Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 131: Jade Bone Dark Arrow

  Mohe watched these people who suddenly broke into the iron-blood battlefield, and then quickly moved in one direction. He lay motionless on the spot until they were getting farther and farther away from him.

"This group of people, they should be the remnants of the Second Dynasty!" Mo He's mind was running like electricity at this moment, thinking of the things that Pang Zhan had built before, and his attitude of settled down. Looking at these people who suddenly entered the iron and blood battlefield, Mo He could probably guess their origins.

  Pang Zhan's things should come from these people. After they enter the iron and blood battlefield, the target they will target is also obvious, and it is definitely Xia Yuan.

Turning his head and looking at the center of the battlefield, at this moment countless yellow sands are rolling, and the battle seems to be getting more intense. The surrounding yellow sands seem to gradually gather together, forming a tornado shape, but it reveals a layer. Red light.

Mo He turned his gaze to the few people who had just come in, and found that they were approaching the center of the battlefield a little bit after detouring, and stopped after reaching a certain distance. Then the handsome man did not know what was thrown. Those few people unexpectedly disappeared slowly, even their auras were perfectly hidden under the circumstances of the iron-blooded evil aura around them.

   Mo He narrowed his eyes lightly, and said in his heart: "It's worthy of being the remnant of the Second Dynasty, even if it has changed its dynasty, but the accumulation of 30,000 years of rule is already very deep."

The legacy from the previous life and the insights of the previous life made Mo He understand that there is no means in this world that is invincible. Even if it is a domineering iron-blooded aura that can repel all other forces, it can still be Restraint, if you think that something is incomprehensible, then you can only say that you stand high enough and your horizons are not broad enough.

For example, now, Mohe is under the envelope of the iron-blooded evil spirit, not even a spell can be released, and even the spiritual sense is afraid to reveal it, but people can penetrate the iron-blood evil spirit barrier and hide himself after entering the iron-blood battlefield. .

Just as there was a sigh in Mo He's heart, there was a sudden bang in the center of the battlefield, accompanied by another tremor of the ground under his feet, but this time the ground really cracked, taking the place of battle as In the center, within one mile of the circle, the earth sank deeply, forming a big pit like a meteor smashed down. A huge figure was thrown out of the battle, and it fell heavily to the ground.

   Mo He saw the figure that fell out clearly, but it was the veteran Pang Zhan, which meant that in this battle, Pang Zhan was the first to fall.

   quickly stood up from the ground, Pang Zhan lowered his head and glanced at a blood hole in his chest, and then looked at the Hundred Wars knife in his hand, a touch of distress flashed in his eyes.

This weapon, which I don’t know how long it has been with him, has grown from an ordinary military sword with a hundred forged long swords to the method of sacrifice and refinement using the martial arts of the gods. A long knife that was about to break at any time, but it was not inferior to an ordinary magic weapon, but now this long knife had an extra hole on the surface.

Although this knife has been upgraded to a level that is not inferior to the weapon of the gods, it is ultimately too bad. When the blow just blocked Xia Yuan's straight stabbing, it was finally pierced by the face of the sword in Xia Yuan's hand. , But also wounded him.

   looked away from the long knife in his hand, as if inadvertently glanced in one direction.

   Pang Zhan stretched out his hand to stroke the blood hole on his chest, and then brushed his blood-stained palm across the face of the long knife in his hand.

   After touching the palm of his hand, the blood stained on the palm of his hand all gathered at the small hole on the knife surface, temporarily filling the gap on the long knife.

   "Old man, hold on again, soon!" He whispered softly, suddenly blue veins appeared on Pang Zhan's face, and his white hair danced out of thin air at this moment.

   Xia Yuan, who had just wounded Pang Zhan, only felt that the opposite Pang Zhan was like a wounded lone wolf at this moment, and the aura on his body became even stronger.

"That's right, come, take me one more move!" Seeing Pang Zhan whose aura became more fierce, Xia Yuan didn't have the slightest fear. The Changli in his hand suddenly slashed forward, a hundred meters long **** light. Flying out, leaning towards Pang Zhan.


   Pang Zhan let out a low growl, and the long knife in his hand suddenly slashed forward, also swaying a **** light.

The two blood lights collided together, and there was another explosion in the air. Before the power of the explosion dissipated, the sound of the collision of gold and iron was followed by the sound of the collision of weapons, which turned into two giants tens of meters high. People, once again fought and became a group.

There was no red light around him this time, but Mo He’s eyes still couldn’t see the specific details of the fight between the two. What he could see was a group of red light that was constantly squirming, which was destroying the surrounding area at the same time. Of the earth.

   "Give me the dragon bow!" The handsome man hiding in the dark, seeing the increasingly fierce battle, said to a guard behind him.

   Hearing this, the guard took out a pale golden long bow without hesitation and handed it to the handsome man.

"His Royal Highness brought General Zhenlong's Dragon Shooting Bow. Before he came down, he was worried about the rush of his Highness. He didn't bring out a bow for his hand. He specially helped His Highness to bring a bow. It was really troublesome. Sect Master Xuanshui on the side saw that pale golden bow, a glowing color flashed in his eyes, and he did not show his loyalty without forgetting the traces.

This dragon-shooting bow is a weapon used by a general of the Second Dynasty. It is made of dragon bones and dragon tendons. It is enriched by the special refining method of martial arts. The power is in the magic weapon, and it can also be used In the top ranks, with this bow, the general at that time shot and killed countless masters of the Water Vein Dragon Clan and achieved the reputation of General Zhenlong.

   Later, the general's fate was not very good. He was finally beheaded on the battlefield by a master of the dragon clan. He was beaten to death. He was not able to enshrine the gods, but his dragon shooting palace was retained.

   "You have a heart." The handsome man glanced at the Sect Master of Xuanshui Sect, casually applauded the other party, then stretched out his hand, took out a long jade box, and opened it.

   Inside the jade box is an arrow, the whole body is like jade, but if you look closely, you can find that there seem to be light golden silk threads inside, just like the veins on the bones.

The handsome man stretched out his hand and took out the arrow. The corner of his mouth curled up. He said softly: "Time is too tight. This arrow can only be refined roughly. A good material was wasted, but it was used against Xia Yuan. Enough is enough, it is also an honor for you Xia Yuan to die under this arrow!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, the handsome man held the dragon bow in one hand, and held the arrow in the other hand and carried it on the bowstring. Then his expression became concentrated, his eyes fixed on the battlefield without blinking.

At this time, Mo He also didn't dare to blink his eyes. Although he couldn't see the details of Pang Zhan and Xia Yuan's fight, he could find that their movements seemed to be getting faster and faster, and the weapons collided with gold and iron. The sound has become one piece, but occasionally there will be a break.

With the passage of time, the two of them showed no signs of exhaustion. The sound of gold and iron mingled in their ears was still connected, but the two people around them had been destroyed on the earth and were In the dust they raised, gradually, they seemed to be stained with blood, not from the infestation of iron and blood, but the color that was really stained by blood.


The sound in the ears suddenly stopped, and the two groups of blood-shrouded figures stopped at this moment, almost at the same time. The two people whose bodies swelled to tens of meters suddenly shrank at this moment. Blood light appeared behind him at the same time, among which were the soldiers and horses led by each.

   It’s just that now, whether it’s the Remnant Wolf Army or Xia Yuan’s people, their aura is much weaker than at the beginning, and all of them are wounded. What’s even stranger is that the wounds are in the same position, even the extent of the injuries.

Xia Yuan and Pang Zhan stood opposite each other. The skins of the two of them were blood-red, as if they had been cooked. The long scorpion in his hand had already half submerged into Pang Zhan’s chest, and the long knife in Pang Zhan’s hand was also stabbed. Seeing through Xia Yuan's abdomen, the two almost lost both.

However, although both losers are hurt, both of them know that the battle has been decided. The ultimate winner is the sixth prince Xia Yuan. The knife that pierced his abdomen just caused him some injuries. The long lick that pierced Pang Zhan’s chest had penetrated Pang Zhan’s Pang Zhan could feel that the blood in his body was being absorbed by the long lick that pierced his chest, Xia Yuan The Chang Li in his hand has the function of absorbing the power in the enemy's blood and replenishing Xia Yuan's consumption.

   The handsome man hiding in the dark saw this scene. He immediately raised the dragon bow in his hand, pulled the bowstring with one hand, and shot the arrow without hesitation.

   A white light flashed, and the speed was so fast that it was hard to respond. Xia Yuan felt a threat of death coming. He had this feeling many times, but never once did it feel as strong as it is now.

   It was almost an instinctive reaction of the body, Xia Yuan drew out the long hair that pierced Pang Zhan's chest like lightning, and threw it behind him.

   And also at this time, Pang Zhan also suddenly made an action that Xia Yuan expected.

   "Secret technique, fierce blood!"

   Pang Zhan also withdrew his long knife like lightning. At this moment, a blood flame ignited on his body, condensed on the long knife in his hand, and then threw the long knife forward.

  Xue Lie, this is a secret technique created by Pang Zhan himself, completely unique to the Cannibal Wolf Army, and a secret technique desperately working at a critical moment.

   The blade did not slash towards Xia Yuan, but wiped Xia Yuan's cheeks, leaving a blood mark on Xia Yuan's face, and flew behind Xia Yuan to meet the fast white light.

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