Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (205) An explanation by the female patriarch

"Uh~hhhh! That's right~ Well! After all, you can save yourself after helping me, and at the same time save all the compatriots here! So~ don’t be hesitate, but I have brought enough food for tens of thousands of people for several years. Here, remember to give me a good explanation when you are full~Explain! Ku~ku~ku!"

  ‘Om~Om~Om, Huo~ Huo’

After seeing the female sub-human patriarch succumb to this, I feel that the conspiracy of Ai Jiang has been concretized in such a way that a large amount of food that has been prepared and can be picked up and eaten is provided as a high-quality consumable for restoring physical strength and magic... …

   (Is there a lot of reserves? See if I don’t eat you!)

   "Ah~ah! I won't be polite of course! Huh~huh!"

   ‘haha~haha, guruk~ guruk’

   also looks like a very angry female sub-human patriarch, just like this, with a very unrestrained manner, with a bow left and right, grabbed one food after another and started to eat and drink...

   "So~ what is the situation before? Why my high-level magic and high-quality natural magic will not have any effect on her! In terms of strength, I will not lose to you at all!"

   After seeing this female sub-human patriarch almost ate and drank, Ai Jiang, who still did not let go of the opportunity, asked her for advice like this!

   After all, it is difficult for her to defeat Fritia without solving the key factors between them! So she had to pry out the secret from it!

   (Really an impatient person! I just ate and drank! But ~ she is excusable for her eagerness to know! After all, that magic monster is really buggy!)

"Huhhhhhh! Actually, I don't really understand the specific reasons! But first, try to gather that~what natural magical magic! Attack me and see? After all, seeing is believing, will it make you more clear, right? "

   When the female demi-human patriarch is still in the time to breathe after dinner, seeing Ai Jiang's slightly more polite appearance in school, it makes the female demi-human patriarch a little unbearable!

   After being helpless, it hooked her finger to Ai-chan, and signaled her to attack it with all her strength without regard to it! It can be seen that it is very sure that it will choose this way to teach it personally!

   (Let me use magic to attack directly under such unsuspecting situation? I'm afraid it is a little upside, right? But ~ it may have its own confidence!)

   "Then I'm welcome! Hey~hey!!!"

  \'Om~Om~Om, bang~bang~bang, bang~哐, nourishment, nourishment, nourishment\'

   (This~this? How could it be possible!!! When did it use defensive magic? There was nothing before, and I didn’t see any traces of it being shot! How did this happen?)

   "It's amazing! Is this the main reason why I haven't found a strategy? It's really amazing!"

   And just after Aichan is still using a skeptical eye, she kept looking up and down the female sub-human patriarch and found nothing tricky! She was running a fiery red magic power around her jade fist.

  Then scorched this fist with flames and increased destructive power, which is about intermediate magic level. It smashed hard at its non-critical points! But a magical barrier of thunder system, as if appearing out of thin air, completely offset the magical attack without any concessions!

   And this unexpected situation immediately drew Ai-chan's attention. After all, it was discovered that this situation seemed to have appeared in the battle of Flytia without the slightest difference!

   is like this as if an invisible protective film is naturally formed, and it has been powerfully immune to many Aijiang intermediate or high-level magic offensives, making it always passive...

   (Are you so overwhelmed by surprise? But ~ the magical sensation just now! It's no wonder she has such a headache! Being abused and beaten by that magic monster!)

   "Hey~hey! That's what makes you dumbfounded? It looks like you are a lot more layman than me, a beginner in magic! Or, you really haven't found the fundamental problem?"

   Looking to see Ai-chan making such a fuss! He even showed a very surprised gaze, making him feel that the future is so difficult, and sighed and shook his head...

   After all, just when she launched a magic attack on it, it had already clearly discovered that Aichan's seemingly powerful magic was so weak! There is always a big qualitative difference in their magical connotations from the ground up!

   If Ai-chan has been using this kind of magic to try to penetrate her or Fritia's defense or something! I'm afraid there will be no possibility of standing there and letting her output for a long time...

   (What do you mean? Is there a principle that I don’t understand at all?)

   "Oh~Oh? Why are you so good? Why are you so sloppy? Is it possible~(?>?<?) You are just bluffing what trips me up, right?"

   Seeing that suddenly the female sub-human patriarch began to sell her, she rolled her eyes and excited her with such deep suspicion!

   (What the **** did I do?)

"Huh? I gave you magic to confuse you? Don't overestimate yourself so much! All this is because there is a spontaneous magic power around my! Surround me like a companion!"

"So why is your magic attack blocked like it hits something! But ~ from what I just observed! It seems ~ can only resist your natural magic? And it can also prevent some physical ones. Influence! This is the main reason why you have not worked! Understand?"

   Seeing Ai-chan's suspicious appearance, she almost exploded the female sub-human patriarch in a moment!

   After all, this principle is really too simple! Therefore, the love sauce, which has been drawing on the natural magic of nature, is as clear as the authorities, fans and bystanders! So let her point her nose desperately and reprimand like this!

   (Is it an immune protection effect passively formed by one's own magic power? This is the first time I have heard of how bug-like ability...)

   (Wait a minute! That is to say, if I can't activate my own magic power in my body! Conversely, there has been no way to penetrate such defenses?)

   "So it turns out that there was a problem from me! If it weren't for this condition! My dear theory would not have such a big error! Great! Thank you! The demi-human patriarch!"

   And when I heard this female subhuman patriarch’s careful explanation, it seemed as if Ai Jiang had suddenly realized that she suddenly held the other's jade hand like she was going crazy, and expressed her gratitude so full of gratitude!



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