An alliance was reached, and the two goddesses were now grasshoppers on a rope, and their relationship eased for a while, and the unhappiness that had been caused by Artemis and the creation of man was written off.

Herb kindly invited Athena to stay in her holy place for a while, Zeus's hunting trip on the earth was not expected to be happy for ten days and a half a month, and Athena agreed to have nothing to do.

The two goddesses had a rare time on the island of Samos, which was the territory of Herb, and there was no intrigue between the gods, and there was no need to worry about a god sneaking out of the grass from time to time to give you a stick.

Some are just boundless beauty, fresh fruit and wine, and the gentle and beautiful Ningfu meticulous service, Athena is really a little happy, and she feels a little reluctant when she leaves.

After seeing off Athena, Herb also returned to the temple and continued his involution business. Being a god is a little good, no need to eat, no sleep, no feeling tired, simply a perpetual motion machine, all the time is used by Herb in the understanding of the law.

Time meant nothing to the gods, and twenty years passed in a blink of an eye.

In the temple of Samos Island, the blonde goddess and the black-haired male goddess sit face to face, and the two gods are filled with two completely different divine powers.

The mighty power of life in Heber is as vast as the sea, the field of life unfolds, and countless exotic flowers and plants have been born under the body of the goddess, exuding a rich fragrance, and butterflies and flower essences dance among them, which is beautiful.

In contrast, the golden-winged Pagoth exuded a terrifying aura of death, and in the field of death, an illusory sun emitted a faint light, dyeing the cold pale death world with a few strange colors.

The realms of the two gods are clearly divided, each occupying half of the temple, and in the middle of the two gods, the reincarnation godhead is quietly suspended, and the black and white divine light flashes softly, constantly drawing power from the two realms into their own bodies.

But even if there was an influx of divine power, this divine personality did not show the slightest sign of growth, but the original imperceptible gray in the center of the godhead had now expanded to the size of a pea.

Gradually, the realm behind the two gods began to become a little illusory, and the divine light on their bodies began to converge, and after a while, it dissipated without a trace.

He Bai opened his eyes, stretched out his hand to hold the reincarnation godhead in the palm of his hand, saw the changes in the godhead, his magnificent purple eyes flashed a trace of satisfaction, and he raised his hand to press the godhead into his heart and protect it.

"My Lord, according to this progress, I believe that in less than two hundred years, you can try to break through the barrier of the Lord God and ascend to the realm of the primordial god.

Pagoth's dark golden eyes flashed with joy, not to mention that he and the main body had been continuously supplying the reincarnation godhead with the divine power of the realm of life and death in the past twenty years, and finally some progress had been made.


Herb's face did not show much joy, and thoughts flashed in her magnificent purple eyes, which could not help but make Patgos a little puzzled.

The main body can know everything about the half-body, but the half-body cannot detect the emotions and thoughts of the main body, which is why Herb trusts Patgos so much, because although they are one, they have a clear primary and secondary authority, and she has absolute dominance over him.

"It's still too slow, the curse golden arrow of Eros has begun to be launched, the curse of the god king has begun to be fulfilled, and the remaining golden arrow launch time will not be too long, two hundred years is too long..."

Aphrodite once gave it the ultimate beauty of the world really exerted its effect. Under the protection of the gods, the terrans on the earth quickly multiplied, and large and small city-states were established.

And in a land called Lena, there was a king named Inakos, and his daughter Ae was fortunate enough to receive this blessing from Aphrodite, born like a flower, and was the most beautiful woman in the entire city-state.

And she was also the first fulfillment of Eros's twelve golden arrows to Zeus, and when the princess was shepherding shepherds for her father in the steppes of Lena, the ultimate beauty on earth soon attracted the attention of Zeus, the cloudy god, and the flame of love ignited by the golden arrow burned.

The next bloody plot is similar to the legend of later generations, the king of the gods turned into a human man, laughing with the Terran princess, wanting to gain the hearts of the other party, and finally made progress, but as if he was tricked by fate, his usually high god queen, Hera, who has lived in the sacred mountain for a long time, actually came to the world for a breakthrough!

But in fact, Hera really did not come specifically to catch the adulterer, the qualitative change of the marriage godhead made her mentality faintly changed, and Zeus's unfaithful behavior caused her to produce more, not jealous anger, but a kind of irony.

She was originally because her beloved daughter Heber had been in the world for decades, and she didn't come back to see it, and the god queen who thought of her heart set foot on the world rarely, wanting to go to Samos Island to find her daughter.

Who knew that when passing through a grassland in the world, he was surprised to find that what should have been a bright sun and a clear place was cloudy and misty, and he knew at a glance that it was not a natural formation.

Hera sneered, originally wanted to turn a blind eye, but now that things have hit her nose, it would be rude to think that she didn't see it.

The queen, who had half the authority of the god-king, immediately ordered the cloud that wrapped the seducer and his prey to disperse quickly, and Zeus was only then alarmed that his wife Hera was coming, and could not help but secretly say badly.

In desperation, the king of the gods had to turn his lover who was warm a second ago into a snow-white heifer, Yi'e is a woman who has obtained the ultimate beauty, even if she becomes a cow, she is still beautiful and handsome.

As soon as Hera saw this cow, she immediately saw Zeus's tricks, and she sneered secretly in her heart, looking at the heifer's helpless eyes, afraid that it was another ignorant girl who was seduced by Zeus.

Hera pretended not to know, and asked Zeus where he had found such a godly heifer, what breed it was.

Zeus sneered, falsely claiming that it was not an earthly creature, but a sacred cow, a pure breed, which would be so glorious.

Hera pretended to be very satisfied with his answer, so she opened her mouth to ask Zeus to give this beautiful creature to him as a gift, Zeus really couldn't think of a reason to refuse, and in desperation, he had to watch Hera take Yi'e away.

Hera took Ia'e from Zeus, glanced at the heifer beside her who was panicked as if it was the first time to walk on four feet, and the corners of her mouth skimmed, what a lame lie.

Hera, who had a much calmer mentality, did not intend to calculate with Yi'e, and she knew that she was the king of the gods, the ruler of heaven and earth, and even she had been unable to refuse the courtship of the god king, let alone the little human woman in front of her.

Hera originally wanted to raise her hand to lift the magic on Yi'e and release her back to her country. But after thinking about it, Zeus's guy is afraid that the thief's heart will not die, and I am afraid that when his front foot is just released, he will rush up again to sow seeds.

Thinking about it, Hera still decided to first bring Yi'e to the territory of his once accepted dependent, the hundred-eyed giant Argos, this giant is loyal to himself, he has a hundred bright star-like eyes on his body, he only needs to close one of them when sleeping, and the rest of the eyes can be opened, always on guard in all directions, let him be responsible for guarding Yi'e, the most suitable.

When she returns from Samos Island, I think Zeus's strength should have passed, and then let her go back.

Hera thought so, handed over Yi'e to Argos, didn't care too much, and turned away.

But she underestimated the persistence of her god-king husband and the power of the cursed golden arrow from the primordial god in his body.

Zeus, who lost Yi'e, his heart was like being fried on an oil pan, always thinking of this little lover, and in the end, Zeus couldn't bear the torture of this love, so he summoned his god son Hermes and asked him to go to rescue Yi'e.

Hera did not torture Yi'e, who could not escape under the guard of Argos, but lived well, so she simply stayed at ease, and the goddess also promised to release her magic and restore her free body when she returned.

As a result, Yi'e did not expect that the god king who suddenly appeared and occupied him also sent people to find him.

Hera hadn't gone far when she heard that her dependant Argos had died at the hands of Hermes, which made her furious, secretly taking Yi'e she could endure, killing her dependents then prepare to bear her wrath!

Hera chased after her, Hermes could not avoid it. In desperation, this messenger of the gods really couldn't hold back, and took the heifer Yi'e to seek refuge in his father.

I'm sorry Father, it's not that he doesn't try his best, it's really that the enemy is too strong, so he can't not surrender.

Zeus did not expect Hermes, the pit father, to bring Yi'e and Hera to him in such a loud way.

In the face of this Asura field-like scene, our God King Lord is also very good in psychological quality. With a smile on his handsome face, he wrapped his wife in his arms, and the words were as beautiful as the call of a lark, and the god-king asked Hera to be merciful and spare the poor girl.

He solemnly explained to Hera that Yi'e had not seduced him, that she was innocent, and that he was willing to swear to the River Stix that he would give up his love for the earthly princess and no longer pursue her.

Hera sneered when she heard this, playing word games with her here

, of course Yi'e did not tempt him, it was he who coerced and seduced this human princess, right? Giving up the love with this princess, it sounds ridiculous, this princess has lost her virginity, Zeus is afraid that it does not matter because he has already tasted it, and he can abandon it at any time.

Hera lowered her eyes, if it weren't for the constraints of the marriage godhead, would he have abandoned himself like this girl?

If it weren't for....

The white-armed goddess couldn't help but clench her fists, and her body became a little stiff.

Zeus felt Hera's unnaturalness, and Lord God King thought that Hera was really sad this time, and he couldn't help but feel a little love and pity in his heart.

He caressed his wife's delicate white and delicate arm, like a lily, and soothed softly: "Hera, my most glorious wife, you must know that my favorite will always be you, and who else can make me willing to give half of my power just to please you like you? In this way, how about I put its shining eyes on the tail feathers of your holy beast peacock, which will surely make it more gorgeous and worthy of your status as a noble queen of heaven. Zeus

exerted his divine power, and the eyes of the dead Argos turned into a wonderful pattern imprinted on the peacock's blue-green tail feathers, and the sacred beast of the divine queen flapped its wings and flew to its master, the tail feathers slowly unfolded, and the eye-shaped patterns were so mysterious and magnificent, breathtaking.

“...... Forget it this time, send her back to the world.

Hera was silent for a moment, broke free from Zeus's embrace, and after saying this sentence in a cold tone, left Zeus' temple without looking back.

Zeus never expected that Hera would really be so generous, the love magic of this god king has not yet faded, he only thinks that his little lover is saved, and his heart is ecstatic, but he did not think about why Hera, who is usually so possessive and jealous, suddenly changed her temper.

He quickly lifted the magic on Yi'e, and asked Hermes to send her back to the world, and in order to compensate for his "many sins" human lover, Zeus also gave Yi'e the territory around the Nile and made her the queen of the Nile.

Hera carried the peacock back to her marriage temple, stroking the gorgeous tail feathers of the holy beast, her purple eyes were lowered, glowing with a faint dark glow, and her expression was complicated, not knowing what she was thinking.

At the same time, Eros, whose divine body was still a little unstable due to being induced into labor, was sleepy from time to time and wanted to sleep, a flash of brilliance flashed on his body, and a sweet smile rose on the angelic face of the little god of love, as if he had been given a sweet dream by the dream god.

I don't know if it's an illusion, his body seems to have grown a little bit...

On the island of Samos, Herb, who did not wait for Hera's visit, was still thinking about how to speed up his promotion, according to the current level, let alone Eros, even Zeus she may not be able to defeat.

Herb learned from Athena that he still underestimated this Father God, and he really kept a lot of hole cards.

While thinking, Patgoth's expression suddenly moved, and the god with black gold wings showed a smile.

"My Lord, there is something right now that should make you happy. My incarnation left in the Temple of Reincarnation sent a message that the stars born in the goddess Nix were about to be born, and the goddess would soon go to the sacred mountain to discuss the ownership of the stars. If we can get the help of the Star Law Formation, I believe that our promotion speed will become faster. "

The stars are about to be born?

Herb remembered a star he had glimpsed in a hurry.

For it, I am bound to get it!

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