Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (256) True and False

As for the priests who are also on the other side, because Yuanxiang left, the magic screen on the side is still in a state of strong magic interference like a snowflake screen!

However, some thoughts can be heard intermittently inside, and the damaged picture flashes for a moment, but it is through this visual and auditory effect.

Cooperating with Delphi's own magic feedback on the approximate position in this inherent barrier, it did not fully perceive the specific traces of Yun and Kirito, but ~ it can also get the rough feedback that is full of deceptive intelligence!

Just when it had confirmed that Yun and Kirito were fighting, it was a little absent-minded while complaining and slowly turning around to watch the priest's situation!

But what I didn't expect was that it didn't take long for the priest to finish the treatment, but he had already floated beside it, and then questioned it carefully in such a calm manner.

"Priest!? Yes! Because I am here to be you and Chinodi's guard and to maintain the inherent barrier, I have no choice but to secretly make such an advocacy with Yuanxiang-sama! Please forgive the priest... …"

After seeing this mysterious and silent priest in front of him, Delphi, who dared not to hide too much, just reported it briefly.

(This voice...Unexpectedly~ That goddessized girl is still so specializing in the use of psychological warfare and tactics. Not only did she use high magic power to release an indiscriminate offensive not long ago, but also forced us all to be forced to surrender a lot of magic power. And also used the situation of being investigated from a long distance to seriously injure one of our generals from a long distance like a vine!)

(And~ now there is still enough energy to be so stalemate with Yuanxiang in the sky, it seems that it will be better to wait for Chinodi and other personnel to arrive! After all, even if I can deal with it~ but once the undead temple is lifted If the surrounding magic power is maintained, and the defense of the "Dead Demon Tree" is enhanced... I am afraid it will be very bad...)

"No way! Delphi! You try to use long-range attack magic artillery to support Yuanxiang, from which I will use the undead army of Necromancer Summoning technique to help him together, although it may not help him much, but at least It's okay to share some pressure with Yuanxiang!"


‘Om~Om~Om, Om, Om~ Om, Om~ Om~ Om, Om~ Om~ Om"

After drifting over to see a trace of that magic power flashing on the screen, Yun and Kirito were using mid-to-long range attack magic to contain each other's false images.

Although it was not possible to distinguish the authenticity of the screen information in the first time, this first-hand information made the priests who had no spare energy changed a lot...

That's why it issued waiting and long-distance support to consume commands, assistance, and Delphi to support the cloud in this good and safe position...

‘Boom~ boom, da~ da~ da, da~ da~ da’

"Gada~Gada!!! xN"

(Are you coming? It's just the most typical long-range artillery support, coupled with low mana consumption, but with good cannon fodder, and the necromantic summoning technique?)

(It looks like that good illusory information has brought a cautious priest who has been cautious! But ~ but... if you don’t react to some real attacks! The undead army will soon be contacted in close quarters. I found something unusual!)

"Then~ I can only play another scene with'Kagemusha'! Although it can only simulate the heroic appearance and appearance of the familiar Kirito-chan, it is enough to have a false and real effect in the place where this false information is rich! "

‘Da~Da~Da, Om~Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om~

And Yun felt that around and even above the magical barrier outside, there were many elements and necromantic attacks and bombings, and a large number of inanimate but magical plural groups were detected, and they were slowly encircling and suppressing Shifen from all directions.

Knowing that the effect of this blind eye technique could not work from a distance, Yun looked at the back of Kirito, who seemed to have recovered a steady breathing, and showed a very spoiling appearance.

At the same time, he created a similar outline to Kirito, but with an invisible intelligence distortion effect. After the "Kagemusha", he directly penetrated the magic barrier and rushed into the bombardment-like battlefield outside. in……

(Are you gone? In the end, in order for us to go back and liberate the entire Dehuman tribe village, Yun really took great pains... and he is also sneaking into the opponent's forces, and he has learned a lot and has grown a lot!)

"But... do you personally deceive such an enemy of magic? He is really a guy who loves to take risks with his own body and who has not forgotten to consider our physical condition. In the end, this recovery magic will still stay here! I really don't know if he did it on purpose or something. of……"

When he went out before Yun's feet, Kirito turned over with his hind feet, looking in the direction he had left, and then took a look at the low tree that continued to bloom with buds to provide him with healing effects.

In order to give myself a quiet environment and rest, after the magical barrier that is not disturbed by external attacks and other disturbances, I just showed a soft face like relief, and fell asleep completely in the true sense...

"Pop~whoop, wow~ wow!"

"Cut~Cut! What a terrible scheming! If you don't escape fast! I'm afraid I will be forced to be restrained there! Huh~huh?"

"Shoo~hoo~hoo, bang~click"

"Where do you want to escape? After finally catching a big fish, how could it make you escape easily! Huh~huh?"

‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Boom~Boom, Da~Da~Da’

And just on the battlefield outside ~ After a burst of continuous magic bombardment, Yun suddenly rushed out of the smoke screen raised after the explosion, and then felt a lot of grumbling complaints like this.

But as soon as he rushed out, there were no more than ten seconds, and countless white magic light arrows passed through him, and they also hit the position of his right forearm, continuously burning and purifying his skin.

After all, Yun’s body is full of necromantic-like undead mana, so when he receives a sacred attack, he will temporarily interrupt or inhibit his speeding regeneration effect, causing him to suffer from continuous burning effects. Endlessly...

Also after Yun was scratched by this offensive, the ‘Kirito’ who rushed out later took two black one-handed swords, and even chased them out like a halo with a nice white magical power on them.

But just when'Kirito' was about to attack him again, the surrounding area contained a wide range of attacks as if thousands of arrows were fired with countless attack magic mixed in, and it was like raindrops that directly bombarded the place where'Kirito' was. Mid-air position!

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