Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 13: Important personnel gathered in 1 hall

"Ah~Ah! Brother Aigil? What are you doing here?"

At this moment, the clothes were changed, and the girls who were talking and laughing coming out of the underground hot spring happened to ran into Agil, who had just returned to enter the office.

"Ah~Ah! So it's everyone! Why? Did you just come back from the hot spring? It seems that you all enjoy and relax! Obviously I am still working hard! I also want to have a good relaxing time what!"

Seeing the girls in the bathing beauties, Agil began to complain to them with a smile.

"Could it be those two secretly organized things? It depends on how tired you look! There should be a lot of pressure, right? Husband?"

Casey, who cared about her husband the most, slowly came to Agil's side and asked gently with his arm.

"Well~Well... can you say that! Ah! It just happened that Brother Yun just finished the task and came back! Do you want to prepare? I think Brother Yun should give you a new task! Remember to come to the office to gather. !"

Aigil watched the arrival of almost everyone on the player side, and told them seriously.

"It's great! Is he back? It looks like there should be a lot of gains, right?"

Aisha, who cared about the cloud the most, hurriedly trot to Agil, holding Kirito's hand and asked.

"Yes! Brother Yun will come back to let you know the details! I think Argo and Miss Silica can come, and I have to notify Klein! I really don’t know if this guy is with him again. The buddies went to accompany the girls in the medical team, and after searching for a long time, no one was seen!"

Agil nodded and told the people again, and then walked into the office first.

"It looks like! Everything should be eye-catching, right? Otherwise my husband won't inform everyone like this!"

Casey looked at Agil who was focusing on her work, turned around with a sigh and said to everyone.

"It should be! Let's prepare to meet in the office too!"


After Kirito took the lead to stand up and make suggestions to others, everyone nodded slightly and walked to their respective rooms on the second floor in an orderly manner.

(It seems that the internal troubles this time should not be that simple, right? Or else Agil would not be so frowning!)

After returning to the room, Kirito had a private chat with Asia.

(Ah~Ah! People think so too, but how much we can help Yun is another matter! It just depends on this situation... it may not completely root out the other party! Ah! Are you ready? Kirito sauce? I’m already okay here!)

After Aisha sorted out some necessary things, she checked Kirito on the other end.

(Hmm~Hmm! I'm ready here too! Let's meet in the office then!)

Kirito also responded to Asia when he was ready, then turned his handle and left his room.

But what I didn't expect was that as soon as I opened the door, I saw Asuna, who was wearing white leather armor, and Silica, who was wearing light yellow leather armor, anxiously sticking outside the door of his room. This scene really surprised Kirito.

(So...what are Asuna-chan and Silica-chan pestering at my door?)

"How are you? Asuna-chan and Silica-chan! What are you doing together here?"

Although they don't know what the two of them are doing in front of their own door with their arms folded, they should be polite.

"Ah! Kirito sauce is out!"

"Hello! Kirito sauce! The two of us have been waiting for you here for a while! It's really slow!"

I saw Asuna and Silica at the same time puffing up their little buns and looking at Kirito with a bewildered look.

(Um... to wait for me? What are you waiting for me? Don't you just go to the office and wait?)

"Really? I didn't expect Silica-chan and Asuna-chan to be so fast! You were waiting for me at my door in a blink of an eye!"

Someone couldn't understand why the two would deliberately wait for Kirito to smirk at him.

(Woo~Woo! I feel that Kiritochan is so dull! Two girls who are so cute are waiting for her! She actually smiled silly at both of us, feeling that our relationship is so difficult and difficult. Looks like!)

Some people who secretly said that Kirito had some wooden heads also sighed slightly, and realized that to deal with such beauties as Kirito, you must take more initiative to get Kirito to ask Yun's harem claws!

"So let's go! After all, others are still waiting for us in the office!"

Kirito smiled and wrapped his arms around the waists of the two girls, walking down the corridor a little ambiguously.

(Wow~Ahhh! Kirito-chan is so bold! Direct... directly around my waist!)

Silica blushed slightly and glanced at the hand wrapped around her waist.

(Huh~huh! Tongrenjiang actually took the initiative to hold my waist! Suddenly~ suddenly looks so happy! My heart is about to pop out!)

Asuna, who was also aware of Kirito's inadvertent behavior, also enjoyed Kirito's chest with her hand. And that little face was red like an apple, after all, it was Kirito's initiative, which really made her feel a little at a loss.

"Oh~ yeah! Kirito sauce looks like a winner in life! As soon as you came out, I saw you hugging from left to right! What a look like a wine pond! Is there any aspect of Kirito sauce? Interest? Would you like Sister Argo to join in?"

I don't know when Argo also walked out of the room. As soon as I turned his head, I saw Kirito, who was full of love, teasing with a smirk.

"It's really true! I didn't expect that Kirito sauce would still eat all men and women! Why didn't Sister Casey discover that Kirito sauce turned out to be such a hungry wolf girl!"

At this time, it may have happened to hear Argo's words when he came out of the room. Casey also looked at the scene of Ji Qing with a smile and clapped his hands gently.

"Sure enough, Tongren-chan should be with Asuna and Silica-chan! That way, Pei is someone else's! There are so many beautiful girls to accompany you! Why bother robbing Pei from others!"

At this time, she also came out of the room and watched everyone gather together with Kirito-chan's bold move, Aisha also cast a wink at Kirito, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

( it that bad? Why are everyone coming at me?)

"Ha~Haha! Stop kidding me! It's not what you think! It's not like that!"

Realizing that so many eyes were staring at her own Kirito-chan, she quickly retracted her hands and explained it to several people.

(Ahhhhhhhhhhh... Kirito-chan let go... I feel a little lost...)

After feeling Kirito-chan's hand leaving, Silica sighed slightly depressed.

(Woo~Woo...Why are everyone here to stop me and Kirito Jiang Qingqing mine mine! It's really unlucky!)

Asuna also complained and looked at the other people, but the others shrugged at the two with a knowing smile, saying that it was Kirito himself that had nothing to do with us.

"Okay, okay! That's the end of the joke! We should go down too! Unexpectedly, it was the result of everyone going down together!"

As an elder, Casey clapped her hands and pushed the girls back down the stairs slowly...

It may be a coincidence that the girls came across Klein and Lena walking into the tavern together, but still the same way. Klein, who was stiff, even walked on the same side, and Li Na smiled indifferently, but the old man and Mia also walked in behind them, which really surprised the girls.

(It seems that the meeting this time should be full-fledged! Otherwise, the old man and Xiao Mia would normally not attend the meeting!)

Kirito secretly chatted with Aisha privately.

(People also think that it may be a major event. Almost all relevant officials or important personnel participated in this discussion. It seems that the information or intelligence obtained this time is not trivial!)

Also aware of the seriousness, Asia also nodded slightly to Kirito's direction, and pushed open the front office door with everyone in the group...

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