"It's finally over, even if it's only temporary."

Following the flow of people out of the venue, when Andrea returned to the Royal City of Athens, Ryan also cut off contact with her.

"I just don't know what the outcome will be... It seems like a long time has passed since the beginning."

The journey is short, and the process is exciting for others, but it should come to an end now.

Andrea still wants to be her princess, and Ryan wants to travel the world. So it may not be possible to completely cut off contact, but in the next few years, they really won't have the opportunity to see each other often.

As for when the next meeting will be... Ryan divined the future. The result was just as he expected. There was no clear foreshadowing. He only saw a scene in his destiny.

It was a back figure with a sword blade stained with blood, and in front of her, there seemed to be many people with different expressions.

There is excitement, reverence, fear, unwillingness...all these things come together, like a picture of the floating world.

"So, the next time we meet will be around the time Andrea draws her sword to kill someone?"

"But she seems to be a priest. Are priests starting to kill people with swords now..."

Some doubts flashed through his mind, and Ryan once again felt that prophecy was not very reliable, especially when the object of his prophecy was related to himself.

Either you can use precise predictions to tie yourself to your destiny, or you can only get some ambiguous hints. In this regard, predictions are always difficult to have both ends of the spectrum.

"And Athena...hasn't she read the 'script'? I don't know why, but I always feel that her subjective initiative is a bit low in this matter..."

As his thoughts turned, Ryan thought of the scene that came before the connection was disconnected, which was Artemis's warning to Theseus.

He was not surprised by the opponent's choice. After all, he would be surprised if the human hero of Chaos became humble and cautious. It's just that the feeling Athena gave him on this matter... was like 'I know something might happen to you, so let me remind you. I also know that you probably won’t listen to me and just go through the process.

But no matter how you look at it, this ‘process’ is a bit baffling.

"What over there, Mr. Irwin, what did you mean just now?"

A voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Ryan's thoughts.

Also walking out along the flow of people, Count Iros, disguised as Iapitus, left with Ryan. However, he looked a little nervous and looked around from time to time.

"It's nothing. I'm not talking about the person you are hiding from... Didn't you see her just now? She is no longer there."

Shaking his head slightly, Ryan no longer thought about the prophecy: "I'm talking about a distant place, a place far more distant than the farthest place you want to know."

"A person who is very close to me is there. I'm just a little worried about whether he is doing well and whether he can succeed. After all, he is too far away and out of reach."

"Well, I don't know what you are referring to, but I hope you get what you want."

Seeing that it was not his concern, Iapitus breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the conference finally ended. The spectators who had stayed at the scene failed to wait for their champion, but they did wait for Andrea to be summoned by the goddess, so there was no news of returning here.

The golden apple incident also spread among the crowd. Even though the story spread among the people only described the causes and consequences of Andrea sending the golden apple and did not contain more secrets about the conflict between gods, it was still among the crowd. Caused heated discussion.

The winner of the competition chooses the most beautiful goddess. No matter how you look at it, this is something worth talking about for people of this era.

However, laymen see the excitement, and experts see the door. After hearing this story, Iapitus already felt that the rain was coming.

In the story, there are just simple choices. In reality, who knows what happened. Now, he just wanted to find out the details of Oceanus' wedding banquet and see what happened there.

"The conference is over, and what I promised you has been completed. In this case, let's say goodbye."

Saying goodbye, Iapitus said with a smile.

"Of course, you're welcome."

Nodding, Ryan didn't stop him.

He watched Iapetus disappear into the crowd. I don’t know when the other person will come back and what he will choose to do.

After all, he was almost bound to come back, willingly or not.

From the moment he helped Andrea win, he was destined to be unable to escape this dispute between humans and gods.

Soon, leaving the crowd, and after several shuttles, Ryan returned to the hotel where he lived before.

Compared with before, there are a lot more people coming in and out here.

Now that the conference is over, the large number of foreigners have no reason to stay here.

In the next period of time, except for a few people, they should all leave the Acropolis.

“Please wait a moment—Mr. Irvine, please wait a moment!”


The voice came from behind, and Ryan turned to look back.

He probably didn't know many people in Athens these two days...but the next moment, he understood how the visitor knew him.

"Prince Odysseus, I didn't expect to see you here."

"I thought you would have returned to your kingdom after the conference."

"I'm ready to leave... My father's health is not very good anymore, and the hidden wounds left in his early years are difficult to completely heal even with divine magic."

A trace of regret flashed across his face, and Odysseus said apologetically: "Mr. Ivan, I want to apologize to you first."

"Because Miss Leia was summoned by the goddess, I'm afraid she won't be able to come back for a while. But remembering the bet I owed, I took it upon myself to investigate her residence, and then I found out that you came to Athens with her. friend."

"It may be a little offensive, but I hope you can pass on my apology to her."

Behind Odysseus, a large number of guards were carrying boxes one by one.

Judging from how heavy it is, I'm afraid it's all gold.

That was the gambling debt owed by the prince before the previous game. In addition, Odysseus solemnly said:

"In addition to the financial stakes, there are also the promises I once made."

"Since she won, if we become opponents again in the future, I swear on my honor that I will be courteous to her three times and never break my promise."

"...I understand, Prince Odysseus, if there is a chance, I will convey your integrity to you."

Nodding, Ryan was not going to refuse the other party.

Although there is no chance of handing over these wealth to Andrea for a while, on the one hand, she doesn’t need it, and on the other hand, Ryan has no problem holding it.

The previous game gambling was originally his idea, and now it is normal to receive some reward.

"Since you are willing to hand it over for me, then I can rest assured."

Heaving a sigh of relief, Odysseus seemed to let go of something on his mind, but then he hesitated a little.

Finally, he asked:

"Mr. Irwin, forgive me for being presumptuous, but I still want to know...where is Miss Leah from?"

"She is from Athens. As for the specific origin, you should ask it yourself when you have the opportunity in the future."

Waving his hand slightly, Ryan did not intend to continue answering the other party's doubts.

However, Odysseus seems to be very satisfied with this response.

"Thank you for your answer. If you encounter trouble in the future, I will try my best to help."

Having made the promise, Odysseus left with a little regret and hope.

Although I don’t know the specific origin, it is enough to know that he is an Athenian.

With the popularity of knowledge in this era, there were only so many young girls in Athens who had the opportunity to receive high-quality education. As long as he sends people to look for him one by one in the future, he will always be able to find the identity of the other party.

"Athens...I will come again."

Making a decision secretly in his heart, Odysseus left happily.

But at this moment, he probably never imagined that he would indeed come to Athens again in the future, but the form was very different from what he thought.


The eastern part of the continent, Mount Olympus.

At the top of the sacred mountain, the palace door opened, reflecting thousands of auspicious colors.

Standing on the mountain peak overlooking the world, nine layers of clouds obscured the view.

Once upon a time, Mount Odiles was twelve layers of clouds away from the human world, which was the number that symbolized perfection in Chaos.

In comparison, Olympus, which only has nine floors, seems to be far away from the sky and a little closer to the earth.


The sky was already dark when we walked out of the palace.

Athena counted the time, and the matter with Artemis should be almost done.


A voice of suppressed anger came from behind, and Athena smiled and said nothing.

Zeus had just spoken righteously for a long time about the harmony and friendship among the gods, but obviously, including himself, the two listeners and the God King did not take this into their hearts.

However, the final result was somewhat unexpected. Zeus actually asked Hera to stay in Olympus for a period of time in order to 'reflect on her mistake of taking the first step'.

Logically speaking, there was nothing wrong with what Zeus did, because Hera was indeed the first god to take action, and there was nothing wrong with his punishment.

But the problem is that many times no one cares about the truth, people only care about attitude.

And Zeus's punishment of Hera's "not being able to find fault" obviously had no meaning in calming down the incident, but instead further ignited Hera's anger.

"Athena, do you think you won? Although I don't know how you made Zeus talk to you... but don't think that the matter is over."

The voice was low and cold. Although the decision was made by Zeus, more of Hera's resentment was poured into Athena.

The reason is not surprising; this is actually a common phenomenon in psychology. When faced with a decision made by someone whose status and power are higher than their own, many people will subconsciously be unwilling to place the main responsibility on the other person, regardless of whether they are satisfied with the outcome.


Athena smiled again, but Athena still didn't respond, and she didn't even stop.

The shrunken spear of Walker's Tor groaned softly around her wrist, but she just touched it and soothed her artifact.

Well, yes, just like in the original myth, it was rumored that Athena's breath gave wisdom to the third generation of humans.

Although there is actually no logic, after all, Athena was not born when the first two generations of humans were born, but as the goddess of wisdom, she can indeed give wisdom to external objects, and the artifact she accompanies is the first example.


Being ignored again and again, Hera's chest couldn't help but rise and fall violently.

After enduring for a long time, she finally calmed down.

Watching Athena's back gradually going away, the Queen of Heaven clenched her fists.

"Wait, wait until Athens turns to ashes, I'll see if you can still be so calm!"

"On that day, I will return everything you gave me."

The voice spread in the wind, rolling up some smoke and dust. In the palace behind Hera, Zeus watched this scene quietly.

This is what he wants... Let's get started, he can't wait.


The sun and the moon alternate, time flows, and the marriage between the human world and the gods finally ends completely.

In the same year, Thetis, the hostess of the wedding banquet, became pregnant with her own child. This child who was stronger than his father in the prophecy was finally named Achilles by her, and she had high hopes for him.

In the same year, a chamber of commerce quietly opened in Athens, and some new and strange things began to spread from here.

The Kingdom of Argos announced the expansion of its army, and the protests of Eleusis against alchemical fertilizers became louder and louder. Around Athens, traces of underground biological activities appeared one after another.

The whole world was like a huge machine, slowly starting to run at a faster speed.

But none of this had much to do with Ryan, and he focused all his energy on himself. Until one moonless night, he put down the book in his hand, and an intuition rose from his heart.

On the other side of the world, his other half seemed to have finally taken a step forward.

That world began to open the first crack to him.

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