Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (355) The goal is in the heart of the undead dragon...

After all, this sense of excitement is indeed forgivable. At any rate, there is a one in ten thousand chance that it is very likely to directly reach the special place where the magic circle can be arranged!

That's why she felt so energetic step by step, and gradually moved forward in this troublesome path in a cautious state...

‘Clap~clap, clap~clap’



"Good risk! I almost fell!"

"Hmm~mm! xN"

"Haha~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) reminding you to get rid of the back road soon! "

"Sorry!? (;'Д`?)xN"

And just like this, within a few minutes of walking in, the rock warrior who was behind Asuna immediately made her busy!

(Hmm~hmm? Below this is!!!)

"Boom~Boom~Boom, Pata~ Pata"

"That's it~ it's really close! It's just that I didn't expect to fall into this place!"

And at the point when Asuna turned around like this and wanted to reprimand them, she immediately looked at the location below the collapse, and then smiled as if she understood what was happening again!

(So... where is the little lord, what is he doing with a smile on his own? Is it possible to think of some terrible punishment for us? xN)

"Woo ~ woo ~ woo...('×ω×`)xN"

At the same time seeing Asuna smiling like a standard villain, these rock warriors shuddered subconsciously!

After all, every time a laugh, whether it is a natural goodwill or a malicious look, there is no good thing for them to follow... That's why I am afraid that I am so retreating like a three-pointer...

"What are you in a daze! Remember to be gentle with the ground and walls, and along this road we will soon be close to the most possible place!"




Although Asuna's follow-up didn't seem to be particularly strange, the more peaceful it was before the storm, the more the Rock Warriors followed her instructions in awe...

"Boom~ Rumbling, Pata~ Pata"

And this long time went deep into this place, the wider the place behind it, the scene around Asuna also slowly changed a lot!

At first glance, there are more and more embrittlement lesions here, but they are much harder than the previous ones, so the internal existence that falls will not cause a cave-in. It is a lot more stable!

(Here! The largest entrance and exit connection location! Look at this scale and almost determine where it is!)

"Coronary artery? What a long bumpy journey!"

"That...little lord! Where are we going with so many valves? xN"

"It's okay, after all, any one can lead into the heart now! It depends on whether it is in the atrium or ventricle on the left or right!"


"You guys are so troublesome! Here! Quick~ Quick!"

‘Om~Om~Om, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum, Hum

And after a certain distance, Asuna and the others climbed all the way uphill to the fleshy ground, and they came to a huge cone-like vascular confluence space similar to the scale of a slight slope.

And here is not only that there are several roads connecting to here, but also if it continues to branch down, there will be multiple paths, but Asuna hasn't been able to determine where she is.

I wanted these rock warriors to choose a path for her to go straight down. As a result, these guys seemed to have a choice disorder for a while. They looked around and finally turned their eyes to her.

Asuna, who sighed with helplessness, quickly opened the messy thrombus in front of her in a fierce and slash-like manner, and just slid all the way.

"Eh~ Eh!!! Wait for us! Lord!!! xN"

‘Swap~Swap, wow~wow~wow’

And when I saw that Asuna didn't want to care about them at all, these rock warriors slid down one by one in a panic like abandoned children...

"Papa, papa, papa, papa, papa, papa"

(Wow~Ah! The situation is really big after this journey! After passing the valve, you will reach the inner atrium position!)

"But~ luckily it didn't beat or sway like just now, otherwise it would be too troublesome, oh~ oh... But this almost half-solidified sticky and smelly situation is indeed a bit of a headache! It seems~ the important magic circle is not here! In other words, maybe it is below or on the opposite side?"

It was also when Asuna was the first to pass through a completely wavy and tortuous blood vessel passage, and then it was time to enter a conical space with a large **** as wide as the top and narrow at the bottom.

In order to see the surrounding situation clearly, Asuna concretized a simple torch to provide a view, after she explored the four directions along the path that continued.

‘Da~Da~Da, Zi~Zi~Zi, 唰~Da, Wow~Wow~Wow"

Except for the fact that the feet are full of semi-solidified substances and certain thrombotic objects, there is no aura of setting up a magic circle here!

But because of this, she found a way to the next area. After checking that there was really no important thing around, she put away the simple torch and jumped down again without looking back!

‘Om~ Om~ Om, Gada~ Gada, Zi~ Zi~ Zi, Huh~ Da, Wow~ Wow!"

(Oh~ yeah! It seems to have found a useful position! I did not expect that the other party did add some other things in the organs of the undead dragon!)

(Fortunately, I brake in or it will really be completely exposed! But~what about the falling objects and liquids? Forget it! Fix your position first!)

‘Hmm~ Hmm!嚓~嚓~嚓, Zi~ Zi~ Zi, Huo~ Huo’

And while Asuna was still sliding towards the lower ventricle position, the sparse and abnormal sound below was immediately asked to take out the double rapier, and it was so fiercely submerged in the walls of the fleshy blood vessels and stopped. Come down.

But while she was fortunate that she reacted quickly, a large amount of semi-liquid fluid in the blood vessels that followed her from top to bottom just slid down.

Although she hadn't figured out how to solve this situation, she, who was the first to hide herself, immediately retrieved a rapier, buckled a hole in the blood vessel wall next to her, and then hid herself inside and watched it. Changed...

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