Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (293) Cloud's stalker negotiation

(However, even if I lie, I am afraid that the end will not be much better. To be honest~ After confirming the fact that I have been the least want to speculate, in fact, there has been a certain degree of change in my heart! It is possible~ Yes and Because of her long conversation in the Temple of the Immortal, she has a subtle sense of companionship, right?)

"Who knows? Actually at first I did hold on to reveal your hidden secrets, and then I was looking for a good opportunity to kill you in the cradle, but when I saw your true identity, I am afraid that my own decision was also shaken. Right?"

"We...can't we just stop this meaningless aggression and even persecute my residents like peace? In fact, I might not want to continue making a senseless fight with you this minute! After all, we are both on the way. The loss was heavy, isn't it?"

After confirming that there is no need to be deceived, Yun seemed to be relieved to consult the priest in front of him so sincerely!

After all~ now he has no intention to completely eliminate the priests, more is the idea of ​​wanting her to give up aggression and continue to persecute the people of Central Asia in the world!

(Isn't there a lie and didn't you deny this identity? It seems~ he really wants to persuade me to take the road to peace!)

"Ah ah ~ ah ...... I cloud, you do not understand why we invaded here, or even learn magic from prisoners who do? Maintain 'Undead magic tree' and the temple of immortality magic, even if I had a spare Enough, but not a long-term solution after all!"

"Furthermore! You should have also been talking to the silly big guy in Delphi, and learned a little bit about my past situation, especially human beings are the existence that our undead people hate most!"

"Just like the living abhor dirty, foul-smelling, terrible, and even the living dead, we don't know that it can be regarded as biological existence! From the beginning, there is no common language and the possibility of peaceful coexistence!"

The current priest is more able to accurately judge whether he lied to him through magic and Yun’s words and behavior than the alternative outside, so after confirming Yun’s true thoughts, she had to sigh a little sadly. !

Then, like tentacles akimbo, pointed his jade finger in the direction of his nose, expounding her and the undead's concept of humans in such a serious manner.

Coupled with the various situations mentioned in the previous diary, the priest has never liked the existence of humans since the last abandonment of human identity! That's why I categorically rejected Yun's request...

(Really a tough stance! Is this the main reason why the priest has been troubled or even unable to forgive? But ~ but I always feel that there is a subtle violation of the internal organs...)

(By the way! That is the gentle attitude that treats me as a necromancer, is it possible~ Is gentleness at that time just a necessary practice? Or the kindness that I showed because I was homeless ?)


"Is this really the case? Shurami Dong Xier, is it possible that there is no solution at all... Only through this life-and-death struggle can the symptoms and not the root cause be cured?"

When he heard these words from the priest, Yun recalled for a moment that although he was rude at the time, but he really cared for himself in every possible way, so he squeezed his fists like this, and asked him again very sincerely! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

(This guy... It seems that he has really changed his original intention. I can feel what he did before, but actually he wants to solve the problem fundamentally, so I can come to where I really am!)

(Not only that~ In fact, his real purpose at the beginning was to take advantage of the distraction and fighting of the clone outside, and then sneak into here to confirm his speculation, and at the same time, he was determined to assassinate me secretly... so when When he saw the real me, his heart was still shaken by the memories of getting along with him before, right?)


"Haha~Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! !"

Once again, I heard the cloud words containing a lot of emotion, even the priest could know why he called her real name at this point in time.

Because from this moment on, she has returned to the identity of this human name, and Yun is also looking for a close friend, constantly looking for the best way to kill two birds with one stone! This is the best result he has always wanted...

Therefore, the priest who frowned slightly, after swaying around the cloud in mid-air for a few times, he hovered in front of the cloud again, opening one eye to him as if he had made a step. Let's talk.

"What can I do? How do I know if I can accept it if you don't!"

When he heard the priest's words as if there was still a little leeway, Yun's whole body could be happy to consult him again and again!

"It's very simple! It means you can solve everything after a trial. What do you think? Are you willing to accept it?"

And when she saw Yun look so overjoyed, for some reason, she suddenly smiled like a smirk with the corners of her mouth rising, which made Yun a little alert for a while. After all, according to the priest’s bad habits, this trial may be problematic. Either there is other willingness...

(It always feels like she is thinking about something that makes people feel uncomfortable, but ~ since she can solve it peacefully as long as she passes it! It must be because the content of this trial is very troublesome!)

"Yes? What a trial? After all, your hiding place has been rushed over by me like this ~ Is it possible that you are still afraid of your other things?"

Although Yun himself knew that the priest might have to do something on the way, but now there is a situation in which one can avoid friction and then completely satisfy the two parties. Even if he knows that there is a problem, he has to bite the bullet and accept it, otherwise~ That's what we saw on the battlefield!

(How straightforward? It seems~ I really don't want to have too much mutual harm and friction with me...)

"OK~OK! The trial is very simple! I will open a portal for you. You only need to enter after a period of time and then come out on your own strength! Of course I assure you that there is definitely a way out, not for You use this kind of trial when you are under house arrest or conspiracy! So you don't have to worry too much!"

"But~ can I find the way out on my own? It's not what I can do! Even if it is such a vague trial of vague rules, are you willing to accept it?"

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