In this world, in the southern sea.

It didn't take too long for Volos and Eros to cross the long distance. They took advantage of the deep spiritual world and traveled from the spiritual world to the palace of the Poseidon in a few flashes.

The fragrant sea, the guards that are so lax that there are almost no guards, and the looming luxurious palace, this is what this place has to offer. Obviously, Poseidon didn't think that someone could come to him silently in the sea - of course, he was actually not wrong.

Just like now, even the 'black and white ocean' reflected in the first level of the spiritual world looks different in the area close to Poseidon, and even has some colors in it.

Just like Olympus, the place where the gods live all year round is naturally affected by their power, and this influence even penetrates into another level of time and space over the years, keeping life instinctively away from the spiritual world and making others very uncomfortable. It is difficult to sneak directly into the side of Poseidon.

If it were the little cupid from the original myth, there might be nothing he could do about this situation. He couldn't shoot a god who was staying in his palace. After all, although his golden arrows had special power, he was not an unparalleled marksman.

But faced with this problem, Volos and Eros were not worried about it. Because although the divine blood of Ouranos adds a 'revenge' restriction to their bows and arrows, it also gives it the ability to 'lock'. Coupled with the 'sure hit' inherited from the divine spear [Gangnir], everything seems much simpler.


He nocked the bow and arrow, and with the vibration of the bow string, the golden arrow in Volos's hand shot out.

Even though the two of them hadn't seen each other yet, it still followed a certain connection and flew straight to the palace under the sea, chasing the owner of this place.

In the palace, people were drinking and drinking.

At this moment, in Poseidon's palace, the real Queen of the Sea, Amphitrite, had long gone. Most of the people who are still here are the attendants that Poseidon found from various places.

Some of them were searched for, and some simply had the blood of Poseidon, but this is not surprising among the gods of Chaos, and the reason why the Queen of the Sea is not here is not because of these things.

After all, although she didn't like Poseidon's behavior, she didn't have the power and status of Hera, so if the Poseidon wanted to have fun, she could only choose to endure it. It wasn't until she discovered that more and more strange beings appeared in the palace that made her feel uncomfortable that Amphitrite suddenly became alarmed and moved to another place to live.

She felt that she understood why Poseidon was not interested in her anymore. It was not because she deliberately created a chase before the two got married, but because the other person's hobbies were inherently different - of course, strictly speaking, there was indeed something in it. That’s all.

Poseidon was indeed disgusted by Amphitrite's lack of knowledge, but it was because she had too many "alien beauties" to care about this woman.

It is worth mentioning here that Poseidon is not incapable of recognizing beauty and ugliness. He also thinks that Athena and Aphrodite possess top-notch beauty, but his range of recognition is a little wider. If you look at the aliens selected by him according to their own racial concepts, they are actually very 'beautiful'.

This is a bit similar to the dragon clan in the legends of later generations. The princess with extraordinary appearance wants to snatch it away, and the 'beauty' among the kobolds will not be spared. So in his palace, Poseidon just enjoyed the singing and dancing in front of him, until a golden light flashed in front of him.


Suddenly awakened, Poseidon's powerful divine power was released, instantly causing death and injury to all the creatures in the palace. But he didn't pay attention at all, but quickly stretched out his hand to try to catch the golden light.

A sneak attack... There is no doubt that it is, but the power above is not strong. Although Poseidon didn't know who dared to disturb his mood, he swore that he would make him understand the consequences of disturbing him on the sea.


In the lightning and flint, the thought just flashed through, and the golden light was already approaching. However, to Poseidon's expectation, he failed to block the light.

The golden light broke through - or rather ignored the divine power in his hand, then directly touched his palm, and disappeared in an instant.

The whole process didn't give him any time to react. When everything was over, Poseidon looked at his palm. There were no scars there, and the golden light just now seemed like an illusion.

"What is this..."


Fright, anger and doubt rose in his heart. Poseidon was about to do something, but then he stopped.

He didn't know why, but a burning emotion surged out of his heart. It was his feelings for his second sister, Demeter.


There was silence for a long time, probably a little struggle, but in the end Poseidon obeyed the feeling in his heart. He looked at the surrounding palaces and the lives further away that were not affected by him... Demeter was his true love, so what did these count for?

So without hesitation, Poseidon stretched out his hand and pressed it, and everything within a hundred miles became silent instantly.

After doing this, Poseidon calmed down a little. His reason told him that his current situation was not quite right, and it must have something to do with that golden light. However, most of the gods in Chaos were more emotional than rational, so this calmness only lasted a moment, and he hardly thought about it. Just think about it after you are ready.

Now, the most important thing is to find his sister.

Transforming into water light, Poseidon flew towards the north. He had also heard about the cold winter caused by Demeter. Now, the other party seemed to be in a human tribe.

On the sea, behind a cloud.

"Okay, let's call it a day - next, just go to the goddess and wait."

Voros clapped his hands and said with satisfaction.

His golden arrows will keep moving forward until they hit their target. Although there is no existence in this world that can stop it, at least Poseidon should not have this ability yet.

And the feeling coming now is indeed true. As expected, his arrow has hit the target.


"Speaking of which, the goddess seems to be in the temple built for her by the human kingdom."

Nodding slightly, Eros said eagerly:

"I don't know when we can find some believers to play with, and then let them build a temple for us."

"Then it's better not to do it."

Rejecting casually, Volos gave an irrefutable reason.

"I think humans are quite stupid, so it's better to stay away from them. We are gods who control love, but we are not gods controlled by love - but I think humans are easily controlled by their own emotions, after all. This is true of the highest among them.”

"...Okay, you're right, then we'd better not have any more believers."

After thinking for a while, Eros felt convinced that she should indeed stay away from them.

After the chat, she was about to leave with Volos, but at this time, a huge noise sounded from the sea below her.

A blue light separated from it, instantly turning the surrounding life into dust. Then Poseidon's figure jumped out of the sea and flew towards the north.

"Well... it works - but are the arrows catalyzed by mortal hatred really so powerful?"

Somewhat surprised and a little confused, Volos felt the surge of emotions in the heart of the Poseidon, the possessiveness towards his sister Demeter, but he seemed to have gone too far.

"That's probably because he had this idea in the first place... Hey, stay away from me too!"

Looking to Volos aside, Eros had a look of disgust on her face. The eleven or twelve-year-old face coupled with her current demeanor made her look a bit cute in contrast.

"Stop it, Eros... As separate gods of love, the last thing we can do is develop feelings for each other."

Volos curled his lips and knew that the other party was joking, so he didn't pay attention and just said hello.

"Let's go, let's follow!"

With a greeting, Volos flew away first, and Eros followed suit after smiling. The big drama is right in front of them, and they don't want to miss this scene.


Spiritual world, fifth level.

The chaotic time and space is as quiet as ever, except that there is an extra point that looks like a star on the outside, but seems to be an infinite illusory kingdom on the inside.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, Ryan's head and feet are increasingly stable positive and negative energy interfaces.

A certain connection between them is getting closer and closer, which gradually balances the two energy planes that were originally unbalanced. But at this moment, Ryan's mind was not on them, but on what was going on outside.

Of course, Ryan is also not paying attention to that small human country. Although he did pay attention to everything that happened there because of the Eros Twins, he didn't have any extra thoughts about the whole incident.

Whether it's Murtanella or Demeter, their actions are nothing to be concerned about. After all, the development of the first half of the matter is very similar to the myths of later generations, and the development of the second half also seems very normal.

Compared with what the son of Zeus, a king named Tantalus, did in the future, this point between the goddess and the queen was nothing at all, and he had no idea of ​​​​meddling in it. Even if it didn't involve the rotation of the four seasons, he probably wouldn't be able to remember this little thing.

As for what Ryan is doing is naturally waiting to observe an important memory.

Hundreds of years ago, after the war between gods, Ryan gave his artifact to Athena, allowing her to peek into the memories of the past. During this period, the goddess of wisdom used it more than once, trying to understand the whereabouts of the mother goddess who was originally in the head of Zeus with herself.

However, perhaps there was some higher influence during that time, perhaps the subtle interference of fate, or perhaps both. In short, whenever Athena tried to explore that short but important past from the hazy memories before she was born, she would always be disturbed in some way, and then deflected to other contents.

Most of them are blank, but a very few have content - those are basically when Zeus draws on the wisdom and authority of Metis.

Whenever this happens, the God King has to relax his seal on the goddess. This may not be enough to free Metis from his captivity, but it does allow some things that happen in the outside world to be transmitted inside, and the unborn Athena unconsciously hears them.

She would not have thought of these things originally, but now under the influence of the artifact, Athena has remembered them one by one. Of course, although these are also gains, which allow the goddess to have a deeper understanding of the unknown side of her father, Athena still remembers what she is really looking for.

Some higher-level power has been interfering with her, which seems difficult to handle, but after all, this is her own memory and a real thing. So when she found that the 'smart way' could not achieve her goal, Athena decisively chose the 'dumb way'.

Since there is no way to lock in that period of time, just extract all the memories before birth bit by bit. This method, which is the simplest, crudest, and most time-consuming and labor-intensive, cannot be interfered with by that potential influence.

So over the past few hundred years, Athena has spent most of her time in her past. Although most of them are complicated and useless efforts, fortunately, just recently, this exploration of memory has finally come to an end.

When all useless parts are isolated, the remaining ones can no longer conceal their existence.

So on a small island in the East China Sea, Athena, wearing a long dress, took out the scroll. She activated the artifact for the last time, touching it with her smooth forehead, and with this action, [History] and [Memory] also acted on the goddess.

The secret was about to be revealed, and a little blush caused by the ups and downs of mood flashed across Athena's face. At the same moment, Ryan also moved his eyes away from the twins and looked at the goddess on the island. He was also looking forward to the results of this investigation.

"Come on, let me see... what you have done."

The sound echoed in the void, and Ryan's eyes flickered slightly. The next moment, something seemed to change. Although his person was still sitting where he was, his 'god' seemed to have left his body.

The last exploration was different from the previous one. Ryan did not choose to simply wait and see, using the power of the artifact to browse the fragments of memory. Because he knew very well that this memory seemed to involve a world-level confrontation, so the impact it received was extremely high.

If you are still waiting for the artifact to give the record on its own... then it is very likely that all the key positions will be vague. As for asking Athena when the time comes, let’s not talk about the rest of the questions. Even if the other party is willing to tell Ryan the whole story, there are some ‘mysteries’ that can only be obtained and understood by seeing it with one’s own eyes.

Just like runes, the version recorded in the original scripture and the version spread later are completely different things. Over the years, Ryan has often looked through the original scriptures obtained from Odin's treasure house, and he has learned a lot of useful things from them every time.

The closer the 'information' is carried to the source, the more 'real' and 'complete' it is... So Ryan has to go in and see for himself.

If there is anything in the entire world of Khaos that can be even remotely resistant to world-level forces, it is probably only him.

So when this thought arises, the divine body he left here becomes an empty shell. Ryan's spirit escaped from the body silently and entered the depths of her memory together with Athena who was far away on the East China Sea.

Intuition told Ryan...this trip down memory lane would probably be interesting. And what he is about to see is probably not just Zeus's experience of obtaining the ritual.

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