Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (218) So I'm not a man anymore!

   (No... No matter how you try to change the essence of magic, you still use the natural magic surrounding you with impurities. Damn it, how can you activate your own magic to crack this tricky defense...)


"What's the matter? I didn't seem to hurt her? But why did it make her cry? Could it be that this strange hallucinogenic effect made her see something weird? It's really touching Confused..."

And on the side of Aichan who is in the situation of refining outside of the illusion, she kept trying various methods to transform the natural magic as much as possible, but after all, it was useless in front of this peculiar magic barrier, and there was not much. effect……

   But the sudden sound of multiple drops of water made it happen to raise his head to catch a glimpse of Gilly Field, who was in the hallucinations of excessive sadness! It confused her a lot...

  Although Ai-chan could not understand what kind of scene in the illusion, she was so deeply trapped in it, so she couldn't help but let her squint her eyes and pause for a while like the continuous magical sword attack in her hand...

(If there is some way to know what she sees! I am afraid I can also know some shortcuts from it! By the way, I remember that the literature seems to have not been completely read, first see if there is a way to observe or even induce it. Right!)

  ‘Di di di di, hu hu hu’

   I was also thinking about it for a while. I really couldn't think of a good way. Looking at Gilly Field, who was still intoxicated by hallucinations alone, seemed to think of some bad idea of ​​Aichan again.

   then showed a cute smile like a little devil, and then quickly flipped through the ‘Magic Vine’ literature that I hadn’t read in a hurry before, and began to find an easier way to crack...

(Yes! I didn’t expect it to be in an inconspicuous place! Let me take a look and see! That's how it is! Sure enough, there are ways to use it together! But in a sense, there is still a certain risk... Well! No! If you get into the tiger's lair, you will get a tiger, then let's switch positions first! Sister Gilly Field! Kukuku!)

   "'Magic Vine' entangled and bound her, squeezing her magical power, physical strength, and even invading her body without a trace! This is a new command to become your master now!!!"

  ‘Gadagada, rattle rattle, squeak rattle’


After a while, she did find a way for Aichan, she did not hesitate to directly manipulate the natural magic power of impurities that she slowly absorbed, and then directly used the method of contacting the "Magic Vine" to give it to it. This stern instruction.

   The same magical plant seemed to be very obedient, and it bound and tied the completely defenseless Gilly Field in mid-air, just like the Scar waswolf at the time, completely making the enemy helpless...

   But using its more torturing method, to...

Invaded a large number of branches of ‘Magic Vine’, and then began to control its depth!

   "Then combine this method to see what you are looking at! Uh..."

  ‘Gada Gada, Squeaky’

  Naturally, in order to synchronize what Jilifidd saw and felt, Ai-chan also drove the branch of the ‘Magic Vine’ in the body to further invade the melon seeds in his small head.

   After all, only in this way, as if to give up the way of being a human and being more assimilated, can you be more in control and even see all the phantom scenes it brings to Gilly Field...

(This seems to be the mapping forgery scene here in the illusion, right? And over there is me who is still dying in the illusion, and here is...Gillifield, who is looking at a bunch of flowers and looking sadly. What kind of cute situation is this? What's so good about facing a bunch of ordinary wild flowers with strong vitality?)

   "It really makes people unable to understand her actions..."

   After further assimilation with the "Magic Vine", in Ai-chan's field of vision, there is already a sense of sight that is not what he is watching, as if from a third-person perspective.

   And the internal environment is almost the same as where they really are. The only difference is the simple and incomprehensible sights she sees!


   (Ahhhhhhhh! The "I" over there reacted a little too! Gilly Field also wiped away the tears, and then he should be ready to torture the "I" again?)

   was also when Aichan was a little unable to understand her feelings, that false self seemed to have a sign of awakening, so she was pulled back to Gilly Field in this false reality for a while!

   subconsciously stroked the tears hanging on her cheeks, and then re-adjusted to her original rude and arrogant image and walked slowly over her proudly...

   "Hahahaha... is this... still the situation of **** and demons?"

"Of course! Do you think that if you are caught by others, you can still have big fish and meat in or even worship you as a distinguished guest? Isn't it unrealistic to say such a dream? Little girl! I have been waiting for you to eat and drink and then wake up for a long time!"

Still not knowing that all this is an illusion, Gillifeld squatted down again, and then squeezed the position of the mandible of Ai Jiang with his jade hand, and looked at it with cold eyes like looking at trash. Cruelly criticized!

" why are you not killing me? I always feel that your purpose is a bit wrong, not like asking me about this purpose! On the contrary, it is more like knowing a lot about me. Things are the same...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

  ‘Click, sizzle, squeak’

   It seems that after this "love sauce" was temporarily free from life danger, after a period of careful thinking, after seeing Gilly Field's goal for one or two points, he was kicked and blasted into the lower abdomen by one of the sides.

   Then I connected a few quick claws...

He completely shaved off the remaining limbs of "Aijiang", making him a good person to lean on the wall like a stick, and even couldn't help crying in pain...

   (Oh my God, although I know that it is a fake self... But just watching the body like this, I can't help but shudder a few times!)

   (This guy is really a guy with the same two-faceted nature. He was so gentle and gentle when he saw the bunch of flowers just now. This minute he has become a torturer like a face change...)

   "But is it about me? What is the situation that makes him have to flog me again, and emergency treatment is so costly?"


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