It has golden leaves, perfectly proportioned branches, and... some new branches that have grown out and are dark in color.

In front of the giant tree, a group of exquisite-looking beings gathered. They knelt on the ground and worshiped and kowtowed to the giant tree.

"It seems that you have adapted to life underground."

Suddenly, a deep voice sounded near the tree, and the figure of the Lord of Darkness slowly emerged. He waved his hand, and the nearby creatures were moved away. In front of the golden apple tree, Moanda also walked out of the trunk.

"As you asked, I have completed most of it."

Lowering her head slightly, Mo Anda didn't know why the other party came, but she still whispered.

Although she didn't see anything directly, her intuition told her that the person in front of her seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Most of it is done...yes, except for the egg, you're almost done."

Nodding, Erebus narrowed his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was thinking. Beside him, Mo Anda was waiting quietly.

After a long time, the vibrations from the ground seemed to gradually stop, and Erebus seemed to have finally made up his mind.

"Originally, it was enough for me to take this 'knife', because it doesn't matter what I take."

"But look now..."

Turning around, the Lord of Darkness looked at the nymph who was reincarnated as a god, and said lightly:

"Moanda, right? I have a task for you."

"Please give your orders."

Bowing slightly, the elf responded obediently.

"In a moment, I will take you to the surface to meet the God King - the one you wanted to meet before."

"I will reach a 'covenant' with him, and you are the guarantee of our agreement. You will become part of his divine court, even part of his power, and then enjoy the light and beauty on the surface from now on. This is great, right? ?”

"Then I...what do I need to do?"

He raised his head carefully, but instead of being happy, Mo Anda only felt a little frightened. She didn't know what she was going to do, but she believed that it was definitely not a simple thing, and what she wanted to do was definitely not just enjoy life.

"You don't need to do anything, at least for now. And you don't need to worry about your safety, because the golden apple trees are still here to stay."

Sighing, Erebus felt a little emotional for the first time. He raised his head and looked at the 'zenith' of the underground space, as if looking at something else.

"He is like Gaia."


Mo Anda couldn't help but ask because he didn't hear something clearly.

"I mean... there is always something that has a way to make itself hated by everyone, even if there is an existence protected by Him among those 'everyone'."

Smiling and saying nothing more, Erebus just waved.

"Let's go. I don't know if you are lucky or not. Get ready to welcome your new life."

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