Green Giant

Chapter 104: : In Parma's Masterpiece

A reporter outside the hospital surrounded Jingyang who came out. "Mr. Marco Jingyang, I'm a reporter from Milano Sport. Do you have anything to say about Mertens's serious injuries?" Jingyang: "Mertens has just been diagnosed and his Achilles tendon is almost damaged. Caused Achilles tendon rupture, rested for at least 5-6 months after the operation to recover. This season is reimbursed. I have asked our football director Hernan Crespo to submit the video about the game tonight. The Football Association condemns Brescia's player alone. "After that, Jing Yang left the hospital under the **** of a bodyguard.

Jingyang pulled out his mobile phone in the car: "Hernan, did you submit all the information?" Crespo: "Relax, it is clear from the playback that Jacob is not the right person, but still malicious from behind. Liang soles, and I contacted several members of the Football Association, this matter will definitely give us an account. "Jingyang:" Well, in addition to this matter, you are arranging two of our Parma employees to go to the hospital to take care of Mertens, I will contact an expert from the United States, and I can come in the next few days to perform surgery on Mertens. "

Jing Yang hung up the phone and called Bolton. "Bolton, are you in New York now? Well, something happened on my side. No, it wasn't me, it was my player who was badly injured. Tendon, I want you to help me contact the authority in this area in the United States, and perform surgery on my players as soon as possible.

Jing Yang just walked for a while, the other players have been home under Pirlo and Piero, changed their clothes and arrived at the hospital. Although Mertens was not very talkative, he was a good person and teammates. The relationship is also very good. Piero: "Heal well, I have already contacted the experts from the United States. I expect to come over for surgery in two days." Castan: "My brother and sister are coming from Belgium. What do you need during this time? Yes, don't hesitate to tell me, I'll buy it for you. "Mertens:" Thank you, I'm fine, the next game depends on you. "

The next day Jingyang received a list of the national team that was raised. The first team was preparing to raise the national team with 20 players in u18, but most of them were upgraded to the u21 national team. Jingyang shook his head helplessly, but fortunately The thing is that this season has already won the championship one or two games in advance and it doesn't matter if it is training.

On March 19, Parma away against Pordenone. After the game, many players have to fly directly to their respective national teams to report. Diacarte has been approved by Jingyang to report back one day in advance because Senegal itself Just far away, Jing Yang was also worried about his body.

Jingyang continued to use 4-2-4 tactics. The starting list is as follows. Forwards: Romero, Balotelli, left: Fares, right: Vincenzo, midfielder: Carmena, Balic , Left back: Avilar, right back: Dickman, center back: Kastan, Filippo, goalkeeper: Mazech.

Pordenone played 5-4-1 tactics. The starting list is as follows. Forwards: Strizzolo, forward Luka Cataneo, two midfielders: Marato Barato, Mando. Rini, back: Paley, left-back: Paul March, right-back: Kosnar, three center-backs: Zoya, Mirko, Stefani, goalkeeper: Tom.

At the beginning of the first half, Pordenone kicked off. Strizzolo passed the ball back to Mandolini. Mandolini passed the ball to Cataneo. Pordenone was not anxious after the opening. The offense was a steady pass in the midfield, but when Barato was about to pass the ball to Mandolini, Carmena started instantly, cutting the ball first, and Parma began to attack.

In the fifth minute of the game, after receiving a pass from Carmena in the frontcourt, Ballic diagonally passed the ball to Fares on the left, and Fares swiped to the right after taking the ball. He found a chance to shoot. Fares didn't hesitate to kick the ball directly. The angle of this kick was good. Unfortunately, the ball was struck by Tom. Parma got the left corner. Vincenzo took the corner and the penalty area. Naromero and Balotelli did not earn, the ball was cleared by Mirko.

In the ninth minute of the first half, Dickman opened the ball on the right and threw it to Rabin Balotelli. Balotelli took the ball and passed it back to Dickman. He went straight to the penalty area and Romero dived his head. The goal was scored, and Pordenone's goalkeeper thumped the ball with his hands and flew out of the line.

In the thirteenth minute, Carmena gave the ball to Fares on the left. Fares took the ball and passed it to Avilar behind him. After seeing the ball, Avilar saw no good chance. Passed the ball back to the midfield again and gave it to Balic. Balic took the ball and distributed it to Vincenzo on the right. Vincenzo saw Dickman's forward and the two made a beautiful second pass. Later, in the Dickman cross, Balotelli took a header and made a goal in front of the small penalty area. Unfortunately, the top of the ball was high and it flew out of the bottom line.

In the seventeenth minute, Vincenzo staged a miraculous goal. Balic passed the ball to Balotelli in the midfield. Balotelli pushed the ball forward and distanced the ball to the ball. On the right wing, Vincenzo looked at Pordenone goalkeeper Tom's position and slammed the goal with his right foot. Tom's position was too far forward, and Vincenzo's Shooting with a foot is not easy. The ball is very fast, but when it is over the goal, it falls very fast. The falling ball is still right-handed at this point .... Tom also knows that it is not good and struggles to retreat. Unfortunately, it is too late The ball hangs directly on the net on the left side of Pordenone's goal. Scoring effective Parma 1-0 lead Pordenone. Vincenzo's shot was nothing short of amazing. The home team fans were also exclaimed.

Balic is very aggressive in this game. Jingyang nodded with a smile on the side of the field. It seems that he has understood the core idea of ​​tactics. As an offensive midfielder, you need to participate in a lot of tactics in Jingyang. In the defense and the fight, Balic was a genius who came to realize soon after being trained by Jing Yang for the first time.

In the twenty-first minute without a ball and no fight, Avilar sat on the ground with a buttock ... it seemed to be injured, the players of Podenone kicked the ball out of the sideline, the Parma team doctors came in, Avie Lal's preliminary inspection should be a strain on the thigh muscles. Jing Yang reluctantly made a substitution and replaced the younger Girardeau with Avilar. After the game, Avilar: "Head, I can still persist." Jing Yang: "No, I will be responsible for your body, do not underestimate these minor injuries, if not treated in time, or you are on the field Once injured by the opponent, that minor injury is likely to become a serious injury. I will not make fun of the players ’body. Take a good rest. Our real tough battle is not the last few league games but the subsequent League Cup finals!"

Twenty-five minutes in the first half, Carstein passed the ball diagonally to Romero in the backcourt. Romero took the ball to face Perry and forced a breakthrough. Perry lost the foul and chose a foul. Romero fell, but fortunately Pelli was wrong with the ball, Romero was not injured, the referee whistled and took a yellow card.

In the 33rd minute, Carmena passed the ball to Ballic after stealing it. Ballic delivered the ball steadily to Girardeau's feet. The younger Girardard took the ball and chose to advance, Fares returned. Withdrawing from the forward, Gilardo, the two on the left side of the line with continuous coordination into the bottom line, Romero made a strong goal but unfortunately the ball was blocked by the opponent Mentom, Barato saved the ball with a big kick .

In the forty-second minute of the first half, Carstein contended for the top goal in the midfield and back, and gave the ball to Fares. Fares passed a direct pass to Romero's feet. Romero didn't get the ball after he got the ball. Stopped and passed the mandolin directly, then passed the ball diagonally to Dickman with the right wing inserted. Then Romero started to run forward crazy towards the penalty area. Dickman took the ball and Vincenzo After making a two-to-one back pass, Romero in the penalty area caught the attention of the opposing defensive players and created a shooting opportunity for Balotelli. Balotelli hit the goal from a small angle. Unfortunately, the lineman's flag was waving. With that, Balotelli was offside.

In the last half of the first half, Parma was almost equalized. In the 45th minute, Pordenone countered Mandolini's long-range shot from outside the penalty area. Mazzic strove to save the ball and Pordenone got a corner kick. Corner taken by Marchi, Strizzolo scored a goal from goal, but fortunately the referee took the lead to whistle, Strizzolo was offside and the goal was invalid. From the big screen playback, it is true that Strizzolo is offside beyond one position.

After Parma kicked the goal kick, the referee blew the whistle of the end of the first half. Parma entered the midfield with a one-shot advantage. In the locker room, Jingyang analyzed the problems in the first half on the tactic board: "In the first half, we had many attacks, but we didn't seize the opportunity. We barely relied on Vincenzo's luck to lead the opponent. But at the last minute of the first half, what did you do? The game didn't end. The whistle did not end, did I still use this to teach you? And did you forget the first time we played at home against Pordenone, the opponent ’s corner kicks and other positioning kicks, the last time it was almost strizzo Luo scored, but the opponent was offside twice, but you ca n’t be lucky. I believe that the opponent ’s tactics have been practiced countless times in training and actual combat. One offside, two offsides, the third time. The fourth time? Filippo, did you lose your mind just now? It makes Strizzolo so easy to find a chance to hit the door? "

Filippo lowered his head: "Head, I'm sorry, I ... I really lost my mind." Jing Yang waved his hand: "This is also a lesson for you, as long as you can remember not to repeat it next time, you have to Learn from Kastan. Regardless of who your opponent is, regardless of the situation on the court, you must focus on focusing on the opponent's players. Do you understand? "Filippo raised his head and shouted," I understand my head! "

Jing Yang nodded with satisfaction and continued: "Baliki, your performance in the first half is very good. It seems that the team's system is clear. Very good. Although your defense is still immature, but I saw you. I ’m not afraid of your incompetence, as long as you are willing to work hard to be the best, this is the excellent player in my mind, and Balich will continue to work hard! "" Yes, head, I will continue to work hard! "Barry Qi said happily.

Jingyang continued to Carmena and said, "It's hard for you. In the first half, you helped your kid resolve many crises. If your physical fitness reaches the limit, you say, don't overdraw yourself." Carmena smiled heartily. : "The head is okay. In Serie A, the intensity of the fight is much greater than it is now. My physical fitness is no problem. Head ... I ... I want to take a day off after the game. My little daughter has a high fever for two days. Back ... I ... "Carmena said. Jing Yang: "Oh, yes! Next time, there is a situation to say earlier, and you too, remember that family is more important than a ball! Okay, please clean up and play!"

Fifty-fifth minutes in the second half, Carmena made a long-range shot from outside the penalty area. Pordenone goalkeeper Tom saved the ball from the bottom line. Vincenzo took a corner kick. The high jump gave Ballic, and Ballic was in front of the open ground. Ballic advanced the ball with a distance and passed the ball to Vincenzo, an unmanned right-wing man. Vincentzo took the ball directly. In the bottom pass, the ball accurately found Romero, who was unmarked behind the penalty area, Romero jumped high and shook his head! drop! Goal effective Parma 2-0 lead Pordenone!

In the sixtieth minute Pordenone attacked, Pelli passed the ball to Mandolini. Mandolini passed the ball to the midfield and passed it to Barato. Barato sees the ball in front of him. Carmena then chose a long-footed long pass to play behind, this time Filippo focused his attention very easily and broke the ball.

Parr started a counterattack. After the ball was intercepted by Filippo, Filippo passed the ball to Ballic. The ball was passed diagonally to Vincenzo. Vincenzo made a high-speed ball in front of the right and Dickman was there. Forward, Vincenzo took the ball to the bottom and passed the ball back to Dickman. In the Dickman cross, Romero did not have a good header and gave the ball to Ballic near the arc of the penalty area. Leach didn't choose to hit the goal directly, but passed the ball to Balotelli from a small gap. After Balotelli took the ball, he hit the goal with a small angle on the outside of the right side of the penalty area and sent the ball in. Goal from Pordenone, drip! The goal was valid, Parma led Podenone 3: 0.

In the 65th minute, Fares knocked down Mandolini while defending. The referee punished Fares for a foul and took a yellow card to warn him.

In the 72nd minute, Carmena steals from Mandolini's foot. After stealing, the ball is given to Ballic. Ballic makes a beautiful long pass, and the ball is accurately passed to the front player. At the foot of Rado, Galado made a cross but unfortunately Romero didn't grab it. The ball was destroyed by Pordenone defender Stefani's header and broke the baseline.

A corner kick by Vincenzo, the ball was destroyed by the back-to-back Barato, Dickman outside the arc of the penalty area grabbed the landing point, passed the ball to Balotelli at the top of the arc, Balotelli kicked Hit the goal, but unfortunately the ball was blocked by March. After that, March made a big kick and Melegoni caught the ball in the midfield. The ball was passed to Vincenzo on the right and Cosner fell to the ground. Rob the ball to the bottom line.

Parma got another chance for a corner kick, Vincenzo took the corner, Romero struggled to reach the header, but unfortunately the power of the header was insufficient, and the ball was firmly held by Pordenone goalkeeper Tom.

In the 80th minute, Balic passed the ball directly to Balotelli in the frontcourt. Balotelli took the ball behind and found that he had no chance to turn around and passed the ball back to Carmena. Na was looking for a chance to control the ball outside the arc of the penalty area. He saw that Fares appeared on the left and passed the ball from the opposite angle. After Fares took the ball, the other two defensive players quickly blocked it. He could only pass the ball back to Carmena again. After receiving the ball outside the penalty area, Carmena chose an arc to hit the goal. The angle of the ball was good, but the power was not strong. The goalkeeper of Pordenone Mu held the ball firmly.

Jingyang signaled the players to slow down and not to worry. The score of three to zero is enough. There is no need to frantically attack. At present, the staff of Parma are tense, and Jingyang does not want to reduce staffing when necessary.

After receiving the instructions from Jingyang, the Parma players began to control the ball in the midfield, but when the eighty-ninth minute of the game was nearing the end, Ballic was in the middle of the ball to see Girardeau's forward and the heart would use the ball. A long pass was passed by the outside of the instep. Girardo took the ball and Marchi posted it in time. At this moment, Fares rushed over and gave the younger Girardo a look. Girardo smiled. This is They usually use the secret code in training, not only he knows, Avilard, Almedroll and others know, Girardeau also understands that this is the opportunity for Fares to create performance for himself, and understand Gila He passed the ball back to Fares with his heels and continued to forward. Fares took the ball and attracted the opponent's full-back. Then he returned the ball to Girardeau.

Girardo, who was unmarked, saw Romero unmarked in the penalty area. He kicked the ball and found Romero beautifully. Romero lifted his thigh and shot from a close range! drop! Recently valid Parma 4: 0 Pordenone! After the four-ball lead, Parma was completely out of attack. In the last few minutes of the game, the referee blew the whistle of the end of the game. In the end, Parma defeated Pordenone 4: 0 away.

After the game, Jingyang led the team back to Parma, and the reporter outside the Parma training ground surrounded Jingyang the next day. "Mr. Marco Jingyang, my name is Asos, the editor-in-chief of the Parma Sports News. Recently, many Parma fans have found us. I hope we can come and interview you. Parma has won ten rounds in advance this year. Qualifying for the Italian Serie B season this season, fans are very concerned about whether Parma has a big move to recruit? "Jingyang smiled. Actually, this was planned by Jingyang for a simple reason.

The reason for the build-up is also very simple. There are too many players leaving from Parma this year. This summer, they must introduce players, but after all, Parma has just upgraded to Class B, and many big names are watching. Jingyang wants to form a Parma not bad. The feeling of money.

"Hi Mr. Assos, I didn't expect you to come here this time, but I read the Parma Sports Daily every day, haha, let me answer the questions that you and the fans are most concerned about. Parma will definitely make a big move this year. The fans please believe that Parma is determined, and here I can disclose a signing in advance. After the summer transfer, Roman winger Juan Iturbe will join Parma. The transfer fee is 15 million euros, and please Everyone pays attention to the official website of Palma recently. We will announce a signup for a few days later, so I will lead the team to train. "Jing Yang turned and walked into the training ground.

The reporters present took a sigh of relief. The economic situation of Italian football is clear. Not to mention that it is a second-tier team, that is, a Serie A team can sign up for more than ten million, and that is the old veteran giants. And, according to Jingyang's meaning, this Iturbe is just a small sign-up, and there will be a bigger move a few days later, which can arouse the interest of journalists.

Although Jingyang did not say who to introduce, this did not prevent the reporters from opening their minds. What Parma wants to introduce Bonucci to make up for the gap in Toloy's transfer to Barcelona? Anyway, wait anyway, a lot of Italian stars were randomly written by these reporters into the transfer scandal.

Jingyang looked and did not respond. Jingyang was waiting, waiting for the u17 South American Championship to end. Jingyang was drinking tea with Crespo in the office and watching the newspaper.

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