Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: The Chinodia and the priests recruited in the Christmas Eve Christmas (253)...

The ‘crazy~pop’-like electric spark situation, like a ignited lead, rushed directly along this subtle magical channel...


[High magic shock response! High magic shock response! Ask the master to disconnect the magic connection! Ask the master to disconnect...Zi~Z~Z...]

"What? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

‘Om~Om~Om, Zi~ Zi~ Zi, bang~bang~

"Chino Di!!! Hey~ Hey!!! x3"

‘Boom~Boom~Boom, boom~ boom~ boom, bang bang~ bang bang"

However, Kirito's magical strokes did make Yun them unexpected, and they did not expect that they would be preparing for Chino to launch a long-range magical attack on them at the same time! Just like it will do the opposite directly, the army will come!

It was actually able to use this invisible magic connection route, as if hitting a yellow dragon, hitting the unsuspecting or even too late to react to Chino's body!

The raging thunder with a high concentration of sacred magic power flows through Chino's muddy body like a river, and not only that~ it also leaks a large amount of white and blue powerful electric sparks, which instantly energizes Chino's. Unconsciously screamed again and again!

I'm also seeing Yun and others who are in the wrong sign, although they immediately used the magic power of necromancy to suppress the magic of neutralizing thunder and lightning.

However, it made Chino die completely fainted like a step late, and even as if the high temperature electrolysis was two-pronged, leaving only a small body as large as a baseball, collapsed on the ground and trembling, boiling mud... …

('s still a step too late...x3)

"Unexpectedly~Ah! This is a very classic fishing tactic, and it will be used by this girl in such a subtle way. It is indeed unexpected...Looking at the appearance of Lord Chinody, I am afraid that there is no way to fight. That's right!"

When I saw Kirito in this state, he was able to give them a disarm with such a calm and calmness, which really made Yun Du a little sigh and sweat a lot.

It makes it even more uncertain whether he is pretending to be tricky, giving them a false self-condition and intelligence, or killing one of them like a Jedi counterattack, and shaking their follow-up actions in a situation of one for one... …

"It's okay! As long as the soul is not completely destroyed, I will be able to pull it back! You two step aside, and be careful to be reversed by the magic power of necromancy, which affects your physical functions!" '!!!"

‘Om~Om~Om, Hum~ Hum~ Hum, Da~ Da~ Da’s ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Seeing that Chinody was unable to fight at all, the priests did not actually have much reaction. Instead, the priest himself stood up and expelled Kaiyun and Delphi from a safe distance.

Just stretched out the two very skinny bone hands from the tattered robe, and used the large amount of purple and dark magic power that was continuously outputted from the wrist, and quickly injected it into the now half-dead Chino base...

‘Guru~Guru, Gada~ Gada, Wala~ Wala’


(This is!!! Use magic power as a price to directly convert all the organizational components that the opponent has lost, and then let it quickly recover its combat and action capabilities?)

(If this is the case~ Without first solving the priest and completely annihilating the soul of the undead, it only needs to use this magic like reviving the dead, and it can make the battle impossible to return to the battlefield!)

Also after the injection of magic power, Chino Di clearly appeared to gradually regain consciousness, and could not help but gradually and quickly transform into the exact same muddy body, and complained to Kirito as if he was very hateful...

"Ha~ha~ha! As expected, nothing can be difficult, Lord Priest! If it weren’t for him who doesn’t like fighting and maintaining various large-scale magics, we don’t need us to fill up the combatants. I am afraid it will be very fast with an adult alone. It's the right thing to settle this situation!"

"Let’s say a few words! Delphi, after all, we still have to find a way to confirm her true condition. If it is still in its heyday, the sacred attribute of mutual restraint is still a bit more effective for us, although we are the same~ but we can’t always Consume with her indefinitely! The more procrastination, the worse it may be for us!"


"Om~ Om~ Om, Guru~ Guru"

And seeing Delphi, who seemed to be taking it for granted, couldn't help but praised the priest again and again. He was reprimanded by the priest who seemed to be in a bad mood, and finally closed its mouth obediently.

But seeing this makes Yun a little concerned! After all, in many situations before, the priests have not seen the priest take the initiative to stop the words of his subordinates!

Obviously, I am afraid that the current situation is not very optimistic, or something that makes him more concerned or anxious, so that Yun slowly came to Delphi's side.


"What's the matter, Master Yuanxiang? Is there something you want to find me?"


(Hold your head down?)


And near Delphi's big feet, he hooked his fingers to indicate that he lowered his head when he was in a dazed state, and he moved his horse's ears close to the cloud as if he had been particularly instructed. Direction up.

"Usually~ When the priest loses his temper and scolds people like this, isn't it something to worry about?"



"Almost right? After all, it is possible that the goddess has been mentioned! And the sacred Let the priest bring back any bad memories, right?"

"After all~ before and after becoming an undead, it has been chased by restrained attacks with its comrades for a long time, so it hates this kind of existence! Especially it hurts its siblings or something, it burns a lot of anger, right?"

When he heard Yun's question, Delphi, who seemed to be overly concerned, turned his head subconsciously and went to look at the priest who was still fully concentrating on the treatment of Chinodia. After confirming that he had no intention of caring about the conversation between them, he did so again. Turning his head and quietly giving back to Yun...

(It turns out that some of these origins are in it? No wonder when it met the goddess of Kirito sauce, it spoke very much and kept assisting Delphi and them! It seems that it is still a bit too annoying for the existence of this aspect... …)

"I see! By the way~ If you don’t use magic to connect and explore, can you still lock the girl’s target? Perceive the situation, you should not be countered by it!"

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