Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 573: No scruples on the road

In the Human Star Territory, the overall atmosphere is now a bit depressed. The space in front of the Spirit Star Territory has been repaired, and the messy scene now looks like that irony in the eyes of the immortals in the Human Star Territory.

Originally, in this battle, the Human Race had a mentality to fight back and was ready to fight a battle. Even if the resistance of the Spirit Race was strong, the Human Race was determined to win.

However, I did not expect that the final outcome of the battle would be like this. The Spirit Race chose to retreat, but when they retreated, they destroyed the entire Spirit Race Star Territory and once again gave the Human Race a great gift. .

It is already a day later, and Mo He has learned a little bit about the losses in this battle. In the First World War, the fallen immortals of the human race were actually much less than he had imagined. There were only four profound immortal masters who won. Some of the remaining Xuanxian masters were injured.

After hearing this number, Mo He finally breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, after another thought, Mo He was a little surprised and wondered: "Is this number also intentional by the Spirit Race?"

In the last battle where a mighty one took action, the Human race had already suffered heavy losses. If this time, the Human race suffered a particularly large loss, then the Human race will have a complete tearing face and a battle with the Spirit race. .

Mo He is not sure whether his guess is correct, but the current situation is that the Spirit Race has retreated, but the Human Race has become more cautious. One day has passed, but it has become a piece of land without continuing to approach. The spiritual star field in the meteorite zone.

In fact, this time the battle, the Star Territory side of the human race, has been quite cautious. After discovering that there may be some tricks on the side of the spirit race, they did not act too rashly, otherwise, it would not be possible to lose so small.

However, the commander of the human race did not expect that the spirit race would choose to play such a big game and destroy the entire spirit race star field, because the destruction of the star field is undoubtedly one thing for Zichen. Kind of damage.

Mo He looked at the Spirit Race star field where all meteorites were left, and then thought of Zi Chen's eyes. He probably guessed why Zi Chen chose to do this.

Bringing himself into the current situation that Zi Chen is facing, if he wants to become enlightened, he has to completely master the starry sky this way to go, this way is obviously unworkable.

If you put aside everything and think of a more flexible way, there is a first-line possible way to make Zichen good fortune, it may be to destroy the stars in the starry sky that are not within his control, or even crazier. The starry sky is destroyed and rebuilt.

In this way, he may not succeed, but at least he has the hope of success.

The Spirit Race star field that had become a mess on the opposite side had vaguely affirmed Mo He's idea. Zi Chen wanted to achieve good luck. This might be his glimmer of hope.

Thinking of Zichen's dialogue with himself, Mo He knew that Zichen still hesitated in his heart now, after all, this starry sky, but the base camp of the Spirit Race, and the place where he was nurtured.

As the innate gods bred by this starry sky, if it were not a last resort, Zi Chen really would not bear to destroy this starry sky.

However, Zi Chen's hesitation should only be called reluctance, because in his heart, he has actually made a choice. Compared with the starry sky that gave birth to him, he yearned to pursue the great road.

"Chao Wendao, Xi'an is dead!" Mo He sighed like this in his heart, and at the same time thought of some things he had experienced in his mind.

Mo He remembered that when he was in Cangzhou, the Shouyuan he saw came to an end, but at the last moment of his life, he sacrificed the elder of the small sect who made a magic ship, and when he was in Jingzhou, The experts in casual cultivators who often gather together to discuss the Taoism, as well as some other people and things he has seen during his travels.

When he met those people, there were many cultivation bases higher than him. Now he has already surpassed those people, but now in retrospect, Mo He suddenly feels that he is still on the road like those people. On the searcher.

Everything in the world is Tao, and there is no difference between superior and inferior, but only in personal pursuit, just like the elder of the small sect who came to the end of Shouyuan, but sacrificed a magic weapon class ship, Mo He was willing to believe at that time He has gained the Tao, and Mo He still thinks so now.

The cultivation of the Yinshen realm is already insignificant to him today, but the satisfaction that seems to be Dao is still what he is pursuing now.

Thinking of this in his heart, Mo He gradually became a little stunned, and it took a while to react.

In a blink of an eye, and a few days later, the atmosphere of the entire Terran Star Territory was still somewhat depressed, but this did not affect Mo He. After the battle was over, he soon began his normal cultivation.

Some follow-up problems after this battle don’t need his little real fairy to worry about. Some damage to the outer formations will naturally be repaired by the masters of the Xuanxian realm, and how should the spirit star domain deal with it now The problem is naturally a headache for the masters of the human race. What Mo He has to do now is to continue to improve his cultivation base and make himself stronger.

While he was cultivating, Mo He suddenly felt a familiar breath approaching, and it soon fell on the star where he was, and then immediately afterwards, the other party's voice came into his ears.

"Friend Mo Dao, I have come to visit you, is it convenient to meet guests now?" The master of this voice is Zheng Chou, an old neighbor of Mohe.

Although he knew that the other party would never fall in the last war, Mo He was still a little happy now that the other party appeared again. The more he practiced, the fewer people with the same temperament.

"Friend Zheng Dao is polite!" Mo He responded, and then he felt Zheng Chou's figure and quickly approached in his direction.

Soon, the two met again. As soon as he saw Mo He, Zheng Chou was not at all unfamiliar, and he smiled and said to Mo He: "Haha, I know that you will be fine with Mo Daoyou, last time In that battle, I suffered some injuries. Later, after the formation was broken, I was taken by the stars and dumped me to other places. After that, I have been healing. Some time ago, my injury has just recovered. I guess you should pay it back. I am here, so I will come and have a look today. I didn't expect Daoists to be here!"

"It's a pity, there are some things on the previous star that are not easy to remove, otherwise I will move back and continue to be neighbors with fellow daoists, hey, what a pity!"

Seeing that there was still some chattering Zheng Chou, Mo He had a smile on his face, listening to his endless talk of his experience during this period, and then occasionally interrupted.

"This time the Spirit Race's methods are a bit too ruthless. The entire star field was destroyed by them. On my Human Race side, four Profound Immortal masters accidentally died in battle, and many Profound Immortals were seriously injured. I heard that they suffered. It’s a little bit troublesome!" Zheng Chou said with a low expression after a lot of talk.

"Oh, how do you say?" Mo He asked curiously when he heard the words.

The injury that can make the masters of the Xuanxian realm feel troublesome, it is definitely not an ordinary injury, but the injury caused by the destruction of the star field is serious, but recovery will not be troublesome!

Hearing Mo He’s curious questioning, Zheng Chou immediately said, “I don’t know this very clearly, but I just heard other Daoists mention that this time before the Spirit Race Star Territory was destroyed, there was a Spirit Race in it. The secondary races that came out, the injuries on these profound immortal masters, are related to these secondary races of the Spirit Race.

Hearing Zheng Chou’s words, Mo He remembered that after he entered the Spirit Race Star Territory, he did discover that there were some Spirit Races with weaker auras, all below the Immortal Realm. He did not pay attention to it at the time, and did not even care about it afterwards Now when Zheng Chou mentioned it, Mo He immediately realized that something was wrong.

When the entire star field was about to be destroyed, these spirit races with such a low level of cultivation did not leave with the other masters of the spirit race, but instead remained in that star field. Either it may be because it is too weak and has no value at all, so it was abandoned by the spirit race, or these spirit races with a relatively low cultivation base, they have a special role to stay, now listening to the meaning of Zheng Chou's words, obviously it is The latter.

"It is said that the name of those spirit races with very low cultivation bases is called disaster It was a subsidiary race created by the spirit race powerful people after a lot of effort. Originally the spirit race powerful people thought It is necessary to create a sub-race with stronger combat effectiveness and a larger number. As a result, the disaster spirit created in the end is not very powerful!"

"However, this kind of catastrophe can master some filthy powers, such as calamity qi that can damage the luck of the air, and the very troublesome decay qi. Under normal circumstances, their power is not a threat. Experts above the immortal realm, but when the disaster spirits have a certain scale and encounter some kind of disaster, their power will be greatly increased, and even touch the way of the disaster. It is said that the injuries of those profound immortal masters , It becomes troublesome because of this!"

"Fortunately, their injuries are just a bit more troublesome. The human race masters took action. After a period of time, their injuries should have recovered and will not have much impact. However, during this period, the human race may not be able to immediately activate again. Attacked!"

After finishing these words, Zheng Chou glanced at the direction of the Spirit Race star field, then turned his head, and continued to speak: "I am afraid that the only gain from this battle is that the human race can take the area of ​​the star field to Move forward a little bit. After a few days, after the Terran masters have confirmed that it’s safe there, the Terran side should sort out the star field. Anyway, since the Spirit has abandoned this star field, I The Human Race can no longer let them take it back easily!"

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