Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 279: Alternative Lightning

In the closed quiet room, Mo He slowly opened his eyes, and there were two brilliant lights in his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, the whole quiet rooms were bright.

"Huh, the realm of pure sun, it's really not easy!" Mo He looked at the empty quiet room in front of him, recalling his previous experience when his cultivation base broke through, and a feeling of rejoicing rose in his heart.

From the Yinshen realm to the Pure Yang realm, even though he had consulted some pure Yang masters for their breakthrough experience, but when he really came to himself, Mo He discovered that these experiences could be used for reference by himself.

The experience of other people’s recounting is the experience of other people no matter how you say it, and in the process of recounting, it is impossible for others to tell you completely that some important places will be more or less reserved, so that there are only some of these originally. The experience of reference value has become more plausible.

Mo He felt the profound spiritual power in his body, and was somewhat fortunate that he had accumulated a period of time before breaking through the Pure Yang realm, and the final breakthrough was without danger, or in other words, without surprise.

"A little pure sun, really mysterious!" Mo He said softly to himself.

Originally, after consulting the experience of those masters of the pure-yang realm, Mo He’s understanding of the pure-yang realm was more biased towards the yin-yang change of extreme yin and yang, but when he really reached this realm, Mo He discovered this "pure yang" This is not the case, or not all of it.

If Mo He hadn't had the firm will to grow upward when he was completely frozen, then his pure Yang wouldn't be so easy to be born.

The pure yang that has lifted all the ice, in addition to the change of yin and yang, it also contains the firm belief of the seeker. For different people, there can be more understanding, whether it is called belief or will, or called it. No matter the hope, it all comes from oneself.

Mo He thought about it, and in the closed quiet room, there was another Mo He. Compared with the Yin God before Mo He broke through, it did not seem to have changed much. The appearance was still the same, and it was still OK. Call it yin god.

Stepping into the realm of pure yang, although a little pure yang was born in the yin **** and became stronger, it did not essentially complete the transformation of the primordial **** realm, so the soul is still the yin god, but with pure yang cultivation. .

When the cultivation of the pure-yang realm is completed, and after the three plagues, the transformation is truly completed, then the yin **** will become the original **** and become the **** of the original god.

Manipulating Yinshen to return to his body, Mo He slowly stood up, and then walked out of the closed quiet room.

Originally wanted to continue to retreat and integrate the innate immortal aura into the embryo, but now after breaking through the pure sun realm, Mo He feels that he doesn't need to be so anxious, he can adapt to a period of time, and then try to complete the last of the innate melting art step.

This is also for the sake of safety. So far, every step of my own innate melting weapon secret technique has been carried out very smoothly. Now that there is a crucial step left, I will be able to reap the results. At this time, I must be more stable. Live, don't make any mistakes because you are eager to get things done.

In addition, Mo He suddenly had an idea, he wanted to leave an opportunity for himself, maybe he would need such an opportunity to step into the realm of Yuanshen from the realm of Pure Yang.

Opening the stone door of the quiet room, Mo He raised his foot and walked out, looking at the sky outside, it was still pitch black as when he came in.

Mo He didn't think that the time he spent in the forbidden room was short, and he didn't even use up one night. It should be because he spent a long time in the quiet room, and he didn't know that it was the night after he entered.

The night was nothing to bother a cultivator like Mo He, he could see everything clearly.

Mo He left the closed quiet room and walked towards Qingmei Guanzhong. His footsteps were very slow, and he was still enjoying the night view of Wangyue Mountain with interest along the way.

Except for the view of green plums, every building on Mount Wangyue today, every tree and grass on the mountain, including the mountain now on Mount Wangyue, was created by Mohe himself.

The refining tools and alchemy places in the back mountain, the closed quiet room, the Moon-watching Pavilion on the top of the mountain, and so on, all made Mohe feel particularly fond at this moment of night.

From the view of the green plum with only three simple houses to the weather as it is today, it has only been a few short years in the past, and the view of the green plum will become better in the future, which Mo He firmly believes.

Maybe it was because of the breakthrough in cultivation, maybe because the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time returned to normal, or both. Mo He is in a very good mood now, and this good mood lasted until he returned to the view of Qingmei .

Just after returning to Qingmei Temple, before Mo He had time to return to his room, he heard the voice of a conversation coming from Wuyou and Ren Yunteng's room. In fact, it was mainly Ren Yunteng talking.

"Brother, the master has been in the quiet room for five days. I don't know how long it will take to leave the customs. Do you want to eat Yunjinhua cake?" Ren Yunteng's voice came from the room.

"I don't want to." The only answer to him was worry-free.

"I know, brother, you also think, so while the master has not left the customs, it is better for us to finish the morning class tomorrow, go down the mountain and have a good day, and then buy some wine. When the master leaves the customs, we have no chance to go down the mountain. Now." Ren Yunteng continued to talk to himself as if he had not heard Wuyou's answer.

"I hope the master will stay in the retreat for a longer time, so that we can play for a few more days. I heard that there is a very delicious dish in Linyu County next door, and we can also try it at this time."


After hearing a few words outside, Mo He couldn't help but shook his head slightly. Then, without disturbing the two of them, he quietly returned to his room.

Early the next morning, Wuyou and Ren Yunteng got up early and started to do morning classes. When they walked out of the room, Ren Yunteng happily said to Wuyou next to him, "Brother, after we get down the mountain, we will go straight first. Linyu County, when we come back in the afternoon, we can go shopping in the county town. In fact, we can also go a little further and go directly to Yuhe Mansion and use the magic talisman, as long as we are a little faster. In time to go."

As soon as Ren Yunteng's voice fell, Mo He opened the door and walked out. The very happy Ren Yunteng, the moment he saw Mo He came out, the expression on his face immediately went through a process of ups and downs.

The smile on his original face first became surprised, then a little depressed, and then the smile returned to his face.

"Ah, Master, it's great that your old man has already come out of the forbidden room." Ren Yunteng said with a smile on his face.

"Oh, the teacher thinks you might not think so in your heart." Mo He glanced at him blankly and said.

"How is this possible? The disciple finally came into the master's school, always thinking about learning more skills from the master, how could he have other ideas." Ren Yunteng said with a guilty smile.

"Haha, let's start morning class!" Mo He finished speaking, and ignored Ren Yunteng, preparing to start today's morning class.

And worry-free on the side saluted Mo He before starting the morning class, "Congratulations, Master for breaking through the realm of pure Yang."

Hearing this, Mo He smiled and nodded to Wuyou.

"Hey, the master has broken through the realm of pure Yang. This is the cultivation level only available to the head of the small sect. Doesn't that mean that in the future, our Qingmei can also become a small sect. At that time, except Apart from the master and the brothers, isn't it the biggest in the sect." Hearing that Mo He's cultivation base had reached the Pure Yang realm, Ren Yunteng immediately beamed his eyes and thought with joy in his heart.

For the first morning class after breaking through to the realm of Pure Yang, Mo He was very acknowledgment, and at the same time, he was also very involved. Especially when chanting the Taoist scriptures, Mo He felt that his mind was extremely clear, and he had been pondering the Tao scriptures for a long time. In today's recitation, I have gained a lot of insights.

On Ren Yunteng's side, because he was thinking about things, he was a little absent-minded from the beginning of the morning class until Mo He officially taught him.

Seeing this situation, Mo He punished Ren Yunteng for the first time in a real sense, punishing him to copy the ten Taoism scriptures within one day, and one word could not be wrong. If the task is not completed, then continue to copy the ten Taoism scriptures tomorrow. If it can't be completed, this punishment will continue until Ren Yunteng is completed.

Ren Yunteng didn't care about this simple punishment at first, but it wasn't until he really started to realize that this matter was really challenging for him.

At the end of the day, Ren Yunteng took the copied Taoist scriptures in front of Mo He, but Mo He opened the first book and found that the handwriting on it was crooked, so he let him continue the next day.

For five days in a row, Ren Yunteng spent the time in the library. The seemingly easy small punishments made him make mistakes again and again. Until the fifth day, Ren Yunteng was really ~ Completing the copying of these ten Taoism scriptures without arrogance or rashness, only to reach the satisfaction of Mo He.

After finishing the copying of these ten Taoist scriptures, Ren Yunteng seemed to understand some of Mo He's intentions. Although he was still so noisy on weekdays, he was able to hold his own temper when doing things.

The dark clouds covered the top, and only a bang was heard. A bright white electric light fell on a hill not far away from Mochizuki Mountain. It split a big tree, and the fracture was covered in black, and it was vaguely visible. Mars.

It is now the second half of the year, and the weather is gradually getting colder. According to common sense, there is no weather like thunderstorms, but this scene happened, and it happened not far from Wangyue Mountain.

"Master." Wuyou looked back at Mo He. Although there was no smile on his face, Mo He could feel his joy.

The lightning just now came from the power of Wuyou's little magical power. After Wuyou practiced and became familiar with his own little magical powers countless times, he was finally able to display the power of thunder and lightning through his little magical powers as Mo He said. Achieve an effect similar to Lei Fa.

"Good job." Mo He praised.

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