Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 159: Mizumu

Mo He, who has been immersed in cultivation practice for no years, rarely grows except that he went down the mountain to Yuhe Mansion and sent Mo Qing and Mo Liu to the Baijia School of Yuhe Mansion when he was almost a month later. Time is down, only occasionally to help the villagers down the mountain to solve some problems.

In the blink of an eye, it was the third month after the new year, and the weather gradually warmed up, and it was another season of grass and warblers flying, and the two green plum trees after the green plum viewing were about to bear fruit.

Mohe was still very busy during this period, but the expansion of Qingmeiguan was temporarily shelved by Mohe, because the materials in his hand were not enough. In addition, there were some places for arranging the buildings of Qingmeiguan into a formation. It still needs Mo He to study and comprehend. With his current formation skills, it feels a bit difficult to complete this formation.

Although the expansion of Qingmei Temple was temporarily stopped, Mohe was still busy every day and felt that there was not enough time.

To get up early, you need to do morning classes, and teach Wuyou new things, then deduced the exercises, sacrificed magic tools, learned the way of formation, and occasionally explained some problems to Wuyou, and went down to help the village. Let the people solve the trouble, these things add up, one day is full.

Fortunately, the Mohe mirrors for Su Bai have been completed, and they have now been installed on the roads of Zi'an County. The original Qingmei Temple and Mohe have been somewhat silent, and the heat has suddenly risen a lot.

In response to this, the Five Elements Outlook did not respond at all. Perhaps it was completely indifferent, or it was due to other reasons.

Regarding those mirrors, there is an episode in the middle which is also very interesting.

There is a government official in the county. There is a younger brother at home who is a carpenter. Because these government officials have to patrol at night, Su Bai gave the government officials a luminous mirror for them to patrol and go to some alleys at night. Among them, places where light cannot shine.

However, although there are manipulative talisman in this kind of mirror, ordinary people do not have the ability to manipulate, and sometimes it is a little inconvenient. So the brother of the servant simply modified the mirror to change its brightness. It must be adjustable.

The method is actually very simple. It is to add a layer of wooden shell to this mirror, and a layer of movable wooden board on the surface. With a simple operation, the wooden board covers the mirror surface, and the light is naturally blocked. The size and brightness of the mirror surface has naturally become adjustable.

When Mo He knew about this, he felt very interesting. He thought that this is the wisdom of the people, it is simple, but it can be very practical.

For this reason, Mo He deliberately refined a mirror that could shine all day, and Su Bai gave it to the carpenter, which was regarded as an encouragement to him.

Although these small problems can be easily solved by Mohe by refining tools, ordinary people can think of simpler methods and be used by them. This little wisdom is worth encouraging.

Mo He held the ink jade bamboo stick in his hand and looked at the dark green light flowing on the surface. His eyes were filled with joy. After several months, he finally made the ninth spirit from the ink jade bamboo stick in his hand. Forbidden, and between these nine spiritual forbiddens, there is already a vague connection, it seems that they can connect and fuse with each other at any time, forming a treasure forbidden, and becoming a magic weapon.

"Nine spiritual bans, high-grade spiritual tools, and the next step is a magic weapon. After the master came back, seeing my Moyu bamboo stick sacrificed to such a degree, I would be shocked!" Mo He thought with satisfaction.

Part of the reason that Mo He's cultivation level and knowledge have improved this time is that Mo He's cultivation level and knowledge have been improved. The more important reason is the innate immortality in his mind.

There is already the first layer of innate immortality forbidden by the innate gods. After passing by the Wanjiang River last time, when Mohe's divine sense inspected the ship that had just been promoted to a magic weapon, it passed through the hull and swept directly over the ship. Soon after, Mo He discovered that in the innate immortal aura, around the first innate **** forbidden, some runes began to appear again, constantly twisting the arrangement, there is a kind of birth of the second first. The feeling of God forbidden.

But this time it only swept through the prohibition of a magic weapon. The runes of the second innate **** forbidden are still very few. I am afraid it will take a lot of time before the second innate **** forbidden.

However, these runes are of great help to Mohe. By referring to these runes, Mohe was able to make the ninth spiritual forbidden from the Moyu bamboo stick sacrifice so quickly, and each spiritual forbidden is extremely mutually exclusive. The probability of being promoted to a magic weapon is extremely high.

And when Mohe sacrificed the Mo Yu bamboo stick, he found that he sacrificed the Mo Yu bamboo stick, which was also extremely helpful to the birth of the second prohibition of the innate immortal aura in the sea of ​​consciousness, and made those who are constantly twisted and arranged. There are more runes.

With the Moyu bamboo stick in your hand, lightly touch it on the ground. At the spot where the stick fell, a small green grass sprouted out of the soil, and it instantly grew into an adult plant.

After Mo He recovered the Mo Yu bamboo stick, this little green grass showed no signs of withering. It was exactly the same as the surrounding vegetation, and it was more vibrant than the surrounding vegetation.

Looking at this little grass that broke out of the ground, the joy on Mo He's face became even stronger. This was not the grass and trees that were urged by spells, but a grass seed buried in the soil was covered by a black jade bamboo stick. The mighty power gave a trace of vitality and directly grew into an adult plant.

"Water and wood live together, life and death are withered and prosperous!" Mo He muttered these eight words to himself, looked at the Mo Yu bamboo stick in his hand, and suddenly had some insights in his heart.

"Little supernatural power-Shuimu Tsinghua!" Mohe directly stimulated his own little supernatural power. After a burst of light and shadow, a beautiful landscape formed by light and shadow appeared around Mohe.

After this landscape appeared, Mo He thought, and the area of ​​light and shadow began to shrink continuously.

When he was in Jingzhou, Mo He received guidance from several seniors, and one of them told Mo He that the way to tap the potential of his own little supernatural powers was to make more use of it.

It has been so long since returning to Mount Wangyue, Mo He has been busy, and has not been able to spare too much time to tap the potential of his little magical powers.

But until just now, the Mo Yu bamboo stick that was sacrificed to the ninth spiritual ban was tested by Mo He casually. The extremely weak vitality born from the intergrowth of water and wood made Mo He suddenly realize something. .

This faint vitality was so weak that it could only spur a grass seed, but it really existed, which made Mo He think of a way to improve his little magical powers.

Life and death is a great way, not what Mohe can touch now, but if we can grasp a ray of vitality according to the way of water and wood, and touch the skin of the way of life, it will also be a huge one for Mohe. The promotion.

The range of light and shadow shrouded smaller and smaller, until there was only a range of about ten meters around Mohe, the landscape in the light and shadow had become like the essence, and the light and shadow gradually dimmed until it disappeared.

But when Mo He continued to narrow the range and reached about five meters around his body, all those landscapes suddenly disappeared. Mo He could only feel that within five meters of his body, the Qi of Mizuki was still under his control. Among them, and his control of Mizuki Chi seems to have become stronger.

But if he wanted to control the Qi of Mizuki and give birth to a ray of vitality, Mo He couldn't do it.

This was also in Mo He's expectation. If the birth of a ray of vitality was as simple as that, then the way of life and death would not be a great way.

In the next period of time, Mo He’s practice focus gradually shifted to the cultivation of his own little magical powers. Every day he would take some time to use his little magical powers many times to tap the potential of his little magical powers and try to master a ray of vitality. force.

Mo He is burying his head in cultivating, but there are many good shows in the outside world. Sometimes Su Bai will come to Wangyue Mountain to tell Mo He these news and discuss current affairs with Mo He.

Xia Wu, the eighth princess of the dynasty who moved Su Bai's heart, has not found the whereabouts of the sixth prince Xia Yuan after months of tracing.

According to the news from the court, the emperor’s body is not as good as the day, and he is getting more and more sleepy every day, but he often sleeps unsteadily, and if there is a very slight noise, he will wake up from his dream.

Even so, the human emperor still insisted on handling all kinds of affairs of the dynasty, and did not forget his responsibilities. Some courtiers wrote letters, hoping that the fifteenth prince Xia Xian, who has been established as the crown prince, could help the human emperor share some, but the human emperor is He did not agree, nor refused directly, and his attitude was a bit unclear.

Far in the imperial capital, the residence of Xia Xian, a fifteen prince, Xia Xian is playing chess with a man dressed as a middle-aged scholar in a pavilion in the courtyard.


The middle-aged scribe dropped a chess piece heavily on a place on the chessboard, then looked at the chessboard, smiled and said: "Your Royal Highness's chess skills have become more and more superb. The cloth pieces on this board are interlocking and the pieces are determined. , It can be seen that His Highness has a strategy in his heart."

Xia Xian, who was sitting opposite him, stared at the chessboard closely, and replied without raising his head: "Why don't Mr. Liu laugh at me? If I want to talk about chess, I have not always been in Mr.'s game. No matter what, it is still It was eaten by the husband!"

"Oh, what does your Highness know?" The middle-aged scribe, who was called Mr. Liu, said with a smile.

"Naturally, my skills are not as good as Mr. Mr. Zhi is not as good as Mr. Chi." Xia Xian raised his head and replied.

The Mr. Liu shook his head slightly, then pointed to the chessboard and said, "I don't think so. The reason why your Highness was restrained by me is entirely because the chessboard is too small.

As he said, his fingers were slowly drawn forward along the edge of the chessboard, and between the fingers gently sliding, the chessboard in front of him was enlarged into a bigger chessboard. Their original chessboard was just A corner of this larger chessboard.

"Why did Mr. Liu teach me?" Xia Xian looked at each other, with an inquiring look in his eyes.

"Hehe, what your Highness has realized, that is what, if you don't realize it, then just play chess!" After speaking, this Mr. Liu stood up, bowed to Xia Xian, and then turned away. Up.

After the opponent left, Xia Xian looked at the chessboard in front of him, suddenly shook his head, chuckled, and muttered to herself in an unsearchable voice: "You guys too, be too anxious!"

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