Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 801: .801 Monkey King (repair)

People always tend to have a high moral character. On the other hand, they will be infinitely tolerant of idols.

Even if the Canadians take drugs, countless little girls are crazy about it and even follow suit.

The same is true in sports circles. Stars in suits and leather shoes under the spotlight also have various shortcomings. For example, Alves ridiculed Ronaldo in the background. It is better to say that he is fighting injustice for his good brother Neymar. Mouth.

The two babbles made the atmosphere a little embarrassing. Fortunately, the award ceremony began and everyone walked into the award ceremony site together.

Blatter has been banned by FIFA, and a new round of power reshuffle from UEFA to FIFA has begun. As for who is in power, it is really not what Situ Yunbing cares about, but there have been some intersections with Infantino. The current situation can be regarded as delightful.

Infantino summarized the achievements of the promotion and development of international football in the past year on stage, and it is not something that everyone cares about.

Of course, it is undeniable that FIFA also has its positive achievements. No matter what the purpose is, the principle of maintaining and consolidating football as the world's number one sport will not be shaken or changed.

Situ Yunbing was elected as the coach of the year without a surprise.

This is the third time he has been elected, and his personal honour is a big harvest!

When he took the stage to accept the award, his acceptance speech was somewhat unexpected.

"In addition to thanking my team, the club, and every player who went all out to fight, I certainly also want to thank my family. Their support and tolerance enable me to meet every day's work in the best state.

In addition, I would also like to thank Ferguson. His retirement made me lose an enemy in the Premier League. I also want to thank Chelsea and Mourinho, who chose infighting when they were the closest to failing me.

People are used to talking about how hard it is to succeed!

It's easy to forget how simple failure is!

I hope that next year, the next year, and the next year, I will be able to appear here every year, regardless of whether I take the stage or not, as long as I can be the best candidate, at least I can prove that I have not failed too much!

Maybe this is my work mindset, to avoid making mistakes, those failed cases, failed mistakes, I will take warning, whether it happens to myself or others, I try to avoid them, I firmly believe in success The basis of the first is not to make mistakes!

Because you do a hundred right things, but one wrong thing may ruin all your efforts!

I also give this sentence to all my players. I hope you will succeed, and I hope you will not turn around and leave after success. "

After Situ Yunbing finished speaking, he raised the prize in Yang's hand, and then stepped down.

There was thunderous applause.

The camera focused on Van Dijk and Gareth Bale, both of whom looked at Situ Yunbing and applauded with smiling eyes.

Guardiola, who was also selected as the best candidate, applauded and nodded, but Enrique looked calm and seemed indifferent.

Then the FIFA Team of the Year was awarded.

Van Dijk and Gareth Bale all took the stage to accept the award.

Regarding the results of this selection, Situ Yunbing was a little unconvinced.

It's a pity that he didn't ridicule Pogba the cheapest. Among the midfielders, Modric, Iniesta and Pogba were elected.

Situ Yunbing thought that Pogba's position should be Kanter!

But football has always been like this. Those who do dirty work can never be glorious and admired on stage.

Gareth Bale, Messi and Ronaldo became the trident of the best team.

The goalkeeper is Neuer, and the defenders are Alves, Van Dijk, Ramos and Marcelo.

In this best team photo, Ronaldo and Alves’ tight expressions made the photo weird. The audience in front of the TV probably won’t know what’s happening in the backstage. Maybe they won’t know it until the media reveals it tomorrow. .

The final prize is naturally the much-anticipated Golden Globe Award!

The shots frequently switch back and forth on the faces of Gareth Bale, Messi and Ronaldo.

After the award-giving guest Kaka announced the winners with a charming smile on the stage, the audience was shocked!

"Gareth Bell!"

Even Gareth Bale himself was a little surprised, because in terms of popularity, he is definitely not as good as Messi and Ronaldo!

And his vote rate overtakes Messi by 2%! Throw away C Ronaldo 14%!

Situ Yunbing took the lead to stand up and applaud, while Van Dijk smiled and stood up to hug Gareth Bale!

I thought it was a cutscene, Gareth Bale didn't take his family like Ronaldo and Messi!

Unexpectedly, I won the prize!

Gareth Bale regretted not having a new haircut.

After embracing Van Dijk, Gareth Bale deliberately walked to Situ Yunbing's side before stepping onto the stage. The joy of embracing Situ Yunbing has become an emotional outburst of gratitude and moving!

He hugged Situ Yunbing for a long time, his eyes were a little moist, and his voice choked in Situ Yunbing's ears and kept repeating: "BOSS, thank you."

Situ Yunbing laughed loudly, pushed Gareth Bale away and rearranged his suit, then patted his chest and laughed: "Well, it's cool, go up and accept the award!"

All the guests and the audience in front of the TV saw this interaction between the master and apprentice, and the emotional people would naturally be touched. For too many coaches, such a scene might be what they dream of.

Gareth Bale took the stage to receive the Ballon d'Or from Kaka, and then faced the audience. He was silent for about ten seconds before speaking: "To be honest, I suspect that I am dreaming."

There was a lot of laughter at the scene.

Gareth Bell went on to say: "I watch the Golden Globe awards ceremony every year. When I was young, I fantasized about the scene where I won the prize. But the atmosphere and scene are very different from today. For many years, I have become accustomed to A spectator, the vision of his youth has also become blurred.

But today, I am standing here and holding the Golden Globe in my hand! "

After speaking, he kissed the Golden Globe.

The audience applauded, and Situ Yunbing was no exception. He was even in a trance.

It seems to be back to the scene when I first met Gareth Bale, the young man who was unconfident and was ridiculed by Fleet Street as the hapless boy.

It also seems to see the hero Bale, who is almost exhausted at the Bernabéu Stadium and resolutely defends the team's defense and fights Inter Milan!

He led Hamburg as a guest at the Louis II Stadium and shouted "BOSS" to him in the passage of origin. Bell was helpless and hesitated.

Come to Liverpool to regain the glory and stage the return of the King Gareth Bale!

And in the past two years, the Champions League finals have had phenomenal performances to help Liverpool behead Real Madrid first and then defeat Barcelona's **** Bale!

He witnessed Gareth Bale from trough to peak!

Gareth Bale continued his acceptance speech on stage.

"I have long given up on the idea of ​​chasing and surpassing Messi and Ronaldo. Seeing their performance, I always think that no matter how hard I work, I can never be better than them, but I really enjoy playing under the coach. He always It is to instill in us a philosophy not to compare with other players, but to compare with myself, so my efforts are only to surpass yesterday's self.

Perhaps today's award is that everyone saw my hard work, and this is a reward for me.

Here I would like to solemnly thank my mentor Situ Yunbing. Without him, there would be no Gareth Bale who has 5 top league champions and 4 European champions today, nor would he stand here today to win the golden ball. Gareth Bale of the award.

Finally, I would like to say thank you to all Liverpool teammates!

BOSS just said that he hopes to be here in the future, proving that he is not a failure.

I hope that next year there will be more Liverpool players appearing in the best team, and we have to fight to continue to defend the championship!

Guys, remember what we said in the locker room?

We want to let the legend go on! "

When he finished speaking, ribbons were sprayed on the stage, and the audience stood up and applauded!

Situ Yunbing blinked his eyes forcibly and held back his tears.

The 2015 Golden Globe Awards ceremony ended, Gareth Bale was unexpectedly elected Mr. Golden Globe, breaking the monopoly of Ronaldo and Messi on the Golden Globe since 2008!

At the same time Gareth Bale is also the first Mr. Golden Globe trained by Situ Yunbing.

Fleet Street is extremely exciting, because the Premier League has not played Mr. Golden Ball for a long time!

The last Mr. Golden Globe was Ronaldo in 2008!

Situ Yunbing returned to Liverpool to prepare for the next round of the league.

Liverpool will face Arsenal at home!

The points gap between the two teams is only 6 points, so this battle is extremely critical!

If Arsenal win away, it will not only narrow the gap to 3 points, but also break Liverpool's undefeated golden status in the Situ Yunbing era!

So in terms of morale, Arsenal might really want to become a **** against the gods, and the Buddhas are against the Buddha!

Liverpool must beat Arsenal, this is the consensus within Liverpool!

At the pre-match press conference, Situ Yunbing made this point clear when he accepted questions.

"We need to defeat Arsenal to prove that we still have no opponents to shake!

Although a draw will keep our lead at 6 points, it is not my style, nor is it Liverpool's style!

It is not the final stage of the season. It is meaningless to calculate the points. What is more important is the position!

Arsenal have won many games in a row. They played a phenomenal level in December. Klopp’s team must also want to take advantage of the current momentum to cut Liverpool down, but I will not give him such a chance. !

Even though I have a good personal relationship with Klopp, I personally admire his football philosophy, but now I have to prove that Arsenal want to challenge Liverpool, they still have a long way to go!"

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