Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 177: Mysterious method

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Seven

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Seven

The gates of Zi'an County are closed at night. It is easier to get out from here, but it is not so easy to get out without disturbing anyone.

Mo He didn't know how the county lord went out, but he could confirm that the opponent was indeed in a state of invisibility, and did not alarm the guards at the gate of the city, and then left the county town.

Mo He came to the north gate, and his divine sense swept around, but he didn't find any secret passages or hidden gates. Of course, even if such a place exists, it would not be found so easily, otherwise it would have been exposed. Up.

No matter how the other party went out, but now Mo He must also leave the county seat, and finally find the other party again, Mo He doesn't want to just lose it.

Reluctantly, Mo He could only take out his Taoist seal, communicate a trace of power, and touch the city head quietly. Without disturbing the guards defending the city, he leaped lightly from the wall under the cover of the night. under.

During this process, Mo He still touched the power of Mana, causing the garrison on the wall to react immediately.

"Someone touched the power of the law, prepare the army for war!" Almost an instant, such a voice rang from the top of the city, and then a beam of iron-blooded evil spirit filled the city, and a beam of light lit up on the city wall. , Began to search around.

At this time, Mo He's voice sounded from the city gate below, "Everyone, I'm sorry, come here late at night to disturb, can it be convenient to open the city gate and let me go in!"

Listening to the sound from under the city wall, the light on the city wall immediately shone towards the direction of the sound, and then I saw Mohe standing at the gate of the city. Several guards of the city instantly recognized Mohe's identity.

"It turned out to be Mr. Mo Daochang. I don’t know that I will come late at night, but there are important things. If it’s a major emergency, I can open the door and let the road go into the city according to the rules of the dynasty, but if it’s not that urgent, I still hope. Don’t make it difficult for me to wait in the middle of the night, the day will be bright in a few hours, and the Dao Master can enter the city again!” After seeing Mo He on the wall, the guards first breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately faced Mo He. Shouted.

"I heard that the county lord caught the Qingxi Water God today, so I came to see it, but I was a little anxious. If so, I will go back first and wait until dawn before entering the city." Mo He looked a little disappointed and faced the city wall. The garrison said.

"I am waiting for the role of defending the city, and I really dare not neglect my duty. Thank you for your understanding." The garrison on the wall heard this and immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

Although Zi'an County now has a view of the Five Elements, the original Taoist official, Mo Daochang, still has a high reputation in Zi'an County. Now the illuminated mirrors in the county seat, and even the side of their walls, are all from this. If it weren't the responsibility, they were really willing to make it easy.

Nodded to the garrison on the city wall, Mo He turned around and left, and soon left the city gate.

"Fortunately, the county honored me one step out of the city, I should have already gone far, otherwise I am afraid I will return without success tonight!" Mo He secretly rejoiced in his heart, fortunately he had an idea and pretended to enter the city directly. , Did not let the garrison make any major movements.

That is, the county prince sneaked out of the city, and the official seal shouldn't be carried with him, so that he could pass the pass.

Preparing to enter the city to trigger the spell, and sneak out of the city to trigger the spell, the nature of the two is completely different. The former will pass after a cover, and the latter will undoubtedly cause a lot of trouble.

After leaving the gate of the city, Mo He's figure gradually disappeared among the vegetation, and then quickly moved in one direction.

In the county seat, it is not easy to find the hidden trace of the county lord, but after leaving the city, Mohe can quickly find his trace through the surrounding vegetation.

Soon, Mo He felt that the figure of the county lord stopped in a dense forest, as if waiting for someone to arrive, Mo He also quickly came to the dense forest.

In the dead of night, this dense forest with lush vegetation looks very quiet, no one would have thought that in one part of this dense forest, there are actually two concealed figures hiding here at the same time.

Soon after Mo He came here, he suddenly noticed a trace of cold ghost air, and then a group of dark shadows floated into the dense forest and quickly turned into a human form.

"It turned out to be him!" When Mo He saw this group of black shadows, he immediately recognized the identity of this group of black shadows. This is the Yin God realm ghost repairer who stood up to prevent him when he repaired Qiongzhou's veins. Mo He was deeply impressed by the bottle-shaped magical instrument in his hand that could imprison many beast souls.

Mo He always thought that this ghost repair was no longer in Zi'an County, and might even have left Yuhe Mansion's territory, because now that the Five Elements Temple settled in Zi'an County, several disciples died in his hands. When the Five Elements Taoist Temple first arrived in Zi'an County, he started investigating the matter, but he has never found the other side.

"Come out, I'm already here!" the ghost of the Yin God realm said.

As soon as his words fell, the figure of the county lord appeared out of thin air, with a black robe over his body, as if he wanted to merge himself with the night.

"You are really impatient. The news has just been given to you. You caught the Qingxi Water God so quickly. It seems that you can't wait to become a god!" The ghost repairer of the Yin God realm looked at it. The physique of the county lord spoke with a hint of playfulness in his tone.

"This official is cooperating with you in order to be able to become gods. The opportunity is already in front of my eyes, so it's hard to miss the official!" The county lord's voice sounded.

"Become a god?" Mo He, who was hiding in the dark, frowned when he heard the conversation between the two.

During this period of time, Mo He also had a lot of understanding of this county elder. According to the other party’s life experience, he can only use the word mediocre to sum it up, which completely fails to meet the standards of the imperial dynasty. .

As for whether the remnants of the previous dynasty have the ability to conjure gods, Mo He is not sure. Maybe the **** court in the underworld has this ability, but the underworld **** court should not give this ordinary county honorable god, after all, he must be sealed. To be a god, you need to consume much more air than those who meet the standard.

Now that the second dynasty has lost its imperial power in the world, even if there is a means to confer a god, it must be used with caution, and the possibility of giving this county honor to a **** is very slim.

"Could it be that they are planning something big, the county honored next will play a very important role in this big event, so that he can be attracted by the other party with the gods?" Mo He thought in his heart, but then immediately He also denied his own thoughts. If so, what would the other party do to catch Qingxi Shui God?

"Since you have accepted the gift for you, then prepare to become a god. I think you can't wait to get rid of your old body and become a god." The ghost repair voice of the Yinshen realm sounded again.

"What does this officer need to help you do so that you will pass on the secret law to me?" The county senior asked with a hint of eagerness in his voice when he heard the other party's words.

After all, I have been in officialdom for most of my life, knowing that there is no free lunch in this world, so even at this time, he still maintains a trace of relative sanity.

"Hehe, of course you need to pay some price, but not now, but after you become a god." The ghost of the Yin God realm said as he took out a jade slip and slowly let it go. Sent in front of the county lord.

Reaching out and pinching the jade slip that floated in front of him, the county lord looked at the jade slip in his hand that recorded the information he dreamed of. At this moment, there was suddenly some hesitation.

"Don’t worry, you don’t need to do anything more, but after you become a god, you need to be a little high-profile, let more people know about your deeds, so that more people can get a chance to become a god. That's all!" As if seeing the county's hesitation, the ghost of the Yin God realm said again, with a hint of bewitching in his tone.

"Does this only require me to do this?" the county lord asked uncertainly.

"Why, is this price not enough?" Gui Xiu from the realm of Yin God God asked back.

"The price, indeed, enough!" The county senior lowered his head, looked at the jade slip in his hand again, and muttered to himself.

Indeed, this price is enough. When he becomes a god, it means that he is already a traitor to the dynasty, and he has to stand up in a high-profile manner. As a typical, it is even more in the face of the dynasty. The behavior that greeted him was naturally a blow from the dynasty spare no effort.

At that time, he could only hide in the sacred court of the Second Dynasty of Underworld, and only there would be his only safe place. Such a price was naturally enough.

"Why, at the last moment, you don't want to back down, do you? You shouldn't have a chance to look back now, after all, if you have done something, then you can't look back anymore, you can only go forward~www. Don’t worry, as long as you become a god, you will hide in the gods of the underworld by that time, the current dynasty has no way to take you!" The words of the ghost of the underworld realm are like the last of the bend camels Straw, completely let the county lord give up the last hesitation.

He gripped the jade Jane tightly in his hand, then took a deep breath, pressed the jade Jane to his forehead, and began to read the information in it. After a while, he slowly put the jade Jane down. Looking at the Yinshen realm opposite, Gui Xiu frowned and said.

"The movement of using the secret method seems to be a bit big, and it will definitely be noticed!"

The Ghost Xiu at the Yinshen realm on the opposite side, of course, knew what he was worried about, so he didn’t care about it, and said, “Don’t worry, you can do your own thing when the time comes. We will help you deal with the rest of course, and promise not to let you. Disturbed."

Hearing what the other party said, the county lord finally nodded. Without saying anything, when the county lord was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly paused slightly before turning his head to ask.

"One last question, Qingxi Water God is also the **** of the Underworld God Court, why...?"

The county lord's words were not finished, but the meaning was very clear.

"Hmph, some gods, as the gods of the Underworld God Court, but don't want to work for the God Court, but want to stay out of the matter. For these gods, you need to beat them so that they can understand the majesty of the God Court!" The ghost cultivator at the realm of Yin God no longer stayed, and his body turned into a cloud of black smoke and drifted away. For mobile users, please browse for a better user experience.

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