No matter how stormy the outside world is, Samos Island is always sunny and picturesque. Since Heber became a primordial god, this holy place has also been favored by the will of the world, and the rich world yuan power reverberates here.

Heber's gods and Nymphs living on the island also faintly benefited, especially Nymphs, the divine power in their bodies has accumulated more and more under the continuous infusion of Yuan Power, and there are already some Nymphs with higher talents who have successfully ignited the divine fire and condensed the divine personality.

Daphne, who was once persecuted by Apollo's fiery love, ignited the divine fire and became the goddess of the laurel tree.

For example, the nymph fairy honey pear, who first served Hera, and the former daredevil Amphra, these two nymphs were favored by the goddess because they followed Hera the longest and gave them the sacred golden apple juice.

After the two nymphs were served, the honey pear became the goddess of bees and honey, and Amphra became the goddess of the sword lily orchid. Although it is only some inconspicuous last godheads, it is no longer known that it makes many of its fellow gods envious.

You must know that although Nymph has a long life, they are not immortal, they will also usher in aging and death, and only by becoming gods can they get rid of the erosion of the body by the years.

With such an example in the past, the Nymphs on the island served the two goddesses more carefully, changing the law all day to make the two goddesses happy, although they can rely on themselves to absorb the yuan power to refine the divinity, but if the goddess is happy, a little benefit flows from between the nails is enough to make them ascend to the sky in one step!

Heber and his mother goddess Hera sat on the lounge chair made of golden fleece by Nymph, drinking the juice squeezed from golden apples, enjoying the massage of Nymph's tender hands, and couldn't help but secretly sigh, what a comfort and depravity... She even thought that she would simply enjoy it for 1,800 years first, and it would be nice not to care about the ups and downs outside.

"The two goddesses are so leisurely, I was so commanded by the king of the gods that my legs were almost broken. The space rippled on the white sand, and the burgundy-eyed Zagreos looked at the two goddesses with a look of admiration.

"How can you, the future king of the gods, be as captive as we are to this shallow temptation, which will weaken your will and spirit, let your adoptive mother, I, bear it for you. The brown-haired and purple-eyed goddess Hera was now light and began to laugh at her busy adopted son.

Zagrios smiled bitterly, but did not refute what Hera said, and when he became a god-king in the future, the glory he would give to this goddess would only be more.

"Is Zeus's side impatient?" asked Herb casually as he took a sip of the golden apple juice that Ninf handed him.

"Yes. The expression of the prosperous Zagreos also became serious, "Prometheus' wisdom is indeed admirable, and the king of the gods is now enraged by Poseidon's ambition and is staring at it." On the side of the underworld, because of Heracles, the gods of the underworld also have a reason to make a move, and Zeus is now asking me to go to the underworld to make peace, presumably to keep Hercules. It's really strange, just a demigod bloodline, even if he has the potential to become a god, he really won't pay a huge price for him, and Zeus's favor for this god son really surprises me. "

Is this the same king of the gods who devoured his mother, trapped his sister, and destroyed his divine body without blinking his eyes?"

He did this not out of affection for Hercules, but in order to break the curse that was destined to be overthrown in his body. When Heber heard this, his eyes did not blink, and he said this stone-shattering secret.

"Break the curse?" Zagrid Oston looked surprised.

"Hercules accomplished twelve great feats unmatched, he was the most powerful and famous demigod hero of all time, and now the whole land of mankind heard of his prestige, and city-states everywhere cast statues of him, wanting to proclaim him king and pray for his protection. This situation of returning the world to the heart is exactly what Zeus wanted, he wanted Hercules to become the king of kings, and use his appeal to make the entire earth of mankind hold a festival for himself, and use the human faith in it to erase the curse from his body. "

“...... If this is the case, then Hercules must die!" "He is the son of God who is destined to overthrow Zeus in a curse, and if this curse is broken, then he who fails to complete his mission will also suffer backlash, and even be in danger of falling."

"You don't have to worry about this, Zeus has lost the wisdom of your mother god Metis, he wants to play with Prometheus, and almost meaning, this god of wisdom will not let him succeed, you wait and see, when Zeus finds out that he has been calculating for so long, in the end it is just an empty battle, his expression must be wonderful." Thinking of this, Heber's face couldn't help but raise a wicked smile.

"Since His Majesty said so, then I am relieved, I have to go back to the underworld first, His Majesty's side should be almost ready, I have to go and pretend to negotiate with them, and wait for the time to come." After listening to Heber's words, Zagrios relaxed his heart, since this goddess said that there was no problem, then there must be no problem, and he didn't worry about Hercules' affairs.

"Go, don't underestimate that king of the gods, he has a lot of hole cards in his hand, and then I will send a god to help you." "Just because she doesn't play by herself doesn't mean she can't send someone to help.

"I see, then Your Majesty the Supreme Heber, Venerable and Loving Hera, I will go first. Zagrios parted with the two goddesses, and a white daffodil flower was born in his hand, the flower bloomed with light, and the figure of the male god disappeared from the island of Samos.


And on the earth, the royal city of Thebai, Delins, whether it is princes and nobles or commoners in the royal city, are standing by the street, they look at the city gate with excitement and expectation, because their hero, the extremely brave Heracles, actually captured the legendary three-headed dog Cerberus who guarded the entrance to the underworld!

!People living in the yang do not have much concept of the gods of the underworld, they can only see their majesty after death, so for the gods of the underworld, people do not even know more than the gods of the sea, the so-called ignorant are fearless, so people do not have much fear of the gods of the underworld.

A tall figure gradually appeared at the city gate, and the big hero Hercules in a lion's helmet appeared at the city gate, he walked with a sturdy step, and on his broad shoulders was a huge strange dog, its three heads hung weakly, even then it still looked hideous, and a dragon's tail fell to the ground, scraping marks on the stone road.

"Wow, it's really a

three-headed dog!" "Hercules is really a great hero, even the watchdog of the underworld can be caught, he has defeated death

!" "He is simply great, he is even stronger than the gods!" In

the midst of the people's praise, Hercules walked towards the palace with the three-headed dog that had been knocked unconscious by himself.

In the palace of Delins, King Eurystheus sat on his throne in a rare costume today, and beside him there was another velvet cushion, and a golden crown was placed, without superfluous jewelry decorations, simple and atmospheric shapes, on which were carved the twelve exploits of the great hero Hercules.

Eurystheus looked at the crown with a satisfied look on his face, he took out a golden apple from his arms and put it aside, and there was a ripple in the air, and the golden apple disappeared.

Heracles finally entered the palace, he saw the figure of Eurystheus, stopped and put the three-headed dog Pierres beside him. Just as he was about to kneel before his brother, the king of Thebai, the gentle and calm voice of Eurystheus came from above his head.

"No need to kneel, my brother, Heracles.

Hercules' heart trembled, and he raised his head and looked at Eurystheus in disbelief. How long had it been, how long had it been since he heard his brother talk to him like this, Hercules looked at Eurystheus carefully, and on the other party's thin face, the brown eyes were finally no longer cold and disgusted, and were once again filled with the gentleness and warmth that made him feel strange but incomparably familiar.

"Eurystheus, my brother, you finally... Will you finally forgive me?" A wave of ecstasy surged through Hercules' heart, who would rather never wake up if it were just a dream.

Eurystheus smiled faintly, his gaze at Hercules was so gentle, and the once bard-like temperament on his body returned, and Eurystheus stood up and beckoned to Heracles, signaling him to come to his side.

Hercules naturally would not refuse this request, and he hurriedly stepped forward and came to Eurystheus's side.

Eurystheus carefully looked at his half-brother's face, and he couldn't stop feeling a pain in his heart like being pierced by glass slag, but his face was still full of smiles.

"Heracles, in order to atone for your sins, you have completed twelve tasks impossible for mortals, I have seen clearly your sincerity and determination, this is also the instruction of fate, I should no longer dwell on the past, it is time to put aside the hatred between us, you are free.

As Eurystheus uttered the four words "You are free," a surge of qi suddenly appeared in Hercules, as if some shackles had been broken, and his heart felt an unprecedented ease and freedom.

When Hercules heard this, he immediately held Eurystheus's hands excitedly, he had experienced countless adventures, made countless merits, and obtained countless glory, but none of them made him feel more happy to be able to obtain his brother's forgiveness in front of him, which was his wish to come true from the gods for countless days and nights.

Eurystheus smiled and drew his hand and patted the back of Hercules' broad hand, and he turned to pick up the quaint and atmospheric crown from the velvet cushion and turn to look at Hercules.

"In order to witness the reconciliation between us, and to show your merits, I specially ordered the craftsmen in the city to build this crown, and henceforth our brothers have ruled the kingdom of Thebai together.

Heracleston was so moved that he lowered his head and waited quietly for his brother to put on the crown for him.

Eurystheus gently put the crown on him, and the quaint and atmospheric crown made Hercules' handsome face more heroic, domineering and brave, like a king who conquered the world.

"Perfect for you. Eurystheus said with a smile.

Thank you, brother. Hercules smiled and touched the crown on his head.

As if unburdened by something, Eurystheus sat casually on the steps under the throne, took out a flute made of ivory from his bosom, and looked back at Hercules.

"Remember the first night our brothers were reunited in the garden of the palace, and you were interested in listening to me play again?" Looking

at the ivory flute, Hercules was also brought to mind, his eyes were gentle, and he quietly waited for his brother to play.

Eurystheus closed his eyes, put the flute to his lips, and his slender white fingers rubbed on the flute for a moment, and then between the movements of his fingers, melodious and pleasant notes flew out like butterflies.

Hercules closed his eyes and listened to the familiar tune, but did not notice that the crown above his head was slowly turning a strange dark green, and the venom of the hydra Xudra oozed out of the crown and burrowed into Hercules' body.

Severe pain, a sharp pain that seemed to be burned by fire, struck by the blade, Heracles opened his eyes sharply, the pain made him can't help but howl, he looked at the indifferent Eurystheus in disbelief, his eyes were red, the pain was so fierce, he felt that his vitality was constantly passing, and he was no longer able to speak, he could only question his brother with his eyes.

Eurystheus was silent, and he took out a green earth crystal bottle from his arms, which seemed to have flames beating in it.

"Heracles, my brother, you and I are but pawns in the chessboard of the king of the gods, and the hatred and antagonism between us are shaped by each other, I am not willing to accept this puppet-like fate, I will resist, even if it will dissolve my soul and make me ashes, I will not give up, destroy with me, my brother, my fateful enemy."

Eurystheus threw down the crystal bottle in his hand, and the green demon flame instantly filled his feet, the flame was the magic fire that Medea extracted from his own envoy, the power was huge, the fire instantly swept the entire palace, and the three-headed dog Cerberus' feet suddenly cracked a gap, taking it in the unconscious.

Heracles' soul floated above Thebae, and he looked silently at the palace entwined in flames, trying to search for the soul of Eurystheus, but found nothing.

An inexplicable momentum suddenly emerged between heaven and earth, and the statues built for Hercules in the city-states on earth suddenly fell apart like the statues of his ancestor Perseus, countless beliefs poured into Heracles' body, a golden flame floated out of his soul, two godheads symbolizing martial arts and strength were formed in his body, divine flesh and blood were reborn, and the coercion of the main god level emanated from Hercules' body.


the sky was covered with dark clouds in an instant, and the king of the gods hurriedly came, staring at Hercules, who had become a god, almost crazy, countless thunder snakes dancing wildly, roaring, showing the anger in the heart of this god king.

"Hahahaha, Zeus, you worked hard, in the end it was still in vain, and it was destined that you, the god king, would be overthrown!" In

the ocean, Poseidon holding a trident let out a maniacal smile, he set off a monstrous tsunami, countless sea gods and sea monsters appeared in the waves, and the huge waves rushed towards the sacred Mount Olympus with unparalleled might.

God war, a hair-trigger outbreak!

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