Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (Two Hundred Twenty-Nine) Phase 2 ends and becomes...

Then, like boiling and burning, the withering magic covered on it began to lose its effectiveness as if it was gradually evaporating...At the same time, the jade body, like black charcoal, slowly came out of its original appearance like a molting!

   Not only that~ the skin is full of ruddy and **** color, and it is restored to the same place, but it also becomes more slippery...

(This is... to fundamentally change the nature of my withering magic, and then turn it from harm to beneficial magic? Since it is not the opposite of adaptation or destruction, is it just the third solution? It's really a solution Master of miracles! This is beyond my expectation (?????))

   "According to the original agreement! You have passed my fitness assessment! Can you tell my new owner your name?"

   "hu~hu~hu, p~p"

   After seeing that she was applying magic and was transformed into other buffs in a fundamental sense, Di Afilia, who knew that Ai Chan had passed the trial, subconsciously flapped the huge dragon wings a few times.

   Then he lowered his head very sincerely in front of him, and rubbed it against the fleshy cheeks of Aichan who was still closing his eyes, and asked so affectionately.

(It looks like... is it barely over? It's really a very dangerous stimulus, and it's a trial that consumes too much physical and mental energy... If it weren't for my dear words, I still remember from time to time, I'm afraid I will really die this time. Alice! (???ω???))

   "Little Ai, the beast mother of the'Natata' clan, if it is the surname~ it is Tsukizaki with her husband, and I would like to ask Diaphelia for more advice in the future! Haha~haha..."

   And after feeling that Aphelia was in the original state of Nadi, that very rough, painful and full of dragon scales, Ai Jiang panted and introduced her weakness...

  ‘Om~Om~Om, Om~ Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om

But it didn’t take long for Aichan to introduce him like this, and suddenly appeared in front of them, a pentagram magical circle with purple and black halo, and a piece of parchment paper slowly emerged from the center of the interior. Magic scroll.

At the same time, inside the scroll, there are very cumbersome magic words carved like a brand. Even if there are some Aichan that can be interpreted, they can’t fully understand the above content... But the bottom of it seems to be the place of inscription, and two names appear. However, Ai Jiang knows the handwriting and name of the other side! That is Tsukizaki Ai!

Of course, when the two names were portrayed at the same time, and then it seemed to be stamped with some special seal, the magic scroll gradually turned into sparks like spontaneous combustion and disappeared in front of you. It can be said that everything is particularly magical and full of that mysterious taste. With...

   "Te Afilia! The one just now is..."

"Ah~ah, that is the soul contract signed between us! After all, you want to fully obtain the right to use my magical power and the right to command. You must have certain restrictions before you can use it, otherwise you are now this I am afraid that my small body will explode and die soon!"

   "Then~ Master Xiaoai! Now your task of subduing me has been completed, it is time to go back and finish what you should do! By the way~ If you have a chance!"

   "Next time, tell me about the magic specific characteristics, composition, and all related operations? I really care about it. There is a third solution that I don't know!"

   "Hmm~hmm! (?????) Then I will come and chat for you slowly! The time is up, we will see you next time! Di Afilia!"

  ‘Om~Om~Om, 喤~喤~喤’

And just after seeing Di Afilia reluctant to leave her, and even wanting to fully understand the situation of Ai-chan passing the trial of magic before, Ai-chan promised to her again and again with a light purple magic halo and left here. ! ...

   "Aha~Aha... It looks like I'm finally back! Gilly Field! How long did it take me to break through the second stage? There is nothing strange about me here, right?"

   The Aichan who came back also panted like a awakening from a big dream, and after watching it for a while, it was still wrapped in the "Magic Vine" and the familiar sight of Gilly Field hanging on it! She subconsciously rubbed the bridge of her nose and started consulting her!

   (Finally succeeded! The previous look was really annoying and terrifying...... (?ó﹏ò?))

   "It's only about ten minutes, mainly because you seem to be turning into black charcoal in the back. It's too dangerous! Fortunately, you survived!"

Seeing that the sweaty Ai-chan wanted to grasp the previous situation so much, she gave her back to her the real situation in one way or another. It seems that the trial of Di Aphelia just now has a direct impact on her body. Sure enough, once the other side dies, this side will also finish playing the crippling situation!

   Fortunately, I love Jiang Zhizhongsheng and intelligently analyzed a more desperate way to rescue, otherwise I am afraid that the real body, Gilly Field, and all the wolves here will suffer together!

   (It's so short... Actually, it's a lot faster...)

   "So...Thank you! But ~ what do you think of my physical condition now! Can I proceed directly to the final stage?"

   When knowing that she was really after nine deaths just Ai Jiang couldn't help but squeeze a cold sweat. After all, after having just experience, she did a risk assessment in advance and consulted Gilly Field...

   (How kind of suddenly is it? Is it possible~ In her inner magical world...what happened to make it less reckless and too dangerous like a gambling?)

   "How do you say? I do feel that some magic power similar to your troublesome situation is slowly emerging in your body now, but it seems that you can't control it and use it as freely as it feels..."

   "And with the special regeneration effect of'Magic Vine', and from the situation just now, adults are still full of dangers! ╮(╯_╰)╭ So I don’t recommend you bite the bullet and break through!"

   Gilly Field recalled the situation before and after the current situation, and then carefully watched Ai-chan's unstable magic power release situation, then shook his head and spoke to him like persuasively...

   (Is it true? Although I am prepared, I really don’t feel like it in my heart~ ah...)


   "Then how long do you think you can rest in order to meet the final stage?"

   Beware that the well-known Ai Jiang was indeed told that there was no play, she was very relieved to ask for further advice.

   "In fact, it's not anxious~ Seeing your current physical injury recovery speed inferred, you can train and start again in about 20 minutes! So you should take a good rest and recharge your energy to end this breakthrough mission in one breath!"

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