Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 273: Desperate Emperor


After the three Yuanshen Zhenxian strengthened their shots at the same time, the people watching Mohe from a distance also noticed the escalation of the battle on the Luohuang Mountain.

The spirit emperor, who was already in danger, faced the stronger offensive of the three true celestial spirits, how could he resist?

Even if the Spirit Sovereign is not afraid of death now, and the whole person looks like crazy, facing the crush of absolute power, there is only one ending in the end.

Suqian Dao's hand pinched the Yin Jue, and a thick thunder and lightning flew out of his hand, forcibly tore a gap in the sky full of chains. The other two Yuanshens beside him, one of them shot a divine light, and the other controlled An immortal sword rushed in from that gap in an instant, and the two attacks directly reached the spirit emperor at a very fast speed.

The mad spirit emperor was very sober at this time, and his body instantly turned into a black mist, trying to avoid the attack that had reached him.

The fairy sword directly penetrated the black fog, and wherever the blade passed, a piece of it was directly torn off the black fog, and the divine light hit the black fog, and it also made a gap in the black fog.

At this moment, another thunder and lightning came, and the lightning fell into the black fog, and the electric light instantly dispersed and spread to the entire black fog.

In the raging thunder and lightning, the spirit emperor, who had turned into a black mist, was entwined with lightning and reappeared.

Unfortunately, as soon as he reappeared, the fairy sword flew back, and the sword light passed through the soul body of the spirit emperor, making the next movement that the spirit emperor wanted to do completely stopped.

Opening his mouth slightly, the spirit emperor seemed to want to say something in the end, but before he could speak, another thunder and lightning fell, completely shattering his soul.

"I was a Wudao fainting monarch before his death, and after his death he was a disaster and a ghost. Such a person should have died long ago." Seeing the spirit emperor's soul dissipated, Suqian Dao's voice sounded.

The two primordial spirits beside him heard the words and nodded slightly without saying anything. Now that the spirit emperor is dead, nothing else matters.

Mo He and others in the distance saw this scene and looked at each other. Everyone understood that the purpose of coming here tonight has been completed, and it is time to go back.

Mo He saw that after the spirit emperor was beheaded, a layer of light blue hemispherical mask flickered around the original battlefield, and then disappeared. Then, several figures flew towards this side. The other three Yuanshens who had not been seen before.

Suqian Dao and other three true immortals were also preparing to fly to Mohe’s people, but before leaving, Suqian Dao stayed for a while, looking at the land that was devastated by the battle just now, Suqian Dao Shou faced the ground. With a grasping and lifting motion, it is as if something is grasped and lifted.

With this action of him, a mountain suddenly rose from the ground that was devastated to a mess.

"The place where the spirit emperor ends is also recorded in history books. This mountain should continue to exist and should not be destroyed." Suqian Dao said to the other two Yuanshen Zhenxian. After he finished speaking, his figure became sturdy. It turned into a stream of light and flew towards Mo He and the others. The other two Yuanshen Zhenxian glanced at the mountain peak that was pulled out of the ground again, and their body also turned into a light to follow.

When several Yuanshens came back, Mo He noticed that Suqian Dao held the dark chain in his hand. This was the immortal treasure of the Spirit Emperor. It was very powerful. Suqian Dao held this chain, it should be going back to the people. The emperor's fate.

When the matter was over, Mo He and others once again passed the Liuyue Phantom Light Gate and returned to the place where they started, the gate of the city of God.

When everyone set out, it happened to be late at night, but now that they are returning, the sky is still dark, and the whole process lasted less than one night. In this short period of time, the ghost cultivating forces belonging to the previous dynasty have collapsed.

"If there is nothing wrong with everyone, please follow me to the palace. Your Majesty is still waiting for news." Suqian Dao, holding the dark chain in his hand, said to everyone who came back together.

"Brother Mo will go to the palace together, or do you want to go back and have a rest?" Su Bai turned his head and asked Mo He after hearing this.

"Go together!" Mo He didn't refuse this time, and chose to go with Su Bai.

Everyone came to the palace together, and the gate of the palace was directly open tonight, seeming to have been waiting for everyone.

Mo He and everyone entered the palace together, and the moment he stepped into the palace gate, a familiar sense of suppression fell on him.

This is the third time Mohe has entered the palace, but he is still not used to this feeling.

Soon, Mo He and everyone met the Emperor Xia Xian. The place where we met this time was different from the places Mo He had visited before. The place this time was obviously more formal.

In a very magnificent palace, the Emperor Xia Xian sits on a high place with a bed of clouds under him. He looks at the people who walk into the palace. There is no expression on his face, but his eyes seem to contain endless The majesty.

"Enjoy Your Majesty the Emperor, most of the previous ghost cultivation forces have been wiped out, and the ghost cultivation spirit emperor beheaded on the spot, and the remaining sporadic ghost cultivation escaped to the underworld and everywhere in the world." Suqian Dao, as the worship of the dynasty, showed at this time Very respectful.

No matter how courteous the human emperor treats them, the primordial gods and immortals, but on this kind of formal occasion, as the dynasty's worship, it is necessary to show the majesty of the human emperor as much as possible.

After Suqian Dao's words were finished, the waiter on the side stepped forward and came to him with a tray in his hand.

Suqian Dao placed the dark chain in his hand on the tray, and the waiter sent it to Renhuang Xiaxian.

"It's hard to enshrine, and it's the same to everyone. The remaining ghost repairs who fled around, also hope that the major forces can bother, once they find it, they will kill them directly." Xia Xian glanced at the dark chain in front of him, slightly Nodded, and then said to everyone below.

There is nothing to communicate next. It’s almost over here before. As for other things in the follow-up, the major forces actually don’t want to intervene. If they encounter those ghost cultivators in their respective spheres of influence, they are willing Solve it handily. If they can't touch it, they won't spend a lot of thoughts, this matter will eventually have to be handled by the Dynasty itself.

Of course, three major families should be added, especially the Qin and Ming families. They will definitely cooperate with the emperor to drive out these previous ghost cultivation forces.

So, after finishing talking about the main things, the masters of the major forces began to bid farewell to the emperor, and Xia Xian, as the emperor, did not retain him. He just confessed to the major snobbery in a very official manner and gave him his Greetings from the leaders of the major forces.

Mo He just stood by and watched. Through what he saw, Mo He had a clearer understanding of the relationship between the major forces and the dynasty.

Watching all the snobbish people leave one after another, in the end, the only people left in the hall were the people of the three major families and Mohe.

Seeing this situation, Mo He knew that the three major families and the emperor might still have something to say, so he took a step forward, stretched out a picture scroll, handed it to the waiter in the hall, and said.

"This is the picture scroll before His Majesty the Emperor. After the matter was over, I never found a chance to return it to His Majesty the Emperor. Tonight, I took this opportunity to return this scroll specially."

The waiter turned his head and took a look at Xia Xian, and when he saw Xia Xian nodded slightly, he took the picture scroll from Mo He's hand and sent it to Xia Xian.

Xia Xian did not accept the picture scroll in the hands of the waiter, his gaze fell on Mo He once again, and then faintly said: "Mo He, the previous conditions of loneliness are still valid, are you willing to change your mind?"

"Thank your Majesty again for your kindness. I am a casual cultivator. I only came to the capital for my friend. Now that the matter is over, I should return to my small view of the mountains and wilds and continue to live my days of idle clouds and wild cranes." Mo He bowed and said.

Xia Xian did not speak, but waved his hand gently, meaning that Mo He could leave.

Upon seeing this, Mo He immediately turned around, nodded at Su Bai, and then walked outside the palace.

After leaving the palace, Mo He returned to the residence of the Jinhou Su clan. He was ready to go back, but he had to say hello before leaving, and he could not leave without saying goodbye!

When Mo He returned to his small courtyard, the sky was almost bright, and Mo He did not enter the house and began to do morning classes in the courtyard.

When Mo He's morning class was over, Su Bai had just returned to the mansion and came to Mo He directly.

"I want to go back today!" Su Bai said directly after seeing Mo He.

"Brother Su understands me so well, he will know to come to me after he comes back, so that I can quit with you." Mo He joked with a smile.

Su Bai also laughed when he heard the words, "Brother Mo finally came to Shendu, many places have not been visited yet, don't you plan to visit these places and leave like this?"

"If you have a chance, let's talk about This time there is no interest." Mo He shook his head and said.

Originally, he did have the interest to visit other places in Shendu, but now he is gone. After going through the affair, he suddenly became a blessing in disguise, and the embryo is almost finished. Mo He is now back with an arrow and wants to be as soon as possible. Back to Mochizuki Mountain, the embryonic embryo was completely bred.

In this way, not only could Mo He's cultivation be able to step into the realm of pure Yang, but the injuries that had been maintained on the Yin God could finally be relieved.

"If that's the case, then don't leave Brother Mo." Su Bai nodded.

After bidding farewell to Su Bai, Mo He went to bid farewell to other people from the Jinhou Su clan that he had known during this time. In fact, there were not a few people in total, namely Su Zhong, Su Jiang, Su Bin, etc., and one might be added. Zhou Bo.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Mo He waved his hand unrestrainedly. In the farewell of everyone, he left the capital of the dynasty and headed towards Qiongzhou.

Before leaving, Su Jiang very enthusiastically invited Mohe. When he is free, he will come to Shendu again. He will take Mohe to continue the tour. Although Mohe agreed, it is estimated that this invitation will be fulfilled. .

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