Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 28: Preparations for the Hongmen Banquet

Not long after, under the protection of the two patrols, Argo and Hexiang and the Lord Diss of the city came to the gate of a simple European-style stone fortress. The huge suspension bridge gate and the surrounding moat were seen. It looks a little majestic and majestic, and Argo did not expect that such a large-scale city fortress would appear here, which was something that did not exist in the beta period.

(Is it really another world? I didn't expect there to be such a place!)

"Lord Diss's mansion really has a special flavor! It can be described as the existence of a city within a city!"

Argo smiled and praised the Lord Diss who was walking beside him.

"Yes! I don't know how much time and energy it will take to build such a big place!"

Hexiang also stared at this nice fortress and said.

"Thank you! Thank you! It's something that the local people built spontaneously to express their gratitude to me! To say that style is also the crystallization of the power of the people! It has nothing to do with me!"

Lord Diss said to the two very modestly.

(Eh~ Eh! Was he still a good lord of incorruptible thrift? It seems to be loved by the people!)

Argo and Kazuka looked at each other and smiled, and then followed Lord Diss into the fortress where the gates were lowered. They first reached a very wide square garden, and along the garden they reached the inner city of the fortress, where they actually lived. .

"Welcome the arrival of the host and two distinguished guests! I am the butler here, Fogg! If you have anything to do, just call me!"

A young black-haired Asian man dressed in a plain butler's suit bowed deeply to Dis and Argo.

"Wow! Wow! Butler! Looks so professional! Argo!"

As if He hadn't seen him before, he blinked his big beautiful eyes and watched Fokker very closely.

"Come here and Xiang! You are so rude! Sorry! Some of my companions have never seen the world! I made you laugh!"

Seeing this, Argo immediately caught Hexiang back, and pressed her head to apologize to Fokker.

"Ha~Haha! It doesn't matter that I am also from a poor family, so I won't mind! Master, two of me have prepared the banquet! I don't know when the banquet will start?"

Fokker waved his hand with a smile, and asked Diss behind them.

"It's still early! Why don't you two stay at my mansion for one night? After all, the general banquet is still held at dinner time. I am afraid that it will be too late and the road will be dangerous! Although there are patrols, the two girls will go back. I'm still not at ease! It just so happens that I have plenty of rooms here, I hope you two will not dislike it! Let's be part of the apologize!"

Lord Diss smiled and proposed to the two of them.

(Is this... not so good? How important is it to let us two strangers live in... Kazuka! Don't look at me with this look! I am very troubled!)

Seeing this situation, Argo, who was still ready to say no, turned his head and saw He Shana’s pitiful eyes like an abandoned puppy. He knew that this guy wanted to spend the night here, but Argo also felt affectionate. But fortunately, after all, I have never lived in such a large house, it is inevitable that I am a little yearning.

"Okay! Excuse me then! Lord Diss!"

Under the inducement of various factors, Argo still sighed slightly and accepted the proposal of Lord Diss. When Diss heard this situation, he was already laughing, but Fokker beside him looked a little uncomfortable. , But due to the hospitality and enthusiasm of Lord Diss, Argo and the others missed this situation.

In this way, Fokker went to prepare a room for the two and left by himself, while Lord Diss treated them with courtesy while it was early, and took the two to visit the town freely and saw the locals. They both treated them warmly and communicated with them. This ordinary day came to the afternoon.

"Ah~Ah! This time is just right! And Mia's shop is in front! Let's go get things first!"

Glancing at the familiar blacksmith's shop ahead and the hour in the afternoon, Argo proposed to Hexiang.

"Okay! Just to see what style our little cutie makes! I'm looking forward to it!"

Hexiang happily took Argo's hand and hurriedly left Lord Diss's side and ran into the blacksmith's shop.

"Slow down, two! Don't fall! Ha~haha!"

And Diss at the back also greeted the two with a pleasant appearance, and just after the two walked in, the middle-aged Fick slowly came to Lord Diss's side.

"Lord Lord! Everything is arranged! Just wait for these two little nizis to move into your mansion!"

Fick whispered in Diss' ear with a smirk on his face.

"Okay! I will reward you again when I go back! These two little nizis have caused me to lose a few good helpers for nothing! But it doesn't matter! As long as they participate in the last dinner named Liberty tonight! Every day in the future will I will pay it back in other places slowly! I promise! Ha~haha!"

And at this time when there was no one else and only his own, Diss's originally sinister and cunning face emerged. He also licked his lower lip with his tongue, laughing like a bandit leader in a coat of beast.

"Ha~Haha! Congratulations, Lord Lord, can hug the beauty tonight! I wonder if I can share a piece of the pie? That girl named Argo looks weird! It's the type I like!"

And Fick also thought of Argo with a wicked smile, the slender but girlish body begged Gus.

"What? Do you dare to want her? Obviously I was attracted to it first! That Hexiang can play whatever you want! But that Argo is the only one that I can play! Understand?"

I saw Lord Diss grabbing Fick by the collar and exhorting Fick with an angry look.

"Yes~Yes! Yes! The subordinates know! The subordinates know!"

Fick, who touched his gray nose, didn't expect that his lord would like a cute girl like Argo compared to the protruding Hexiang, which slightly surprised him.

"Huh~huh! Just know! Go! You can't show up here yet! Or that smart Argo will be suspicious! Get out!"

After looking at the direction of the two people who seemed to be coming out, Lord Diss kicked Fick out, and then watched Fick run away, before he regained the handsome lord’s smile and walked over. Go to the door to meet the Argos who got their things.

"Sorry! Lord Lord's time was delayed!"

Algora came to the front of Lord Diss and apologized with a contented Kazuka.

"Ha~Haha! It's okay! It's getting late! Please both of you come back with me for a dinner! Come and lead the horse!"

Lord Diss beckoned his men and brought 3 horses!

"But I still don't know how to ride a horse!"

Argo waved his hand to the However, Hexiang stepped on the horse, and then took advantage of Argo’s carelessness to hug her on the horse and put her in front of him. This ambiguous action Diss looked into his eyes, he couldn't help squeezing his fists in the dark, and then looked at the two immediately with a smile.

"Ha~Haha! I didn't expect Miss Hexiang to be a master equestrian! But is it convenient to ride with Miss Argo?"

Lord Diss clapped his hands to the two of them, but Kazuka held the reins around Argo's slender waist indifferently, and waved his hands to Diss to indicate that he didn't worry.

(Damn little Nizi! What do you do to the woman I like!)

When he watched Hexiang stroking Argo's little cheek, Diss was already very hostile to Hexiang in his heart, but he knew how to forbearance is still so calm on the surface.

"Then let's go!"

"it is good!"

Argo smiled and suggested to Diss under the horse, Diss also stepped on another horse and returned to the mansion with the two and the patrol team...

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