
Heber had some doubts in his heart, in later legends, this god was Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, and his current cheap sister-in-law, the son born after fornication with his brother Ares, is the little goddess of love who has wings on his back and rules love.

But the goddess Nix called him his younger brother, which reminded Herb of another saying that was passed down in later generations, saying that Eros was the fifth primordial god born in the world of Kaos and the original controller of the law of eros...

Nix in the dark night, her gaze was distant and cold: "I have seen the trajectory of fate, another disaster is brewing on the earth, the will of the god king will destroy this generation of human beings, and the new generation of human beings will be born in pairs, this vigorous power of love is the best nourishment for Eros, and his divinity will begin to recover." "

“...... Goddess Nix, do you mean to help His Majesty Eros regain power? Herb

was unaware of the squalor between the goddess Nix and the rumored primordial god, and thought that the goddess was planning to help Eros revive.

Instead of answering Herb's question, the goddess Nix continued: "At the beginning of the birth of the world, our Father God, Kaos the Chaos, created this world and created us, and he himself fell into a near-eternal sleep because he had exhausted his Source. Eros is our youngest brother and the first king of the gods chosen by the father god Kaos. The

curtain of history was slowly lifted, and Herb's expression suddenly became very subtle.

Because she felt that with the words of the goddess Nix, this ancient secret that occurred before the birth of time was revealed, and the historical godhead in her body suddenly filled with boundless yellow sand, and a faint blurry picture flashed in it, gradually becoming clear.

Historical Godhead... It promoted.

I never expected that being forced to listen to a gossip could have such benefits.

"Eros is the embodiment of the original eros, with the power to manipulate the mind, and under his catalysis, Gaia and I have given birth to countless new gods to make this newborn world better. You are also a goddess, and you should know what the price of giving birth to a new god is for the mother.

Heber nodded, although the world will also give new godheads to new gods, but their divine bodies and divine powers need a mother body to conceive, and some goddesses who are not strong enough will even be deprived of their origin by their own heirs in order to be born, a little more serious, so the fall is not impossible.

"We are fed up with such a gestation life, love should be free, and the birth of the Son of God should also be our own choice, not the product of that primitive and barbaric law of love, so we united and killed him."

The goddess Nix said lightly, as if she was completely unaware of how terrifying her words were.

"You killed the lord of eros, the primordial god Eros?"

It seems that I know something incredible....

"That's right." Nix nodded, "We knocked it back to its Origin form, spreading it in the ubiquitous law, and since then, eros is no longer controlled by man." Of course, destroying a primordial god also costs us a lot of money. Now we cannot afford to destroy it again.

"Then why not just kill the opportunity for its birth?"

This is where Zeus has the most say.

Nix shook his head: "No, although we hate the great power of Eros to manipulate the mind, but in the world, he is a hero who has been able to perfect the law, so for countless years, the law has been looking for opportunities to re-breed it, even if the current mother body is destroyed, he will reappear in other mothers, or even in other ways."

"So the mother body chosen by Eros is..." Herb actually had the answer in his heart.

"Starry Ouranos, since his symbol of male power fell into the sea, the law of eros has been eyeing it, and the goddess born of the divine flesh and blood of the king of heaven, Aphrodite of love and beauty, will be the most suitable mother for the birth of Eros, and Eros will be reborn from this goddess."

Sure enough, it is her, and this goddess is only a tool person selected by the law, no wonder her use of the law of love is always so rough and inadequate, but the name of the god of beauty shines on her body.

It turned out that the law did not intend to give her the authority of eros in the first place, but only to give birth to the true love god through the flesh and blood of her heavenly father and the divine power of the same origin.

"So what exactly are your plans under the crown of Nix...?" Hearing this, Herb was already a little confused, the goddess of Nix obviously did not want to bring Eros back to life, but due to the obstruction of the world's will, it could not be destroyed, what the primordial god could not do, and what could she do with a little main god.

"Originally, this is not a big deal, the world's Yuan Power is limited, after experiencing two divine wars, the world has been damaged, and the remaining Yuan Power is no longer enough to provide for a primordial god, even if Eros is born successfully, he is no longer a primordial god, and the divine power can no longer threaten us."

Speaking of this, the goddess Nix paused, and she looked at Herb, her expression was a little complicated and strange.

"But because of you and that little guy named Pegus, the birth of winter completes the chronological rotation of the four seasons, the underworld has a light source to perfect the law, and the birth of reincarnation is of vital significance to the world, under these multiple factors, the world is about to usher in promotion, after that, the world's yuan power will be abundant again, enough to provide another primordial god."

After talking for a long time, it turns out that this pot still wants me to carry it?

"So His Majesty Nix wants me to seize that position before Eros regains the primordial throne?"

If he becomes a primordial god, then the world's yuan power is not enough to provide for Eros and make him a primordial god, and the goddess of Nix is the idea of Li Daitao.

"That's right." The goddess Nix nodded approvingly.

“...... Well, I agree to His Majesty's proposal. "

Herb didn't think for too long, learned such a powerful secret, if he didn't reach a cooperation with this goddess today, I was afraid that he wouldn't want to walk out of this temple alive.

Moreover, the benefits of this matter to her are immeasurable, not to mention the position of the primordial god, after this matter, behind her is tantamount to standing four primordial gods, everyone is in the same boat, as long as it is not something that touches their interests, I believe they will also give themselves some support.

At that time, if Zeus wants to strike at her, he should first weigh whether the thunder in his hand is hot enough to burn the primordial god.

"Smart and visionary goddess, you will not regret your choice today." Herb was so aware of the time that Knicks was very satisfied.

The two gods reached an alliance, and the atmosphere above the hall did not want to be so solemn at the beginning, Herb no longer had to worry about being killed by the goddess, and her heart relaxed, and she took the opportunity to ask the goddess Nix a question in her heart.

"Goddess Nix, with Aphrodite's divine power rank, even with the help of the main divine position, Eros's birth is only a first-class divine power at most, how can he be promoted to the primordial divine position?"

When Nix heard Herb's question, as if he remembered something interesting, a hint of amusement flashed on his beautiful face: "This matter, speaking of which, is still a good thing for you."

"Good thing?" Herb looked puzzled, what did he say?

"I said before that Eros is the first god king of the Kaos world selected by the father god, but the first god king is not him, but the son of Gaia, the starry Ouranos, and several of our primordial gods have destroyed Eros, all of them paid a lot of price, not to mention the gods who occupied the position of the god king who originally belonged to Eros?"

The gods who have sat in the position of god king throughout the ages actually owe Eros a debt, and the law was not enough to re-conceive it, which is less than the creditor of the debt, so nothing has happened.

But now that he is about to be reborn with the help of Aphrodite, the mother, it is naturally time to pay the debt, and the object of Eros's debt collection is not some god, but the holder of the god-king personality....

Herb also understood at this time, and her eyes widened: "Zeus?

"That's right." The goddess Nix nodded, "Don't underestimate your father god, he can sit in the position of the king of the gods, in addition to outstanding intelligence and means, among the children of Kronos and Rhea, his strength is also the strongest, in fact, before you, among the gods, if anyone is most likely to break through the main god rank and reach the primordial god realm, it is him." The

gaze of the goddess Nix became distant again, and the threads of fate changed in her eyes, evolving countless possibilities, countless endings, and finally returning to calm.

"When Eros is born, the laws of the world will give him an artifact, a golden bow of love and an arrow sac, and there are only two kinds of arrows in that quiver, golden arrow and lead arrow, and the heart of the person who is shot by the golden arrow will instantly ignite fiery love, and then fall in love with the person he first saw, while the lead arrow is the opposite, the person who is shot by the lead arrow will deeply dislike the person who sees it at first sight."

If it is the primordial god-level Eros, where does he need the assistance of this artifact, he only needs a look and a word, which can make people fall into the anxiety of love.

"Among the sacs, there are twelve golden arrows that are the most special, which are the causal condensation between the reigning god king and Eros, symbolizing the love that the king of the twelve gods will fall into."

Zeus' love affair with twelve mortal women!

Herb's eyes widened, did it come like this?

I thought it was Zeus' own stallion attribute outbreak... Of course, this is not excluded.

"Every time Zeus completes a relationship, in addition to receiving a share of the power of eros from the king of the gods, what he can also receive is his divine power and potential." The tone of the goddess of Nix was so calm, but the words she spoke were so shocking, "These divine powers and potentials will help Eros make up for the origin, and then combine with the erotic belief born of human reproduction, and break through the primordial god, it is not difficult."

After Nix finished saying this, he looked at Herb: "So you must step on the position of the primordial god before this..."

Here, Herb is still talking secretly with the goddess Nix, but there is no stop on the sacred mountain, but this storm has nothing to do with the goddess of life, Heber, but the goddess of the full moon, Selene, who violated the law of the sacred mountain and committed dereliction of duty, and Zeus now wants to punish her.

It also begins with Selene's infatuation with Endimion, a shepherd on earth, who, since falling in love with the shepherd of the world, secretly descends from heaven every night to kiss her sleeping lover.

In the beginning, the goddess was barely satisfied with the brief daily encounter with her lover.

But gradually, the love in her heart became heavier and heavier, and the fire of love tormented her heart all the time, and she began to become manic, urgent, faintly and began to lose her mind.

On this day, Selene could not suppress his impulse, and came to Miaoon's side again, the elegant and dusty goddess, caressed Endymion's soft blonde hair with her fingers, gazed at his deep eye sockets, and once again could not help but kiss his sleeping side face.

But this time, Endymion woke up, in fact, as early as the previous few times, he faintly noticed that when he was asleep, someone always sneaked up to him and printed a kiss on his face.

He had secretly opened his eyes to see, but was surprised to find that it was not the banshee in the water or Ningfu who kissed him, but a goddess wearing the light of the moon.

Intelligent, he naturally knew the identity of this goddess, her elegant and dusty face, burning love, but also ignited the flame of love in his heart, this shepherd, also irrepressibly in love with Selene.

Finally, on this night, he could no longer suppress the love in his heart, and when his lover was about to leave, the handsome shepherd opened his eyes and grabbed Selene, who was leaving.

The two lovers stared at each other at this moment, time seemed to freeze, but meteors crossed the sky.

Endymion spoke affectionately, "My dear goddess, please do not leave. Although I have just woken up, I have already called your name countless times in my dreams. The wonderful meteor just now is not a coincidence, but a gift from me. Although it will lose all its light as soon as it falls to the ground, it is finally free from wandering around and has found an eternal home, and this is my wonderful love for you. I hope you understand how much I love you. The

shepherd's fiery words completely ignited the fire of love in Selene's heart, and at this moment she no longer wanted to care about everything else, she just wanted to stay with her lover, and she stayed.

On this night, the creatures of the earth strangely found that the bright moon in the sky was gone, the sky was plunged into darkness, only the sparse starlight flickered in the sky, and the moon fell from the sky, shining all night in the Latmose Mountain of Asia Minor.

Such a serious dereliction of duty, it is naturally difficult to escape the eyes of the gods, and Selene has completely lost his mind, without any cover-up, let alone find a god to substitute.

The enraged Zeus sent the sun god Apollo to capture Selene on the sacred mountain, gathered the gods, and prepared to judge Selene for his crimes in the main temple.

Standing in the corner of the main hall, Eos, the goddess of dawn, looked at her sister who was kneeling on the ground, and closed her eyes in despair, she knew that this was a conspiracy that could not be avoided....

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