
These old guys brought the soul guide and returned to the thin old man's house together, preparing to find out where the soul guide came from.

Because they have confirmed that this new type of soul guidance device has indeed opened up a new field of soul guidance devices and will completely change the world of soul guidance devices just like the founding ancestor.

Therefore, they must find the producer, thank this senior, and even prepare to learn from him.


The thin old man returned to the mansion and ordered everyone in the mansion to be summoned to find out what was going on.

"Everyone gather, hurry up and gather in the compound, immediately!!"

With the shouts, the entire Niu family was in complete chaos. Everyone hurried to the compound, looking blankly ahead at the old men with majestic expressions.

When everyone was gathered, the thin old man held the two soul tools and said loudly with a solemn expression.

"Who brought these two soul tools? Tell me!"

"Soul guide?"

Everyone looked at these two soul tools, and they were all at a loss, not knowing what was going on with these soul tools.

Because they didn't know where this soul guide came from, they naturally chose to shake their heads.


Niu Nannan, who was in the crowd, stared blankly at this scene, looking at the two soul tools with some confusion.

Because she had brought back the soul tool, but looking at the serious attitudes of the old men, she was a little afraid to admit that she had taken it.

After several old men shouted several times with serious faces, she said in a low voice.

"Grandpa, I got this back."

"Did you get it back?"

The thin old man glanced at his granddaughter in surprise. He never expected that his granddaughter had brought it back.

"Did you really get it back? Don't lie, do you understand?" The thin old man asked again with some suspicion.

"I'm sure it was me who took it. Did something happen?"

Niu Nannan was completely panicked and felt that something big was about to happen. After she finished speaking, she carefully waited for the next development of the situation.

"Something happened? Of course something happened, and it's a big deal. Tell me quickly, where did these two soul tools come from? Quickly."

The thin old man asked hurriedly, eager to know the answer.

"I got this from the Xingchen Soul Guidance Device Store. Mengmeng asked me to help her look after the store. I think these two soul guidance devices are a bit strange, and I want to bring them back for you to take a look at."

Niu Nannan whispered, looking at her grandfather with big eyes with worry. She thought she had made some mistake.

"The Star Soul Guidance Tool Shop? Is it something left behind by Old Xu? It shouldn't be. His soul guidance tool technology is not up to this level, and the style is seriously inconsistent."

The thin old man frowned and felt that this was not Lao Xu's style, so he asked again.

"Do you know who made this soul guide?"

"I know, it was made by the new apprentice of Xingchen Soul Tool Shop." Niu Nannan said honestly.

"A new apprentice? You mean apprentice? Impossible. How could an apprentice make such an incredible soul guide?"

The thin old man didn't believe it at all, and stared at Niu Nannan, "To be honest, who is it?"

"Zhen Zhen is a newly recruited apprentice. His name is Li Xuan. He is a very handsome guy. However, he rarely talks. He has been reading books and making soul tools.

There is a beautiful female companion beside him to take care of him. The two of them are very close and seem to be husband and wife. "

Niu Nannan kept explaining, telling all the information she knew.

The old men who heard her words stood with frowns, feeling a little suspicious.

After all, those who can make such a revolutionary soul guide must be a knowledgeable old soul master, and ordinary people cannot make it.

But they suddenly thought that some geniuses with wild minds might actually be able to produce such a good thing.

So they were going to meet Li Xuan to confirm whether the matter was true, but it was getting late now, so they could only go there tomorrow.

"Grandpa, is there anything special about these two soul tools? Why do you have such a big reaction?" Niu Nannan asked in confusion.

"What do you know? This soul guide has opened up a new path for soul guides. It is a new method of making soul guides. This is a groundbreaking event for soul guides.

Therefore, we must determine what is going on. If it is true, then Li Xuan is the founder. "

The thin old man said quickly, looking very excited.

And beside.

When Niu Nannan heard this, she was dumbfounded. She never expected that this would be the case.

She couldn't even think about opening up a new path for soul guidance, such a big thing, so she was at a loss.

With a hint of trembling, Niu Nannan said again: "Grandpa, have you really opened up a new path? Are you really the founder?"

"Of course, come here and I'll explain it to you. You see, this soul guide production core is completely different from the nine-line production method we usually use.

Our nine-line production method is the best production method, but look at the core of the soul guide. This is a new production method. It is faster, simpler, and has the lowest error rate.

And this is only part of it. There is a new core production method cleverly embedded in this moon-breaking knife.

Not only can it greatly increase the power of the Moon-Breaking Sword, it can also hide a unique skill, which can be said to be a very amazing idea, and..."

The skinny old man talked for a long time and gave an overview of the situation of the Moon Breaking Knife.

Although he didn't finish speaking, Niu Nannan was still confused and dumbfounded when he heard it, because for him, this was simply an unimaginable hallucination.

It is simply unimaginable that he is just an apprentice, but he has such amazing abilities and ideas.

"But there is one disadvantage. This soul guide is not handled well and has hidden reveries. It may break after a short time. This is the style of composite young people.

After all, we are young and it is normal to make mistakes. When we go and tell the mistakes, this Li Xuan will definitely become the founder in the future. "

The thin old man said lightly, feeling very proud of the fact that he could see through the reverie inside the soul guide.


When Niu Nannan across the street heard this, her expression immediately became strange.

Because these soul tools were originally defective products, Li Xuan had said so at the beginning, so Niu Nannan whispered.

"Grandpa, this was originally a defective product. Li Xuan said it would be a pity to throw it away. He didn't want to owe Xu Mengmeng a favor, so he processed it casually and planned to sell it to make some money to subsidize the store."

"What? It was originally a defective product? Or was it just randomly processed?" The thin old man was dumbfounded when he heard this, and looked at Niu Nannan blankly.

He never expected that Li Xuan knew it was a defective product.

This shows that Li Xuan still made the soul guide to such a powerful level based on the defective product. Such skills surprised the elders present.

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